Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 133 The King of Myriad Voids

Chapter 133 The King of Myriad Voids
Although he used a bit of space power for this blow, he never expected that it would be as terrifying as a fellow.

In the Vientiane Realm, as long as one has the consciousness of Vientiane and a strong origin force, one can arouse the power of space.

When he broke through just now, his spiritual consciousness finally reached the Vientiane Realm, and he himself has dual-attribute elemental power, which is much thicker and purer than ordinary people, so he can use the realm of transforming spirits to arouse the power of space.

And here he is not in the early stage of spiritual transformation, but in the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

"With my current strength, even if I don't use the ancient spirit to enter the body, I still have the confidence to fight against the Vientiane Realm." After feeling his surged strength, his heart was filled with fighting spirit.

Being able to use the power of space is definitely a leap forward transformation. It can be said that to a certain extent, he is no longer in the realm of transforming spirits, but has stepped into the threshold of the realm of myriad phenomena.

"The trial of Daozi will be the place where you will pay the price." As if thinking of something, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and a terrifying murderous intent emanated from his whole body.

Immediately, slight ripples appeared on his body, and disappeared from midair in the blink of an eye.

And just as he was leaving, tens of miles away from him, a huge orangutan was slapping its own chest frantically, and there were thunderous noises, but on its head stood a The little beast, it is the little furball beast.

This little furball beast babbled and babbled with an extremely arrogant expression, as if it was giving some order to the ape-shaped monster.

"Roar!" In an instant, the gigantic orangutan roared wildly. Its roar was like thunder, exuding a berserk aura, with the power of everything. Unexpectedly, this orangutan-shaped monster was actually a monster of everything.

Boom! !The ape-shaped monster roared, its expression was extremely ferocious, and it was extremely terrifying. Its huge figure even ran wildly in the forest, causing the mountains to shake and the ground to tremble.

"Squeak!!" There were bursts of panicked screams.

In front of the rampage of the scarlet-shaped monster, a group of stubborn monkeys fled frantically with frightened expressions, wishing they could fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

But in the hands of some slightly larger monkeys, they are holding some jars, like their treasures, protecting them nervously.

If someone sees this scene, they will definitely exclaim, monkey wine, if they guess correctly, what these stubborn monkeys are holding in their hands is exactly the rumored monkey wine.

These monkey wines are not only fine wines, but also extremely rare spiritual wines. If monks drink them, they will have the effect of washing marrow and cutting bones, and can even improve their cultivation.

Of course, the deeper the monkey's cultivation, the more precious the monkey wine it brews. According to legend, some rare spirit monkeys, the monkey wine brewed by them can make a mortal instantly possess the astonishing cultivation of a god. .

It's just that this is just a legend after all, and no one can be lucky enough to get it.

"Hey, hey!" The little furball kept moving its hands, as if directing the gorillas.

It seems that this guy is not only fighting with this group of stubborn monkeys, but also playing with the idea of ​​monkey wine in their hands.

This little guy is not a fuel-efficient master either!

Suddenly, its short and round ears moved, as if hearing something or sensing something, it suddenly turned around, looked in a certain direction, and then glanced at the running monkey again, its eyes struggled for a while.

"Yeah, ehh!" Maybe it was in a bad mood, it yelled loudly, and its two paws couldn't help pulling the scarlet hair of the scarlet demon indiscriminately, causing it to roar wildly.

However, the object of its roar is not the furball beast, but the group of stubborn monkeys that are running away.

Obviously, it vented all its dissatisfaction on those stubborn monkeys.

"Roar..." Its violent thunderous roar continued to be heard in the forest.


Wentian didn't go back to Gu Zhonggu, he chose to leave the Lost Forest directly, because he had already planned.

His figure suddenly stopped, and he stopped in the void. Immediately, his eyes flashed, white light flickered in his hands, and a gray cloak was put on him, making it difficult for people to see his appearance clearly.

The voice was full of coldness and said: "The sky of this red moon should also change."

Afterwards, his figure flickered and disappeared from the original place in an instant, and his speed was several times faster than before.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, he was shocked and stopped suddenly.

"Jie Jie! Unexpectedly, the old man guessed it right. You really are hiding in the Lost Forest. If the old man is not wrong, you probably want to go out of the forest this time to participate in the Taoist trial of Xianfeng Pavilion!"

At this moment, a cold sound resounded in the void.

"Om!" At the same time, the void vibrated with ripples, and an old man with sharp eyes like an eagle and an evil smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly stepped out of the void.

Looking at the old man who suddenly appeared, Wentian's eyes turned cold instantly, and a murderous aura exuded from his body.

The old man who suddenly appeared was none other than the village master of Qingxu, the king of myriad xues, and the king of Qingxu who forged a grudge when he broke through to the spirit transformation state and crossed the nine thunder tribulations.

"Go away!" Wen Tian said coldly.

Even facing the King of Myriad Voids, he had no fear in his heart, and his expression was full of coldness.

I wanted to see it, but when the other party saw him, there would be the terrified, shocked, and horrified Qing Xu King. Hearing Wen Tian's words, his face darkened in an instant.

He didn't expect that even though it had been a short time, the kid in front of him at the Spirit Transformation Realm was still so arrogant.

"Don't think that you can escape in the palace, so you dare to be so defiant. When the old man became famous, you were still a baby." Murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He did say that he was right, his title of King of Myriad Voids was not false.

More than ten years ago, he was already well-known, and even some strong men in the middle stage of Vientiane would not want to offend him, but now, a young boy who speaks to him in such a tone, his heart has long been murderous. rise.

After saying those words, his expression revealed a ferocious expression, and with a bang, his cultivation base rose violently, and his five fingers were like claws, and they suddenly stuck out.

hum!Under his claw, the whole space buzzed, forming an invisible force, gathering Xiang Wentian, as if wanting to trap him to death.

"Hmph~ You can't do anything about me in the early stage of spiritual transformation, why do you kill me now?" In an instant, Wen Tian snorted coldly.

Immediately, his figure was shaken suddenly, and with a bang, a majestic aura rose from his body, making him fly black and dance wildly, like a king among kings.

At this moment, his five fingers gathered together and clenched into a fist. The bulging veins on the fist gave a ferocious feeling, as if his fist contained the power of a dragon and a tiger, which could move the sky.

"Break!" He shouted angrily, with a hint of arrogance. It seemed ordinary, but in fact he swung his fist with the power to break mountains and rocks.

With a bang, the entire void was filled with wind and clouds, like thunder and lightning flickering. Under his heavy fist carrying a force of [-] jin, the space power coming from all directions collapsed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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