Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 126 The Valley of the Valley

Chapter 126 The Valley of the Valley

At the same time, tens of miles away from here, the void suddenly shook and twisted for a while, and immediately a figure the size of a leather ball sprang out of the void at high speed with a bang, and hit the ground with a bang, immediately blasting a big hole.

The dust billowed from the ground, and it was covered in white. When the dust dispersed, a small animal with a golden and white color intersecting and a body shape like a ball was revealed.

Its eyes were wide open, its face was full of anger, and its two short claws kept dancing.

"Ai, ai, ai!" It kept shouting in dissatisfaction, as if it had been humiliated before.

"Hee hee!" Not far from it, on the towering old tree, some stubborn monkeys couldn't help laughing when they saw it like this, and some even danced and danced, their faces full of ridicule.

"Hee hee... squeak..."

Hearing the naughty monkey's smile, the little furball beast suddenly went into a rage, swiping its claws vigorously, yelling and yelling, and the originally soft hair on its body slowly stiffened.

However, when the group of stubborn monkeys saw this, they giggled even louder, and even one of them took the peach that he had bitten in his hand and threw it vigorously at the little beast.

It's just that the little furball beast's figure flashed, and it dodged in an instant. Immediately, it seemed to be completely angry, white light bloomed on its body, and its claws kept moving, as if forming some fingerprints.

hum!There was a buzzing sound, and immediately under the terrified eyes of the stubborn monkeys, a stone next to the little beast suddenly floated up, and the next moment, it shot towards them like a shooting star.

"Zhizhi..." In an instant, the group of stubborn monkeys were shocked, and fled in the forest as quickly as they looked terrified, and dispersed in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, when the group of stubborn monkeys all disappeared, the little furball beast rolled its eyes and looked very proud. Suddenly, as if remembering something, its figure flashed, and it appeared on a peach tree in an instant.

Its eyes showed curiosity, looking at the many peaches hanging on the tree, it jumped vigorously, picked the biggest one with its claws, and hugged it in its arms.

There was a moment of hesitation in the eyes, but in the end, it still babbled, and took a big bite towards the peach that seemed to be bigger than its body.

"Bah ah..."

However, soon, it spewed it out quickly, with a displeasure on its face, and yelled loudly, as if the taste of this peach was very unpalatable.

Suddenly, I saw something in his big round eyeballs, as if thinking of something, his face was full of intoxication, a touch of red flushed on his round face, his body began to sway as if he was drunk, as if he was playing Tai Chi .

The next moment, there was a surge of white light on its body, and it disappeared from the original place in an instant. After it left, many stubborn monkeys sprang out of the forest again, but they looked puzzled, looking at the place where the little beast disappeared, and kept scratching their heads.


Under the leadership of Wentian, everyone came to a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters without any danger. Looking at this valley like a paradise in front of them, many people looked dumbfounded and felt a shock in their hearts.

Valley of the Valley, I didn’t expect that when I entered this lost inner forest, they would encounter the Valley of the Valley in the legend. You must know that every valley like this is a piece of paradise, or it’s a kind of Taoism. The hidden world of the tall.

In an instant, everyone looked shocked and ecstatic.

"Wow... the aura of heaven and earth here is so strong!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, their eyes full of horror.

Everyone took a deep breath of spiritual energy instantly, and immediately, their eyes were bright as stars, and their faces were full of excitement: "With such a strong spiritual energy, maybe I may suddenly reach the Vientiane Realm in my lifetime."

"Great! I can faintly feel the desire to move in my body. I'm afraid it won't be long before I can suddenly transform into a spirit and soar into the sky."

"The old slave also feels that the vitality in his body is sprouting again. I am afraid that he can live for a few more years. Maybe he can still look forward to the return of the old master and the young master to marry and have children." An old man who is nearly a hundred years old said excitedly with tears in his eyes. .

When everyone heard the words, their expressions suddenly became complicated.

The lifespan of an ordinary person is only a hundred years. Some monks in the Spirit Transformation and Vientiane Realm, although their lifespan will increase greatly with the advancement of their cultivation, they will not be able to live beyond five hundred years. May live the same life as the sky!

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts suddenly became heavy, and there was even a faint surge of sadness.

"Under the law of heaven, everything is like an ant, but I, Lin Wentian, firmly believe that even if I am an ant, I still want to be an ant that can stir up wind and rain and shake the sky."

At this time, Wentian suddenly spoke, and his body naturally exuded an unyielding will.

Perhaps infected by his will, everyone came to their senses one after another, their eyes showing determination.

"That's right! With such a blessed place for cultivation, I believe it won't take long for our cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, I will go all out to return to the capital and take back what belongs to us." Someone said angrily, with eyes Full of strong fighting spirit.

Sensing this scene, Wentian finally showed a smile, and he could already see a newborn Lin Mansion, which would slowly rise like a scorching sun, illuminating the entire land.

However, he didn't realize that during this time, there was a trace of worry in Meng'er's expression, her mind seemed to tense up, and she kept looking around.

"What the hell is it? What is approaching me, why do I feel scared?" A weak voice sounded in her heart.

"Hey! What a pity! In the near future, the Taoist Trial will be held in Xianfeng Pavilion. With the young master's current strength, if he can participate, he will definitely be able to kill the Quartet and win the position of Taoist. , We also have some confidence." Suddenly, someone sighed.

As soon as this person said something, he seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and immediately shut up, with an apologetic expression on his face.

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, everyone agreed to focus on Wentian, even Lin Yefeng and Yetian did the same.

"Is the Taoist trial? Originally I didn't intend to participate, but..." Wentian murmured, but his eyes shot out a cold light, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body.

Feeling this murderous aura, many people's complexions changed drastically, and those with low cultivation bases even turned pale.

Lin Yefeng frowned, as if he had some fear, but in the end he still didn't say anything, just looked at Wentian thoughtfully.

"Brother, Xue'er is hungry." A weak voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, Wentian came back to his senses, looking at Ye Xue who was opening his eyes wide, pulling the corner of his clothes with his left hand, and looking at him with innocent eyes.

Although Ye Feng didn't say a word, he stroked his hungry stomach with his small hands, and occasionally there was a cooing sound, which made his face look eager.

In an instant, Wentian couldn't help blushing, secretly hating himself for being careless.

Immediately, he stroked Ye Xue and Ye Feng's heads quickly and lightly, and said apologetically, "Xue'er, Feng'er, don't worry, they will eat soon."

Then, he quickly ordered some people to look for building materials and some to look for food. Under his arrangement, the people dispersed one after another and began to search in the valley.

"Unexpectedly, not only this kid has outstanding talent, but also has the demeanor of a leader. Maybe in the future, this kid will really break out into the world."

Looking at Wentian, Lin Yefeng thought to himself, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Before he knew it, he felt that Wentian's back was getting taller and taller, like that towering giant standing upright.

(End of this chapter)

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