Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 124 Dream Butterfly

Chapter 124 Dream Butterfly

"Ah! What is going on here?"

"Illusion, could it be that what we saw before was all illusion?"

The sudden change in the scene made everyone's hearts tremble, and their expressions were full of disbelief. At this moment, they felt a buzzing in their heads, as if they hadn't recovered yet.

"Mu Yu, it's Mu Yu, he's not dead yet!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, with deep shock in his words, and his face was very excited.

Immediately, everyone looked over, and their faces showed joy in an instant. They saw that the monk who fell into the sea and was killed by fierce beasts was lying on the ground at this moment, looking at a loss, as if he was still in a dream.

"It's them, they are still..."

"Ah... Those people are not dead!"

In an instant, exclamations sounded one after another, everyone looked excited, and tears flickered in their eyes. In an instant, the audience was filled with an atmosphere of joy.

Seeing that although there were people injured but no one died in the field, Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately, holding the little girl in his arms, he landed slowly on the ground.

With a whoosh, Lin Yefeng appeared next to Wentian in a flash, and asked solemnly, "Wentian, what is going on? Could it be that what we saw before was all hallucinations?"

As soon as these words came out, those people who fell into joy also changed their expressions, and turned their heads to look at Wentian, as if they were also eager to know the truth in their hearts.

Hearing this, Wentian put Meng'er down, but Meng'er held his arm reluctantly, as if she was deeply afraid that he would leave suddenly again.

Regarding this, Wentian also felt helpless in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, at this very moment, Ye Tian, ​​who had always been silent, suddenly spoke.

"Dream Butterfly, the Vientiane Demon we saw before was just the illusion of the Dream Butterfly. As for the abyss and boundless sea, it was only produced because we inhaled the fantasy powder of the Dream Butterfly and destroyed our senses. fantasy."

Wentian's eyes suddenly contracted, and the eyes he looked at Yetian became serious.

He originally thought that no one here would know the existence of Dream Butterfly except him, but he didn't expect that Ye Tian seemed to know more details than him.

In an instant, he was even more curious about Ye Tian's identity.

"What? The Vientiane Demon before was transformed from other monsters?"

"Dream Butterfly, what kind of monster is this?"

Suddenly, Ye Tian's words caused an uproar in the crowd, and their eyes were shocked, as if they couldn't believe it.

In the uproar with the others, Lin Yefeng cast his eyes on Wentian, as if he wanted to get a definite answer from him, and Wentian nodded solemnly.


With Wentian's affirmation, in an instant, many people looked shocked and gasped. Unexpectedly, the Vientiane Demon that almost killed them before was just an illusion.

No~ To be precise, it should be a kind of monster called Dream Butterfly, which is an illusory demon of everything.

However, soon, their hearts were relieved, because if there were really dozens of Vientiane monsters, how could they persist for so long with Lin Yefeng as the Vientiane Realm alone? All opponents were killed.

Thinking of this, they felt a fluke in their hearts.

"Fortunately, it's not the real Vientiane Demon, otherwise..." Everyone's heart trembled.

"Dream butterfly, its body strength is not strong, but its illusion is half-truth, if you don't know the root of it, it is difficult to break their illusion. It is rumored that there was a butterfly emperor in ancient times. The heaven-defying power that can make people reincarnate forever." Wentian murmured, his expression full of fear.

Although these things are just what he heard from his master Dan Daozi in the previous life, there is no way to prove them at all, but after the rebirth, after the bloodline ban with the turtle demon, he faintly feels that there may be some kind of truth in this world. The supreme existence can make people reincarnate for a hundred lives, and even be reborn.

Hearing Wentian's words, Yetian raised his eyebrows suddenly. Obviously, this was the first time he had heard such a legend.

But soon, he sighed softly in his heart, and saw him shaking his head slightly.

It's just that no one knew why he sighed, and why he shook his head, maybe he didn't know it himself, but when he looked at Wentian, his eyes were more determined and dignified.

"Young Master, where is Grandpa Yue? Why didn't he come back with you?" At this moment, Meng'er quickly asked as if thinking of something.

Zhou Bo and Lin Yefeng's expressions changed suddenly, as if they had only reacted to Meng'er's words.

Wentian apologized, shook his head lightly and said, "I don't know where Yuelao is now, but he should have escaped from the capital at the beginning."

"By the way, Third Uncle, do you know whether my Lin family has any friendship with an old beggar, or has any relationship with my mother?" Wentian asked suddenly with a flash of inspiration.

After he fled the capital, he has been wondering about this question, but no matter how he thinks about it, he can't think of the reason. Therefore, he only hopes that his third uncle can know some inside information.

However, he was destined to be disappointed.

I saw Lin Yefeng shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said with puzzlement in his eyes: "Third uncle has also heard about the person who rescued you in the past few days, but he really doesn't know anything about him. As for whether it is related to your mother, it is even more unclear."

Hearing this, Wentian raised his head, his expression full of doubts.

"Third Uncle, let's go!" After saying that, he took Meng'er and walked forward.

However, at this moment, Meng'er suddenly turned her head, her eyes full of doubts.

"What does it feel like? Why do I feel closeness and resistance? Is there something coming?" She felt uneasy for a while.

It's just that they didn't seem to notice it.

After everyone cleared up their mood, it didn't take long before they followed Wentian and continued to move forward. This time, with Wentian guiding them, unconsciously, everyone felt more at ease and felt extremely at ease, even in this lost inner forest. .


And just when Wentian led them forward, this was the lake where the turtle monster was before. Here, the turtle monster was floating on the lake, its face was ashen, and the corners of its mouth twitched slightly, showing that it was in a very bad mood.

"Om!" Suddenly, there was a burst of red light behind it, and immediately, on its back shell, the writing of "Lin Wentian's Turtle" changed for a while, and finally turned into a red pattern.

The formation on its body is almost exactly the same as the formation on the back of Wentian's left hand, the difference is that it is much larger.

Looking at this formation, its face became extremely gloomy, and its whole body trembled suddenly, as if thinking of something, but it only muttered with the voice it heard.

"Who the hell is this damn kid? Why does this king have his bloodline pattern on him, and this guy makes me feel like I've known him before, but I can't remember it. It's really weird !"

"Forget it! Forget it! Now that the little one is finally getting rid of, I have to get a good night's sleep and get close to my concubine."

He muttered to himself, and immediately, its huge body sank slowly again, and disappeared on the surface of the lake in the blink of an eye, and as it dived into the lake, the lake water suddenly soared, and soon submerged the previous water level.

(End of this chapter)

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