Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 142 Not afraid at all

Chapter 142 Not afraid at all
"No, this should not be from the Xianfeng Pavilion, because the Xianfeng Pavilion has only been full of female cultivators, except of course the so-called Daozi." Someone said.

Sensing the powerful aura of the four people, immediately, there was a commotion among the people below, and many people even exclaimed.

When these four old men appeared, they immediately locked Wentian with a terrifying air mechanism, as if if he made any abnormal movements, they would launch a storm-like attack, causing his blood to splatter into the void instantly.

"Who are you?" one of the elders asked.

I saw his eyes narrowed, looking at Wentian, trying to see him clearly.

If it were other people, I'm afraid they would have killed them with thunderbolts the moment they appeared. After all, those who openly dared to confront the royal family had already been killed by them nine times.

However, they received some rumors that there might be some people from that place participating in this Taoist trial. Therefore, they did not dare to act rashly without knowing the origin of the other party.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Wen Tian said coldly.

Even in the face of the four strong men in the Vientiane Realm, his killing intent remained unrestrained, as if he didn't take the four people in front of him to heart.


He was so cold and arrogant, and immediately made the faces of the four elders gloomy, with murderous intent flickering in their eyes.

One of them was even more furious, he swung his sleeve suddenly, and with a bang, a gust of wind and cloud rushed towards him.

This is the power of all things.

Moreover, Wentian also felt that the auras of these four people were stronger than those of the two elders who had been murdered by him in Mizong Forest before.

"Ah!" Below, a female cultivator exclaimed, as if she could already see that the young man who showed his domineering side just now, like a god and a demon, was about to splash blood into the void.

Seeing this scene, the lower Shangguan Chong drew the corners of his mouth, revealing a sneer, as if this scene, he had already predicted it.

As for Shangguan Muhua, his face was extremely ferocious, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

"Kid, die! You want to kill this old man, you are a hundred years too early." He yelled crazily in his heart.

However, as the person involved, Wentian's expression remained the same, without any panic, as if he hadn't noticed the other party's attack.

"Hasn't it appeared yet?" He murmured in his heart.

Immediately, as if he was about to fulfill his thoughts, the void suddenly shook, followed by a twist, and a group of women stepped out from the void.

The leaders are Fairy Qinglian from Xianfeng Pavilion, and that old woman, Granny Hua.

Fairy Qinglian is still so eye-catching. Even though she wears a veil, she still gives people a sense of surprise. Her perfect figure and charming eyes can't help but make people's throat feel dry, especially her body, which is always , all exude a kind of body fragrance, which makes people intoxicated, as if falling into a dream.

When she showed her figure, she focused her eyes on Wentian who had changed greatly, and a gleam of surprise flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Obviously, she had already noticed Wentian's every move before.

However, at this moment, she raised her eyebrows, revealing her strong dissatisfaction.

Perhaps aware of what she was thinking, she saw a middle-aged woman who suddenly took a step forward, and immediately, with a light wave of her hand, a wave of cultivation power dissipated instantly.

Peng!A collision sound resounded through the void, exploding in everyone's ears, immediately making people feel a humming, and their minds spinning for a while.

It was late to say, but in fact it was only a half-breath.

When the storm dissipated, Wentian still looked as usual, standing in the void, no matter how strong and violent the wind was, it seemed that he could only shake his clothes and hair, but not his eyebrows and spirit.

He is like a born king, a son of an emperor who has the potential to never collapse.

Of course, long ago, he knew that in this world, there was very likely to be an ambush by the old elders of the royal family. When the killer made his move, he was even more sure of this idea in his heart. Therefore, regarding the appearance of the four Vientiane Realm, He wasn't too terrified.

Even if the other party attacked him, his expression remained the same, and there was no ups and downs in his heart, because he knew that nothing would happen to him.

In fact, he was indeed unharmed.

Xianfeng Pavilion is known as the most mysterious force in Chiyue. Since their Taoist trial will start here, it means that they have already planted a powerful force here.

Before, he had demonstrated extraordinary strength, and he believed that the people in Xianfeng Pavilion would never see his sacrifice in vain, especially if the opponent was an older generation of monks, and he was still in the Vientiane Realm.

Therefore, his heart is very stable.

The only thing he felt unwilling to do was that he didn't personally kill the old man Shangguan Muhua.

Knowing that this matter could not be done, the killing intent in his heart began to slowly subside, and even the weird runes on his left face began to dissipate and recover.

"What do you mean by this in Xianfeng Pavilion?"

Immediately, the interference of the people from the Immortal Pavilion made the faces of the four elders of the royal family darken, and a strong look of fear flashed in their eyes.

Also at this moment, Shangguan Chong's eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked at Wentian with a cold light. He didn't know why, but from the bottom of his heart, he hated that ordinary-looking man in the sky.

However, this is not related to the previous opponent's desire to kill his grandfather, but another very strange feeling, as if he has some deep hatred with the boy in front of him.

Faced with Shangguan Chong's gloomy, young master Qian who was as tall as a mountain, he showed joy here, and for some reason, he felt a great relief in his heart.

Some things, the world is so wonderful, even if Wentian has changed his appearance, their innate likes and dislikes are all predestined in the dark, whether it is the past life, the present life, or the next life.

"Senior, calm down, I, Xianfeng Pavilion, have no intention of meddling in the affairs of the Ji family, but now that the trial is about to begin, I hope that the senior will, for the sake of the little girl, let all the grievances and grievances of them, young people, be dealt with before the trial. What do you think, senior?"

According to Fairy Qinglian, the voice is very pleasant, and after listening to it, people feel intoxicated, as if they couldn't wake up for a while.

Although her words were very gentle, the expressions of the four old men became extremely fearful, because with their level of cultivation, it was obvious that Fairy Qinglian's previous words had a kind of charm.

Obviously, this is a warning.

After all, in the Huolin Mountain Range, the people of Xianfeng Pavilion are the masters, and the people of the Ji family's royal family are at best uninvited guests.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the four were cloudy and uncertain.

But if they really let this kid in front of them go like this, then their royal family's face will be really lost.

Regarding this, Wentian's expression remained the same as usual, watching all this with cold eyes.

"The prince agrees!"

However, just when the four elders were hesitating in their hearts, a golden light suddenly came from the void not far away, and the golden light converged, revealing a figure with a domineering expression.

(End of this chapter)

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