Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 15 The Limit of January

Chapter 15 The Limit of One Month (Part [-])
In the Golden Dragon Hall, the sage Ji Zhuoyang sat on the dragon chair, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As for below him, there were three people standing and two people lying down.

The standing ones are Shangguan Muhua, Zhou Wentong, and the fourth prince Ji Zhuoguang, while there are two people lying down, no~ to be precise, they are two corpses, they belong to Ji Ming and Shangguanze.

"Your Majesty, I, Ze'er, died so tragically. You must help this old man uphold justice, or else this old man will take off his black gauze cap and return to his hometown." Shangguan Ze's eyes were red, and he knelt down suddenly, his expression full of grievances.

"My lord, what brother Shangguan said is very true. That boy Wentian was so rampant that he not only murdered brother Shangguan's grandson, but even the little prince Ji Ming, who is a child of the royal family, dared to kill him. With such arrogant words, this son must not stay, and I hope the sage will see clearly." Zhou Wentong arched his hands, and his words were upright and forthright.

Hearing this, the Holy Majesty sighed and said: "Although Wentian is about to marry Princess Xuelian, if this is really what he did, I will never forgive you lightly, you can rest assured!"

"Thank you, Shang Long'en!" Shangguan Muhua said excitedly, and then slowly stood up.

"Lin Wentian is here!" Right at this moment, a scream came from outside the door.

Immediately, a slender young man in white clothes stepped up resolutely and stepped into the hall.

It was Wentian who came, and he came to the Great Sage of the Golden Palace with a calm expression, and suddenly bowed to the Sage sitting on the dragon chair: "Lin Wentian sees the Sage!"

"Lin Wentian, you are so courageous. How dare you kill my grandson, and even the young prince Ji Ming, a son of the royal family. You should be convicted." However, just as Wentian stepped into the hall, he shouted angrily.

The person who spoke was not Shangguan Muhua, nor the Fourth Prince who had never spoken, but Zhou Wentong, Prime Minister Zhou who had nothing to do with this matter.

At this moment, Zhou Wentong was still secretly happy in his heart, because the two people who died were not from his Zhou family, but he could take advantage of this to suppress the hateful boy in front of him, he really felt a burst of pleasure.

"Prime Minister Zhou, what do you mean by this? In front of the Holy One, you also want to press me for unnecessary crimes? Besides, I heard that the person who died was not from your Zhou family. This matter has nothing to do with you." asked Tian looked at Zhou Wentong, although his expression was indifferent, but there was a knife hidden in his words.

"Lin Wentian, no matter how good your words are, this time you will not be able to get rid of the crime. If you obediently admit your mistakes, maybe the Holy One will remember your Lin family's many great achievements and leave you in the dead body." Zhou Wen said.

"Lin Wentian, you god damned, give back my grandson's life." Shangguan Muhua at the side, his eyes were red, with an expression of wanting to die with Wentian.

The Holy Majesty had no expression on his face, and he suddenly opened his mouth: "Ask the heavens, is this what you did?"

Wentian clasped his hands together: "Report to Your Majesty, Wentian didn't know about this matter, and Wentian only learned of this tragedy after listening to the father-in-law in the palace on the way into the palace. Wentian also feels grief and indignation for Lord Shangguan!"

"Bastard! Now that there are all witnesses and material evidence, you still want to deny it?" Shangguan Muhua's old face showed strong anger.

"Your Majesty, it is the law of heaven to kill people and take their lives. I also hope that Your Majesty can make decisions for Lord Shangguan and the Fourth Prince." Zhou Wentong said excitedly.

However, in the Golden Dragon Hall, the fourth king, Ji Zhuoguang, with his eyes closed, still didn't speak, as if he was deep in thought.

"Since Mr. Shangguan insisted that it was Wentian's actions, what kind of witnesses and physical evidences are you talking about?"

"I, Lin Wentian, am the only child of the three generations of the Lin family. My grandfather was the Grand Marshal of the State, and my uncle was the Fire God General. In order to protect our imperial country, he died tragically on the battlefield in the end, leaving no bones."

