Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 137 Goodbye Shangguan Chong

Chapter 137 Goodbye Shangguan Chong

"Woo!" At the coachman's yell, the two carriages stopped immediately, and three people got off from the carriage, one of them looked very arrogant, as if he was the king of heaven, and he was the great emperor Ji Baojun.

As for the other two, one is young and the other is old.

"See the First Prince, see Lord Shangguan, and brother Shangguan Chong." When the three got out of the car, someone in the crowd immediately saluted them respectfully.

That's right, the old and the young are exactly Shangguan Muhua's old fox, and the genius Shangguan Chong who interrupted Wentian's meridians back then.

I saw Shangguan Muhua's old face full of smiles, brighter than that chrysanthemum, full of expression and complacent.

Shangguan Chong was still dressed in white, and his face was full of arrogance. Looking at some monks around him, his eyes were full of disdain, as if these so-called geniuses were nothing more than ants to him.

Even though someone greeted him, there was still no sign of paying attention.

However, despite this, many people did not show dissatisfaction on their faces.

The strong are respected, as if this is a matter of course, but some talented monks with good strength have extremely gloomy faces.

The title of Chi Yue's number one genius is not in vain. Although Lin Wentian's strong rise these days has made him, who was once the number one genius, slightly shaken, but in the hearts of many monks, he is still unstoppable. rivals beyond.

Shangguan Chong, the name means that one day in the future, he will be able to soar into the sky. Thinking of this statement, some older monks' eyes flashed with complex colors.

"With this son here, the power of the Shangguan family will rise like the sun in the red moon. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will completely trample the Lin family who once had three generals under their feet." A monk sighed, and couldn't help but He shook his head slightly, with a trace of loneliness in his expression.

However, at this moment, an ordinary-looking man looked at the arrogant Shangguan Chong, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Very good, very good, very good, I, Lin Wentian, will repay you a hundredfold for the enmity that broke your pulse that day."

This ordinary-looking man is Wentian, he said coldly, his face as if covered with a layer of frost.

"You dog slave, get out of here, my prince." Ji Baojun's shout suddenly sounded from the crowd.

There was a slap on the face, and a red palm print instantly appeared on the faces of two women around 20 years old.

"Bang!" Immediately afterwards, Ji Baojun suddenly raised his foot and kicked the two women mercilessly.

"Puff!!" The blood spilled on the ground, instantly staining the ground with blood.

I saw these two women who were bullied, their expressions were extremely terrified, their proud bodies were shaking constantly, their hands, feet, even their necks were chained up, especially their bodies, which were covered with blue After seeing the swollen scars, people can't help feeling pity in their hearts.

"Wow! Aren't these two former maids of the Lin family? How did they end up in this situation?" Immediately, when someone recognized the identities of the two women, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Dog slave, you should look like a dog, let me learn how to bark like a dog!" Ji Baojun shouted, his expression extremely arrogant, and with a whoosh, he pulled out a long whip from his waist, and slapped the two girls hard.

"Ah..." The two girls let out a miserable cry, and their disheveled hair drooped down, completely covering their faces, as if they didn't want others to see them, and their bodies twitched continuously.


No... To be precise, the two of them are not even slaves here, they can only be regarded as two slave-like dog slaves.

When this person thought of this, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, with a bit of sympathy on his face.

It's just that they didn't meddle in other people's business, and some people showed gloating and ridiculed.

"Okay! Okay! This is the way to treat the servants of the Lin Mansion. Let them know that they are slaves in the Lin Mansion, but in the eyes of us, they are just dog slaves like ants." Someone laughed wildly, their eyes showing cruelty .

"Stop!" An angry shout suddenly came from outside the crowd.

Immediately, a fat man with a body as big as a mountain was seen, vigorously moving the monks on both sides with both hands, and stabbing into the crowd like a giant bear.

"Hey! Isn't this Qian Fugui, the young master of the Qian family? Why is he here too? Does he also want to participate in the Taoist trial?"

"Nonsense, I'm not here to participate in the trial, who would be willing to come to this place where the birds don't shit."

"Hmph! Participating in the trial with his strength is simply courting death."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

That's right, the fat man who just appeared was none other than Young Master Qian, but his appearance caused a commotion in the crowd in an instant.

Because there was news recently that his younger brother, Qian Qianqian, would be in charge of the Qian family in the future, and his status as the young master of the Qian family was just a decoration.

"Hey, this prince thought who was here, isn't this the abandoned young master Qian Fugui of the Qian family?"

Seeing the appearance of the fat man, Ji Baojun was stunned at first, then as if thinking of something, there was a sneer on his face, and he said it strangely.

Hearing this, the fat man's face was full of anger, and his huge body was shocked suddenly by the anger. Some monks suddenly felt that the ground seemed to shake a little bit just now.

"Hmph! Ji Baojun, you don't need to care about my young master's affairs, you should pay more attention to your own situation! I heard that your father intends to pass the throne to Ji Hong. Your status as the eldest prince is probably just a decoration." When Eldest Young Master Qian spoke, his words were tit for tat, and he did not lose the slightest bit.

"Presumptuous! I am a child of the royal family, and even more so the eldest prince of today. How dare you speak to me in such a tone? Believe it or not, this prince can immediately punish you for disrespect." Ji Baojun's expression instantly became ferocious when he heard the words, as if Fatty's words hit his sore spot.

"Joke, don't say that you are just a prince, even if the Holy Majesty comes here today, I will still not be afraid." The fat man puffed out his chest.

In an instant, Ji Baojun trembled from anger, his face was red, and his eyes seemed to be able to spew fire.

"Well, you are rich and rich. Today, my prince will not care about you for the time being. If you really dare to participate in the trial, then this prince will definitely let you understand that under the red moon, my royal family of Ji family still has the final say."

After the words fell, he saw a vicious light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Then he showed an evil smile and said, "Didn't you have a good relationship with Lin Wentian? Today, my prince will let you watch a good show."

"Come here, bring the sword." He shouted.

In the blink of an eye, someone handed a sharp sword into his hand.

In this regard, Young Master Qian frowned, feeling that there was a bad omen, but the next moment, as if he was about to prove his idea, he suddenly became furious, and shouted violently: "Bastard! Stop! .”

(End of this chapter)

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