Chapter 155
"Ding Ding!" In the lobby, Wentian was still holding the Broken Star, and was fighting with the statue in front of him, but the one statue before had become a dozen statues now.

"Come again!" Wentian shouted.

His body has already been covered with countless sword wounds, but his mind and spirit are still at their peak, as if he has become more courageous as he fights, especially his eyes are shining brightly, comparable to that shining star.

These days, he has been fighting swords with these statues, often when he was seriously injured, he quickly exited the lobby and returned to the previous passage.

However, he was surprised to find that as long as he exited the lobby, the statues would stop and would not attack him again.

This discovery made him even more ecstatic.

Such a good place to practice swords became his paradise in an instant, so since that day, he began to challenge those statues even more desperately.

And as his swordsmanship grew, he quickly defeated that statue with his swordsmanship. When he thought everything would be over, he was horrified to find that at that moment, some other statues seemed to come alive. Unleash a swipe.

Immediately, he was not afraid of rejoicing in his heart, and started to compete with many statues with a broken star in his hand.

With a sound of "chi", a sword light attacked him, but he didn't make much movement, he turned his body slightly, and avoided the opponent's attack with a close distance.

Immediately, Sui Xing spun smoothly in his hand, the blade of the sword was attached to the edge of the opponent's sword, and instantly slid straight up, with a clang, the two swords rubbed against each other, producing sparks. bomb.


Under his flick of a finger, Broken Star formed a shock, and immediately shook off the long sword in the statue's hand. Then, he ignored the statue in front of him who had lost the long sword. The residual light flashed under his feet, and he disappeared instantly.

As for the statue that lost its long sword, it seemed very strange to stand there motionless as if it had lost its life.

It's just that Wentian seemed to be used to this scene, and he didn't show any surprise.

As he was galloping, the broken stars in his hands continued to rotate, as if forming an arc of sword light. As he passed by, there were crisp sounds of ding ding, and the sword light flashed by. Knocked down by him.

With a sound, his feet landed on the ground, and the broken star in his hand twirled and plunged into the ground, while the statues that had lost their long swords instantly remained in their original shape, standing there motionless.

In response, the corners of his mouth were outlined, revealing a charming arc.

Before he knew it, his swordsmanship was able to defeat more than a dozen statues at the same time. Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little proud.

In his previous life, he had never been exposed to kendo, but now he suddenly found that he also seemed to have a strong talent for kendo, so he was naturally pleasantly surprised.


Just when he felt a little complacent, in the hall, except for the huge statue, the rest of the human-sized statues were suddenly shaken, and then moved quickly, holding the long sword in their hands, and attacking Wentian one after another.


When he noticed this scene, his complexion changed suddenly, and the trace of complacency in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Because now it is not one statue, nor more than a dozen, but a large group, thinking of this makes his scalp tingle.

At the same time, in the lobby of the ancient sword of the young man in green, all the statues were torn apart and turned into a pile of wreckage piled up on the ground.

Looking at the wreckage of these statues in the ground, Gu Jian looked normal, looking thoughtfully at the only huge statue left.


However, at this moment, the huge statue's body burst into light, and then below it, the huge formation, as if stimulated by something, began to operate crazily.

"Huh?" Gu Jian frowned.

But not long after, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot strangely. When he disappeared, the whole lobby returned to calm again, leaving only the wreckage of the statue.

At the same time, a burst of light bloomed in the lobby where Qingshuang was located, and then she also disappeared in the lobby strangely, as if being teleported to another place.


"Fatty, you can't escape."

"God damn Qian Fugui, quickly hand over the inherited exercises."

In a forest, earth-shattering roars could be heard continuously, and the young master Qian who was running ahead had an extremely livid complexion, and sweat the size of soybeans had already permeated his forehead.

Although his exaggerated figure gave people a feeling of rushing, but for some reason, at this moment, he burst out with unprecedented speed, narrowly leaving behind those who were chasing.

His huge body ran crazily in the forest, just like a fierce beast running wildly, causing a wave of mountain shaking and rumbling sounds.

For some reason, the figure of this young master Qian seems to be endlessly fat. I haven't seen him for a few days, even though he was being chased and killed, his huge body did not show any signs of thinning, and he became thinner. fatter than before.

This thing is really weird.

It's just that other people didn't notice this at all. Now, the only thing that can attract their attention is the inherited exercises in the hands of Young Master Qian.

"You bastards, one day, Fat Master will let you know how it feels to be hunted down. Fat Master wants you bastards to run for a month, so that you can know the pain and sorrow in Fat Master's heart."

The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head, and yelled at the people behind him.

His roar was like thunder, and that loud voice could almost resound through the entire forest. Some small animals that inhabited the forest were startled immediately, thinking that monsters were coming, they rushed out of the forest and fled in all directions.

"Hmph! How do you escape this time?" Suddenly, a monk behind him sneered.

Immediately, a white light flashed in this person's hand, and a bow appeared in his hand, he put an arrow on it, pulled the bow completely, and then let go suddenly.

With a sound of "嗖", the sharp arrow flashed brightly, piercing the void with that fierce aura, and there was a piercing sharp sound, shooting at Young Master Qian at extreme speed.

"What?" The fat man was startled suddenly, and in desperation, his huge body fell down quickly, and with a bang, a sandstorm was caused.

boom!He saw a huge pit with a width of two feet suddenly appeared under the ground in front of him. Unexpectedly, the power of the arrow just now was so powerful.

In the late stage of Lianyuan, and not just the ordinary late stage of Lianyuan, when he noticed the other party's cultivation, he was shocked and filled with jealousy.

His strength is only at the beginning of Yuan Lian, and he is extremely envious of these late Lian Yuan, but he has to admit that his talent is indeed not as good as others.

"Where are you going to run?" Someone rushed over, with a ferocious expression on his face, just like the previous chase, which had already caused boundless hatred in their hearts.

With a "buzz", one of them stabbed him in the chest with a long spear in his hands, with fierce eyes.

Fatty's face was pale, and a trace of madness flashed between his eyes, as if he was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, there was a cold shout in the void.


With a sound of "poof", the cultivator holding the spear suddenly backed away, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, his face was extremely pale.

"Who?" The others reacted and shouted wildly, their eyes shot with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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