"My third uncle is General Fengshen, his legs were disabled due to the Chiyue Empire, and he will sit in a wheelchair all his life."

"My Lin family has three generals who have made countless contributions to the Chi country. If someone wants to create something out of nothing and blame our Lin family, I am afraid that thousands of people in Chiyue will not agree." Wen Tian's mood suddenly Get excited.

Ji Zhuoyang, the saint on the dragon chair, couldn't help jumping his sword eyebrows suddenly when he heard this, his eyes were dimmed, there was a strange light flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What a sharp-tongued boy, do you think that your Lin family has made great contributions, so you can kill the grandson of the first-rank official of the dynasty at will, and you can kill the children of the royal family's Ji family at will? Don't forget, This world is still the world of the Ji surname, not the world of the Lin surname." Zhou Wenhua speaks like a blade.

"Evidence? The corpse of the old man's grandson is the witness, and the handwriting you left at the crime scene is the physical evidence. You still want to deny it?" Shangguan Muhua was furious, pointing at Wentian with his hands and scolding him excitedly.

Wentian was taken aback when he heard this, and said in surprise, "Oh? Dare I ask Mr. Shangguan, what kind of handwriting did I leave behind?"

"Those who bully my Lin family will be killed, Lin Wentian! What else do you have to say!" Shangguan Muhua blew on his beard, with a hint of ferocity on his face. ,
"Hey!" Wentian couldn't help chuckling, and then a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Master Shangguan, you are always joking! Or do you think you are too old to be confused! Are you using a dead person as a witness? Unheard of!"

"Now everyone in Chiyue knows that my meridians have been cut off, so what can I do to kill the two of them, and, if you say I left these words, do Lord Shangguan think I'm as stupid as you?" ? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to leave evidence to testify against yourself after the murder?”

"Your Majesty! Today, Lord Shangguan and Prime Minister Zhou have slandered me for killing the children of the royal family. They also hope that the Holy Majesty will rule for me and punish them for deceiving the king. They clearly see that I will marry the royal family, so they plan to frame me." Wentian said sincerely.

Seeing that the dispute between the two sides became more and more intense, Sheng Shangji Zhuoyang's brows became tighter and tighter, as if he was very troubled: "You two, stop arguing, let me think about it."

After speaking, the Holy Majesty couldn't help but cast a glance from the corner of his eye, the Fourth Prince whose eyes were still closed, but he quickly retracted his gaze.

After a long time, he opened his mouth again: "Wentian, although what you said is reasonable, Lord Shangguan is also reasonable, so let's do it! No matter what you say about this matter, you are still very suspicious. Now I limit you to find out within ten days." The real murderer, return your innocence."

"Your Majesty, no, ten days is too long, and the old man still wants to sacrifice my grandson with the murderer's blood, so as to comfort his spirit in heaven." After the Majesty finished speaking, Shangguan Muhua spoke quickly.

"In my opinion, if Lin Wentian was not the one who did it, with the power of the Lin family, I believe the real culprit will be found within three days." Zhou Wentong said with a smile on his lips.

"My lord, my grandfather may be getting old recently, his health has become worse and worse, and he has been suffering from a cold for the past two days, so I don't want to make my grandfather worry about Wentian."

"Three days is too short, I hope the Holy One can give Wentian three months, and then Wentian will be able to find out the real culprit and return my Lin family's innocence." Wentian arched his hands towards the one above.

"Oh! Marshal Lin is in poor health? On my behalf, Marshal Lin is the backbone of our country. Remember to let him cultivate well, and the health is the most important thing." The Holy One said with concern.

"As for capturing the real murderer..."

"You only have one month. If you still can't prove your innocence within this month, then don't be afraid that the king will be rude."

The Holy Majesty wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by the Fourth Prince.

At that moment, a ray of cold light flashed in the eyes of the person above, but it was quickly hidden, and then he looked calm and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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