Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 158 Inheritance Aperture

Chapter 158 Inheritance Aperture

With a crisp sound of the sword, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, he squatted down quickly, wrapped up the broken star in his hand, and plunged into the ground in an instant.

"Clang clang!!"

Immediately, hundreds of sword qi shot out from the broken star in his hand, hitting the sword-holding wrists of the hundreds of statues in a precise direction. In an instant, their hands trembled, and the long swords fell to the ground one after another. .

Wentian slowly raised his head, looking at the statues that had completely stopped around him, the corners of his mouth drew a charming arc, and he immediately stood up, threw the broken star in his hand upwards and back, and put it back into the sword sheath with a clang.

Here, he was wearing the sword sheath specially refined for Broken Star again. This special sword sheath also covered half of his body like a piece of armor, making him look like a general.

"Has it finally stopped?" Looking at these statues, he murmured.

However, his eyes are as bright as stars, because after these days, his sword skills can be said to have improved rapidly, especially the use of sword energy, I don't know how many times stronger than before.

If in the past, he was just a him who could display a powerful single-style swordsmanship, but now he is a him who can defeat the Spirit Transformation Realm only with the power of swordsmanship.

This is a metamorphosis!
"Huh? This is?"

However, at this moment, his body that had just relaxed tensed up again, and he saw that the huge statue in the lobby suddenly burst into light, and the formation in the ground began to move rapidly.

"What's going on here?" He couldn't help being surprised, but soon, he felt relieved.

The teleportation array, the underground formation, actually has the ability of the teleportation array.

With a whoosh, his figure flashed and disappeared into the lobby in an instant. When he reappeared, he found himself in a huge square.

And here, in this huge square, there were already three people standing there, and when he appeared, all three of them turned their attention to him.

"Huh? It's them?"

When he saw the three people clearly, he was slightly startled, because he had an impression of the three people in front of him.

The woman in black who had assassinated him and was feasting his eyes not long ago was recognized by him at a glance even though she was wearing a black robe.

The remaining two people were the mysterious young man in the green shirt with a sword on his back, and a famous swordsman in the capital.

In Nuo Da's square, apart from these three people, the most conspicuous place is undoubtedly the center of the square, where thousands or tens of thousands of swords are buried.

The innumerable sharp swords exude a compelling sword intent, and it can be seen from this alone that the quality of these swords may not be too low, and all of them have reached the mysterious level.

Thinking of this, Wentian's eyes were horrified, and he couldn't help but gasped.

"Who the hell is it? To have such a big money?" At the same time, he couldn't help but think this way.

"The pervert! To my surprise, not only did you not die, but you passed the first test!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in his head.

He came back to his senses, looking at the other party's eyes that seemed to burst out of flames, he felt a burst of bitterness in his heart.

It's really a headache for him to be missed by such a woman, but now, he can't reveal his identity.

Maybe when he can reveal his identity, he will feel very righteous. After all, the other party attacked and killed him for no reason before, and blamed him.

And until now, he still doesn't know why the other party did this.

"One day, I will find out the truth!" With a flash in his eyes, he thought to himself.

"Gu Tian? Could it be him?" Gu Jian frowned, looking at Wen Tian thoughtfully, as if thinking about something in his heart.

As for the other person, when he saw Wentian appearing, his eyes were full of doubts, as if he was guessing who the young man in front of him was.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Wentian discovered that he seemed to be in a special barrier.

This also made Qingshuang not attack him when he appeared.

However, he was full of doubts about the square full of swords in front of him. He didn't know where it was?
Or in other words, what will the four of them do next, because he can vaguely guess that the four of them should be undergoing a test now.

"Om!" All of a sudden, a bright light burst into the sky above this huge square, and immediately in the shocked eyes of everyone, a platform with a diameter of 500 meters appeared in the air like this.

However, the appearance of the platform did not shock them the most. What shocked them the most was that there were actually two circles of light emitting soft light on the platform.

"Inherit the aperture!" Among them, the kendo boy couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

In an instant, Wentian's expression changed, and his heart also set off a turbulent sea, because of the four characters of inheriting the aperture.

The so-called inheritance aperture is that some masters use special means to extract what they have learned all their lives from their own sea of ​​consciousness, just like inheriting exercises, which can allow people to quickly understand the mystery of it and improve their strength in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, his heart throbbed. Looking at the two inheritance halos on the air platform, his eyes were filled with fiery color.

When the high-altitude platform appeared, there was a space distortion in front of the four of them, and a staircase appeared out of thin air.

This is a ladder that climbs up in a straight line. Wentian counted it carefully, and there are nine hundred and ninety steps, leading directly to the platform above.

Seeing this, he seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart, knowing what they were going to do next.

"The inheritance aperture is mine!" The kendo boy yelled, his body froze, and he rushed out of the barrier in an instant, stepped on the first step.

However, at this instant, Wentian and the others could clearly notice that the man's complexion suddenly changed at that instant, and everyone's hearts suddenly became dignified.

"Hmph! You only have sword power, don't stop me, Zhao Quan." The young man looked angry, and a sword energy surged on his body, and he took the second step and the third step again.

With a sound of "step", Qingshuang, who was wearing a big robe, also stepped on the stairs decisively, and looked at Wentian with eyes full of murderous intent.

For that, Wentian showed a bitter smile.

"Sword inheritance? I want to get it too!" A firm light flashed in his eyes, and after taking a deep breath, he lifted his steps and stepped out of the barrier.


"Huh?" The moment he stepped on the stairs, he suddenly felt a heavy sword power coming from the place where the sword was buried in the square, descending on him, causing his body to be subjected to an inexplicable force. gravity.

In an instant, his complexion changed suddenly.

"Huh!" A cold snort came out of his mouth, and then his body was shaken suddenly, and the sword power pressing on him was immediately bounced away by him.

Then, he lifted his feet and continued to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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