Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 150 The Birth of the Palace

Chapter 150 The Birth of the Palace
Boom, boom!
In an instant, the entire valley trembled, and dozens of huge monsters rushed into the valley with a berserk aura.

Seeing these monsters, Wentian felt a turmoil in his heart, as if he couldn't calm down, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"What's going on here? Could it be that this group of monsters is guarding this woman?" Suddenly, such an unbelievable thought flashed through his mind.

Maybe it was to confirm what he thought, but Qingshuang shouted angrily: "Listen to me, Miss, and teach this guy a lesson."

Her words were full of anger, and a cold light flickered between her eyes.

"Ho Ho Ho!!" In an instant, the group of monsters roared, and there was a thunderous roar, which shook the void.

The group of monsters were berserk, and they rushed to the sky with brutality, as if they wanted to use the power of the beasts to smash him to pieces in an instant.

The Violent Bear from before was also among them, and it even swiped that huge bear paw again, and slapped Wentian with a frenzied momentum, as if borrowing the power of a group of monsters to avenge its previous blow.

Seeing the ferocity of the monsters coming, Wentian was shocked, and then a wave of anger welled up in his heart. In an instant, he shouted in his heart: "Broken Star!"


In an instant, purple awns suddenly bloomed on Sui Xing's body, and a line of writing flashed immediately.

Broken Star weighs [-] catties.

The Broken Star in his hand regained its astonishing weight again, and Wentian's eyes showed a touch of madness, and the aura on his body became even more violent, causing his black hair to fly, revealing a domineering momentum.


Shouting angrily, the Broken Star that was held high suddenly slashed down, and a ten-foot-long purple sword light slashed out with the power of thunder.

Wherever the sword light passed, it was as if it had completely turned into a purple world, and this purple sword light was the ruler of this world.

With a loud bang, the entire valley was completely blasted, causing huge rocks in the valley to shatter, and the ground collapsed inch by inch.

At the same time as Shi, in a certain mountain peak of the trial site, a young man in green suddenly flashed his eyes, and immediately burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

ancient sword.

This young man is exactly the mysterious blue-clothed young man with a sword on his back, Gu Jian.

"You are indeed here!" He said coldly, and then his figure flickered, and he disappeared from the mountain in an instant.


Holding Broken Star in his hand, Wentian turned pale for a while. He saw an astonishing sword mark across the valley in front of him, and on both sides of the sword mark, there were more than a dozen wrecks of monsters.

Especially the Violent Bear, its huge body has been divided into two parts, even if it is dead, its huge pupils still carry deep fear.

"Ho Ho Ho!!" Those monsters who were still alive kept retreating, their pupils showed fear, and they let out bursts of low growls, like a blow from Wen Tian before, which had invisibly caused a huge shock to them.

Especially here, when Qingshuang looked at Wentian, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

She was originally a sword cultivator, and she could tell at a glance that the sword strike that Wentian used before was definitely an extraordinary sword move, otherwise, she would never have had such monstrous power.

Although she was shocked by the method of the other party in her heart, soon, when she remembered what happened before, her face was still determined for a while, she gritted her teeth, and murderous intent flashed again in her eyes.

"I have to admit that your strength is indeed extraordinary, but you still have to pay the price for what you did today."

After saying that, she suddenly closed her beautiful eyes lightly, as if she was sensing something, a wave of consciousness began to slowly gather in her body.

That's right, it's intent, and it's also sword intent.

At the same time, the Broken Star in Wentian's hand suddenly shook, bursting out with bright purple light, as if turning into a purple shining star.

On Qingshuang's body, the sword intent continued to condense, and it became more and more solid, making the entire valley, like being trapped in a sword realm, filled with fierce sword intent.

"Hoho..." The monster roared, its body trembled, and it crawled on the ground, as if it had been greatly frightened.

"Sword Intent!"

After realizing this sword intent, Wentian was horrified, and his pupils became hot again, because only a sword cultivator with sword intent can be considered a real sword cultivator.

Although there is only one word between sword energy and sword intent, there is a world of difference between the two.

However, at this very moment, the Broken Star in his hand seemed to be stimulated, and its purple light was even more eye-catching, which caused a thought to flash in his mind: "Could it be that Broken Star's abnormality before was not because of some treasure, but because of her?"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

"The pervert, I want you to regret your whole life!" Qingshuang's cold voice came from the void.

At the same time, the void in the entire valley was surging with wind and clouds, and an illusory giant sword was condensed, standing in the air, exuding astonishing power.

"Cut!" Qingshuang shouted suddenly.

In an instant, the illusory giant sword suddenly trembled, intending to slash towards Wentian with the force of opening up the sky.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and there was a sudden loud rumbling sound from the ground of the entire valley. Immediately, the valley trembled violently, and the entire land began to crack, with countless cracks appearing.

"What's going on?" Wentian was shocked in his heart.

Originally, when he was able to condense such a monstrous sword intent towards the woman in front of him, he was already shocked. He didn't expect that now, for some reason, the entire valley collapsed suddenly, as if the earth was broken.

Boom! !
The valley sank rapidly, and at the same time, an inexplicable energy suddenly appeared in the void, and a suffocating coercion, a gravity as heavy as a star, appeared even more rapidly.

In an instant, the expressions of Wentian and Qingshuang changed suddenly.

Before they could react, a strong force of gravity instantly supported them, causing their bodies to drop rapidly.

Immediately, even Wentian felt dizzy and dizzy, and soon lost consciousness.


At the same time, the entire trial ground suddenly sank in four different places, and an inexplicable aura instantly flooded all directions.

Some monks had no time to react, they fell to the ground and lost consciousness instantly.

"Ah! What the hell is going on here? Could it be that the Divine Palace has appeared again?" The trainee who noticed this scene was suddenly ecstatic and his face was filled with excitement.

However, they soon showed terrifying gazes, because they discovered that they could not sneak into the ground at all, as long as they approached the collapsed area, an invisible force would instantly bounce them away.

"How could this be?"

Some people exclaimed, and their hearts were full of unwillingness, because they couldn't enter the Divine Palace, which made them feel crazy.

It's just that everyone soon learned that this anomaly did not appear in more than one place, and there were a total of four different directions, corresponding to east, west, north, and west.

"Om!" In an instant, the entire void suddenly shook, and immediately there was another huge rumbling sound from the ground. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a palace full of quaintness and vicissitudes rushed out of the ground in an instant.

At the same time, from this majestic palace, a sword pressure resembling the power of heaven emanated, shaking everyone's souls and shaking their bodies instinctively.

(End of this chapter)

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