Chapter 139
"Be careful, son!"

The two women were originally excited when they saw Wentian rescued her, but seeing this scene, the two of them trembled proudly, their expressions were full of fear, and there was a faint apology in their hearts, thinking that they had caused the man in front of them.

"This kid is too impulsive. He dared to attack and kill the children of the royal family under the emperor. Even if he has nine lives, he is not enough to die!" A monk sighed.

"This kid really thinks he is Lin Wentian, how dare he defy the imperial family openly?" There were also people who looked disdainful and folded their hands, looking like they wanted to see a good show.

"Being a tiger's minion, you deserve to be killed!" Wen Tian raised his head and roared wildly, boom, a powerful aura suddenly rose from his body, and a red light bloomed, as if turning into a bloody light.

"What? This kid's cultivation is actually in the mid-stage of spiritual transformation?" His cultivation suddenly rose, and everyone was stunned for a while.

Has the world changed?Why does anyone appear at random? It's the late stage of Spirit Transformation, or the middle stage of Spirit Transformation!
Ji Baojun's complexion changed drastically. Even if Shangguan Chong sensed this breath, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, which seemed a little bit interested, but soon the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a sneering arc.

boom! !With a strong killing intent in his heart, Wentian's eyes flashed with madness, and the afterglow of his feet flickered. Instead of retreating, he advanced, his five fingers combined to form a palm knife, and he slashed at the opponent's big knife with such force.

"Ah..." Seeing this scene, the two women couldn't help exclaiming.

At this moment, some old monks also suddenly shrank their eyes, full of solemnity.

"Meeting him with flesh and blood, this kid is looking for death." Someone showed disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph~ In my opinion, this kid thinks of himself as Lin Wentian." Someone sneered.

Seeing that the opponent greeted him with the big knife in his hand with the palm of flesh and blood, the monk showed ecstasy on his face and roared arrogantly: "Boy, die, this is what will happen to you for offending the First Prince."

However, the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly, and instead, boundless fear appeared on his face.

"What? It's impossible..."

With a sound of "clang", the palm of the flesh collided with the big knife, and there was no flesh and blood flying as everyone imagined, but there was a crisp sound like metal colliding.

Immediately, under the shocked eyes of everyone, the big knife snapped, and instantly shattered inch by inch, turning into a pile of scrap iron.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, many people looked shocked, gasped for air, and were shocked.

However, at this instant, Wentian's face revealed a savage look, and the weird lines spreading from his left eye made him look like he was possessed by a ghost, which made people feel creepy.

Before everyone could react, Wen Tian's palm knife had already slashed at the opponent's chest with domineering momentum.

"Pfft!" The blood splashed and shot on the faces of some people, but they seemed to be unconscious, looking at the man in front of him like a god like a demon with a dazed expression.

Just when they were shocked, Wentian moved again, sometimes his movements were like flowing water, sometimes like howling wind, his figure was swift and fast, and he shuttled among the many guards.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

"Ah ah ah..."

The sound of collisions and screams continued.

"Siege, kill him!" Someone yelled wildly, his eyes flashed with madness.


Boom boom boom, in the blink of an eye, although Wentian beheaded several people, it also caused everyone to be furious. In an instant, the storm was violent, the flames were raging, and huge boulders rolled towards him.

"Die!" Someone yelled, his expression full of arrogance and killing intent.

They are the guards in the palace, they are elite soldiers, and they are all in the spirit transformation state. If they can't even deal with a kid, then what's the use of them in the court?

After all, not everyone is as defiant as the rumored Lin Wentian.

Boom! !In the blink of an eye, the attacks of dozens of people completely covered Wentian in the thunderous attack. In an instant, the whole earth gave out a huge rumbling sound, and the aftermath of the berserk continued to disperse in all directions.

"No, run away!" Some monks yelled wildly, their expressions full of horror.

They are only the existence of Yuanyuan Realm, facing the power of transforming spirits, how can they resist it, and at this moment they feel even weaker than ants.

But at the same time, when they thought of the huge attack that young man had to endure in the storm, they were shocked and felt a sense of luck.

"Fortunately, I didn't meddle in other people's business back then, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been completely dead in the face of this group of palace guards." One person murmured, with strong fear in his pupils.

Peng!When the storm completely dissipated, there was no longer Wentian's figure in the field, as if he had completely turned into nothingness during the berserk siege before.

Seeing this, some older monks sighed in their hearts, feeling a pity.

"This son is very powerful. He is a genius that cannot be found in a hundred years. If he can participate in the Daoist trial, he might become a blockbuster. It is a pity that this son's behavior is reckless. Before entering the trial site, he confronted the royal family and ruined his good fortune in vain. Future." Someone sighed.

Although Chi Yue is under the Son of Heaven, the Ji family's royal family is more like the ruler of this world, but everyone understands that once entering the trial ground, the identity of the Ji family's royal family's child may lose its effect.

Because of the position of Daozi, those who are capable live in it, otherwise, why would Xianfeng Pavilion make such a big move, and the real purpose of holding this Daozi trial is to dig out a person with the most potential.

"Under the Son of Heaven, my Ji family's royal family is the sky of Chiyue. Whoever dares to oppose this prince will be the end." Seeing that there was no one in the field, and the other party did not even leave any bones, Ji Baojun's face returned to arrogance, Come on rampantly.

"Damn Ji Baojun, Master Fat is going to kill you." Not far away, Young Master Qian yelled.

Although he couldn't recognize Wentian, for some reason, he felt a familiar feeling on the other side.

As for the two girls underground, their expressions were even more pale as snow, and there was a look of loneliness in their eyes: "Is this fate?"

"Now my prince wants to see who else dares to come out to save you." In an instant, Ji Baojun had a cruel smile on his face, holding a sharp sword, and stabbing out again.

A sword stabbed out, and there was an ear-piercing sound in the air, and a cold glow appeared on the sharp sword, as if the power of a sword would penetrate everything.

However, at this moment, whether it was Shangguan Chong, who was watching coldly, or Qian Jinyin, who had a gloomy face, their expressions changed suddenly.

"Get out!" Suddenly, there was an angry shout from above the void.

boom!An invisible force turned into a monstrous power, and instantly blasted at Ji Baojun who was stabbing his sword.

Immediately, there was a bang, and Ji Baojun, who was originally looking arrogant, was seen flying upside down like a cannonball.

A powerful impact immediately blasted him hundreds of meters away, knocking him down into a huge rock, and with a click, the huge rock was instantly torn apart and completely cracked.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, the scarlet blood was so glaring.

(End of this chapter)

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