Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 144 Fire Lin Mountain Range

Chapter 144 Fire Lin Mountain Range
I saw a twist in the air, and then an old woman stepped out.

Looking at the old woman, strands of murderous intent flashed in Wen Tian's eyes, and he couldn't help clenching his hands tightly, making grinning sounds.

Granny Hua, the old woman who appeared suddenly, was Granny Hua who captured him back then and wanted to refine him into a taboo blood pill. Whenever he thought of this, his heart filled with hatred.

Because until now, the evil blood power that he forcibly refined at the beginning still remains in his body, and it has not been completely eliminated, and there are faint signs of growth, which is definitely not a good thing for him.

I am afraid that one day in the future, it will become a demonic obstacle in his practice.


Perhaps sensing his murderous intent, Grandma Hua raised her eyes suddenly, and immediately put her gaze on him, and the next moment, she gently raised her hand.

hum!In an instant, the space around Wentian vibrated, and dozens of flowers appeared in an instant. Although they looked beautiful and had no power to attack, at this moment, Wentian was instantly shocked.

"Damn it!" he roared in his heart.

boom! !In an instant, the power of the fire element on his body exploded, turning into flames and rushing out, burning the flowers in all directions.

However, at this moment, Granny Hua's eyes narrowed, doubts appeared in her eyes, and she murmured: "In the middle stage of spirit transformation, the power of fire element?"

I don't know what to think of, but I saw a trace of disappointment flashing in her eyes.

"Zizi!" Under the flames, those strange flowers made a sizzle sound, and there was a special burning smell.

"Toxic!" Wentian's face was extremely gloomy, as if he could wring out water, and was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

"Grandma Hua, what do you mean? Even if you are a senior in Xianfeng Pavilion, you shouldn't act recklessly like this!" Fairy Qinglian yelled, her beautiful eyes flashed with anger.

The next moment, I saw her white and delicate hand suddenly waved, and a colorful mist rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, it filled half of the void.

"This is?" Wentian was shocked, because he felt that under the colorful mist, the poisonous gas produced by burning flowers dissipated instantly, as if disintegrated and neutralized, leaving only one A peculiar fragrance remains in the void.

"This is her special physique, the strange power she possesses?" Wen Tian's eyes were full of surprise.

At this moment, not only him, but also Feng Yunxuan and those elders of the royal family in the Vientiane Realm also shrank their eyes, and there was a flash of solemnity in them.

"Fairy is serious. I just want to see this little brother's extraordinary skills." Although Qing Lian shouted angrily, Granny Hua seemed to be fearless, and she said gloomyly, without showing a trace of apology on her face.

Seeing this, Qinglian frowned, but as if remembering something, she sighed softly in her heart.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said: "The ones who should come should have come, and those who shouldn't come, even if we wait, they won't come. Let's open the trial ground!"

Although everyone couldn't understand the words before, everyone finally understood the words after that, that is, the Daozi trial is finally about to start, and this will be their chance to become famous in one battle, leap to the top of the dragon's gate, and reach the pinnacle of life .

Thinking of this, everyone was very excited, and there was a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

They couldn't understand Fairy Qinglian's words, but Wentian seemed to understand. His eyes were complicated for a while, but in the end, he still didn't say anything.

Under the excitement of the crowd, Fairy Qinglian gave birth to lotus step by step and led the crowd towards the Huolin Mountain Range. Of course, some monks who have not yet reached the spirit transformation state can only follow underground.

Although only men can participate in the Daozi Trial, there are not a few women who come here and want to see the majesty of many geniuses. Of course, they only hope that there is a proud son of heaven who can take a fancy to them.


Wentian dispersed a ray of spiritual consciousness, and after sensing that the two women were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, after all, he always felt that he was ashamed of them.

Immediately, his eyes flashed suddenly, and his voice suddenly sounded in the minds of the two women.

"At this moment, everyone is distracted by the place of trial, and they haven't remembered you yet. You two should leave here as soon as possible. If you have nowhere to go, you can go to the land east of Chiyue, find General Lei, and say You are from the Lin family, he will settle you down."


Originally, although the two girls escaped temporarily, they were still at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do, let alone whether the First Prince would send someone to arrest them.

But at this moment, after hearing Wentian's words in their minds, they came back to their senses in an instant, their pale and worried faces suddenly showed joy, and their eyes regained a gleam of brightness.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your help. I wonder if your benefactor can tell me your name." The two girls knelt down suddenly, then kowtowed, their expressions full of gratitude.

Sensing this scene, Wentian sighed softly in his heart, and felt even more complicated. He didn't know if the two of them would feel resentment towards him when he told them their real names. After all, it was him who made the two of them lost happy life.

"It's nothing to worry about, you just leave." In the end, he still didn't tell the truth. After saying this sentence, his voice never sounded again.

After realizing that the other party was reluctant to say more, the gratitude in the hearts of the two women grew stronger. Maybe they knew that this place was not suitable to stay for a long time, and soon, the two of them left quickly.

If you don't leave now, I'm afraid there will be no chance to leave again. After all, when the people in the court react, they really have nowhere to escape.

On the other side, under the leadership of Fairy Qinglian, everyone began to step into the Huolin Mountain Range. However, they hadn't actually stepped in yet, but just approached, their faces turned pale, and their foreheads were covered with fine sweat.

For some reason, although the Huolin mountain range in front of me is not burned by the flames of the beasts, it still emits a frighteningly high temperature. If ordinary people come here, they will probably pass out after a while.

Not to mention ordinary people, even some existences in the Lianyuan realm gritted their teeth and persisted, as if their bodies were being burned by flames, their whole bodies turned red, and their clothes were already soaked in sweat like soybeans.

However, some monks with fire-attribute energy looked excited here, and their eyes were as bright as stars, because the more they stepped into the Huolin Mountain Range, the fire energy in their bodies became more active, which made them faintly aroused. Signs to break through.

However, those monks with water attributes suffered.

Water and fire have been incompatible since ancient times, and they are naturally restrained. Therefore, the water elemental force in their bodies is like being forcibly sealed. Without the elemental force to protect the body, it is simply difficult for them to move an inch here.

A long time ago, Wentian's water elemental force was completely sealed by him. At this moment, he suddenly felt blood boil in his body, and the fire elemental force began to spin crazily as if being pulled by something.

Yes, his eyes flashed, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "To me, this mountain range is simply a sacred place for cultivation."

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

I saw Young Master Qian panting for breath, his face flushed, his fat body following him, sweating profusely, as if he was suffering from great pain, but his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Damn it, isn't it just a trial? Why did you choose this damn place?" He muttered in a low voice.

In response to this, Wentian's eyes flashed a little strange, and he showed a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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