Chapter 153
The appearance of the black bead quickly attracted Young Master Qian's attention. Immediately after he let out a little "hum", he bent over to pick up the bead, put it in his palm, and carefully sized it up with that suspicious gaze.

"Inheriting the cultivation technique?" Suddenly, a loud exclamation came from the mouth of Young Master Qian.

Immediately, he was even more ecstatic, and his entire huge body was shocked even more.

"What? Inheriting exercises?"

"Ah! That's Qian Fugui, he got the inheritance technique!"

As soon as he finished his words, he immediately attracted the attention of others, and they even exclaimed in an instant, looking at the black bead in the fat man's hand, with greedy and crazy eyes.

Suddenly, the fat man came back to his senses and cursed himself secretly.

I was so excited before that I forgot that there were many people around me.

"Leave the inherited exercises quickly, and then leave here, or don't blame us for being ruthless." A monk shouted.

"That's right! Your identity as the young master of the Qian family is useless to us at all in this trial ground. What's more, with your trash-like qualifications, even if you get the inherited exercises, it's just a waste of money. You might as well hand it over to us." Come out." Another person said arrogantly.

"Fart! This is what my young master found out, you don't even think about it." The fat man was furious, and hurriedly put the black bead into the space ring, and ran away desperately.

"Damn fat man, stop quickly, or don't blame us for being rude."

"Abandon him."

Immediately, there were continuous angry shouts from behind.

Fluffy! !At this very moment, everyone gave up hunting for treasure and chased after Young Master Qian frantically.

Inherited exercises are not comparable to ordinary exercises, even some earth-level exercises are difficult to compare, because in the inherited exercises, there are not only the practice formulas of the exercises, but also the perception of the creator, which can be compared with others. Let a person be able to cultivate diligently in that short period of time.

Therefore, when these people knew that Fatty had obtained the inherited exercises, they would be so excited.

"Damn it, after Fatty rises up powerfully, I will definitely show you bastards a good look." Sensing the pursuit from behind, Young Master Qian roared in his heart.

"Stop!" The people behind chased after him like crazy.

In less than a moment, more and more people learned about Fatty's inheritance of exercises. Immediately, when everyone was jealous, boundless greed was born in their hearts.

"I didn't expect that trash to be so lucky to get the inherited kung fu, but that's fine, because this inherited kung fu will fall into my hands sooner or later." Qian Jinyin stood in the void, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and immediately his body froze, disappeared into the air.

Not long after Fatty got the inheritance technique, there were shocking news of getting the earth-level magic weapon one after another. You must know that even Mr. Lin, who is Marshal Chiyue, only possessed a low-grade earth-level sun-shooting bow. One can imagine how precious a prefecture-level divine weapon is.

Immediately, everyone was extremely excited.

"Wang Yu, he has suddenly reached the Spirit Transformation Realm!"

"Li Jianjun has also suddenly reached the Spirit Transformation Realm!" Someone exclaimed, their eyes full of jealousy.

"Yaotian, they have found a medicine field. I heard that the aura of heaven and earth there is very strong, which can make them improve their cultivation in a short period of time and break through to transforming spirits in one fell swoop." Someone knew about it and said instantly.

"What? There is such a good thing? Then what are we doing here? Go!"

Someone reacted, and suddenly his figure exploded, disappearing in place. That way, he wished that he could grow more wings on his back.


A very dilapidated shrine, where many monks gathered, but they all stopped in front of the shrine, did not enter, the scene seemed a little weird.

I saw a huge vine spreading out from the inside of the shrine, stretching its teeth and waving its claws in front of the shrine, emitting a powerful aura, as if trying to stop the advance of these testers.

At the peak of spirit transformation, the aura emanating from this rattan has obviously reached the peak of spirit transformation, and it is only one step away from the Vientiane state.

All things have spirits, not only creatures, but even some plants, even rocks and other things, also have spirits. When they get the opportunity to evolve, they will also have some special powers, and even produce spirits. wisdom.

Just like the vine in front of me, maybe it hasn't yet given birth to wisdom, but it already has the instinct, that is to prevent the group of uninvited guests in front of it from entering the divine palace.

"Puffy!!" Its huge body like a dragon, and the countless vines danced wildly there, as if forming a net.

"Damn it, how could there be such a weird thing in this Divine Palace?" Seeing this scene, someone gritted their teeth and asked.

Seeing that the Divine Palace is here, they can't enter, one can imagine how entangled they are.

Of course, it wasn't that they hadn't thought about attacking by force, and they had tried it before, but soon they felt bitter in their hearts, because in front of the rattan monster with the peak strength of transforming spirits, their strength was simply not enough.

"It's really hateful! Do we really want to stop here?" Someone said, his eyes filled with strong unwillingness.

They worked so hard to find such a shrine. Although the shrine looked very dilapidated, everyone didn't think so. The more dilapidated the shrine, the longer it existed. Unrivaled skills may also be uncertain.

"Damn it, I won't believe it when we go up together. There are so many of us here, yet we can't deal with a vine demon!" Someone said harshly, with a flash of madness in his eyes.

Because there are constant rumors that some people have obtained world-shaking kung fu, or magical weapons. These people who have nothing to gain, have already been jealous to the point of madness. If they can no longer enter the divine palace in front of them, I am afraid they will gain nothing.

Thinking of this, everyone yelled wildly: "Let's go together, kill this vine demon!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were ferocious, and a violent aura rose from their bodies.

"Amitabha Buddha! This vine demon is ferocious. If you forcefully break in, you will be killed or injured. However, my Buddha is kind, and I have an idea. I wonder if you can listen to my advice." Suddenly, someone said lightly.


Everyone looked around, but saw that the person who spoke was a bald monk. Although the aura of this person seemed very solemn, but for some reason, when everyone looked at the small eyes of this person, they always felt that this person's There seemed to be a hint of cunning hidden in the eyes.

"Who are you? Is there any good way? If you really have a good way, tell it quickly, and when the treasure is in your hands, you will never be treated badly." Someone shouted loudly.


I saw the Zen stick in the monk's hand suddenly hit the ground hard, and there was a sound, and then he put his left palm together, and said calmly: "Amitabha, little monk Wukong, I have seen all the benefactors."

(End of this chapter)

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