Chapter 162
With a sound of Peng, Gu Jian's originally rushing body was bombarded by Wentian's domineering force and flew away.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were horrified, his complexion was extremely pale, and the green shirt on his upper body was completely destroyed.

At this moment, his expression changed for a while, Jian Er's aura dissipated rapidly, and his unwilling growl was faintly heard: "The next time we meet again, I will definitely cut off your kid's head with my own hands. "

It's just that his voice quickly disappeared without a trace, as if his appearance was just a flash of beauty.

Gu Jian's expression returned to normal, his eyes still flashed madly, and he suddenly shouted: "The battle between us is not over yet, one day, I, Gu Jian, vowed to defeat you."

"Om!" After saying that, a burst of white light flashed across his body and disappeared on the platform in an instant.

Seeing the other party being teleported away, Wentian heaved a sigh of relief, and with a pop, he even knelt down on the ground, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and the hands holding Suixing were trembling constantly.

"Is it an ancient sword? The next time we meet, I, Lin Wentian, will break your sword!" He muttered, with a firm glow in his eyes.

He believed that the opponent had been in touch with swordsmanship for longer than him, and he had only been in contact with the sword for a few months. As long as he took time, his swordsmanship would definitely catch up with the opponent, or even surpass him.

Immediately, he raised his head, looked at Qingshuang who was accepting the inheritance, and then set his eyes on the other inheritance aperture, his eyes flashed with joy.

"I don't know what kind of sword style inheritance this is?" he thought to himself.

The next moment, he supported his body with broken stars, and began to stand up slowly, dragging his tired body, step by step towards the inheritance aperture.

"Cough cough!!" While walking, he coughed even more lightly, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, but he quickly wiped it away with his hands.

Looking at the inheritance aperture in front of him, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he said to himself: "I have worked so hard to get to this point, I hope you don't let me down."

After saying that, he took back the Broken Star and stepped into the inheritance aperture.

"Huh!" He let out a small gasp.

Because when he entered the inheritance aperture, he found that the gentle power from all directions began to flow into his body along his wound, and at this moment, his severely damaged body seemed to be moistened, slowly automatically recover

Realizing this, his face suddenly showed ecstasy.

Originally, he was worried about whether accepting the inheritance with his current body would have any impact, but now it seems that the owner of this inheritance has already thought of a perfect plan.

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed suddenly, and instead of accepting the inheritance immediately, he untied the sword sheath with many sword holes on his body, then lightly closed his eyes, and sat up cross-legged.

Just like that, he began to use the soft power in the aperture to slowly recover from his injuries.

Half an hour later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with light, as if after half an hour of recuperating, his spirit seemed to have returned to its peak.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth drew a charming arc. At this moment, he relaxed his body and mind, as if returning to nature, returning to his mother's arms.

At the same time, information from all directions began to slowly pour into his brows, causing his smooth black hair to flutter, and his body could not help exuding a calm aura naturally, which was different from the domineering aura before. It is quite the opposite.

I don't know how long it has passed, beside him, Qingshuang, who accepted the inheritance one step ahead of him, slowly opened his eyes, and there was a deep ecstasy in those pupils.

"The inheritance of the senior Jian Zhenzi is indeed as powerful as the rumors." She said pleasantly.

However, when she discovered that Wentian beside her was also accepting the inheritance, her eyebrows frowned, and murderous intent flickered in her beautiful eyes.

"The inheritance of the senior Jian Zhenzi can only belong to this young lady. You, a damned whore, can't imagine getting it." She said coldly.

In an instant, she got sick, rushed out of the light curtain, and quickly merged into the light curtain where Wentian was.

In Wentian here, his mind seems to have not come back, his eyes are still lightly closed, his body is floating more naturally, and he seems to be unaware of Qingshuang's entry.

"Death!" Qingshuang gritted her teeth vigorously, as if she had made a major decision in her heart, she held a long sword in her hand and pierced Wentian's heart.

With Wentian's strong physical body, ordinary ordinary soldiers' sharp weapons couldn't hurt him at all, but it soon became apparent that the long sword in Qingshuang's hand was absolutely extraordinary.

With a chirp, Qingshuang's hands were as fast as lightning, and the long sword pierced out in an instant, making a piercing piercing sound.

However, just when her sword tip was about to pierce Wentian's heart, her body froze suddenly and stopped, her eyes widened in horror, showing an expression of disbelief.

At the same time, a burst of white light gushed out from the entire platform in the void, condensing the huge phantom of an old man.

This is an old man with a thin body, but his back is so tall that it can break the sky. His face and eyebrows are full of arrogance, which makes it easy for people to see that this old man is definitely an unruly man. Rebellious, domineering, and self-righteous strong.

All of a sudden, as if the old man had sensed something, he suddenly lowered his head, looked at Qingshuang and Wentian in the light curtain, and a strange smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

This smile fell into Qingshuang's eyes, and immediately made her brain tremble, as if she had a bad premonition, she tried to struggle, but found that no matter how hard she struggled, her body couldn't move an inch.

At the same time, in the void, the old man murmured: "Old man Zhenchen, others call me Sword Formation. I have studied swordsmanship all my life, but in the end I found that my talent is not in swordsmanship, but in sword formation. , the old man retreated and cultivated, on the day of breaking the barrier, thousands of swords contended, shocking the heroes, but the scenery was incomparable for a while."

"But the old man has regrets in his heart. Over the years, even after becoming famous, he has not had a true friend. Even the woman he once loved has already become someone else's wife when the old man breaks through. This is the first time I have asked myself, is fame and strength important? Or is it more important to love?"

"It wasn't until the old man's life was still alive that he suddenly realized that if his lover is lost, he will lose it forever, but his own strength can still be slowly improved. Therefore, the old man has a kind heart today, so I will help you young people."

With that voice, an inexplicable smile appeared on the old man's face.

This smile fell into Qingshuang's eyes, which immediately made her shiver all over.

The old man in the void dissipated slowly in the next moment, as if the wisp of soul that had remained for many years had finally vanished into ashes and completely disappeared in the long river of history.

At the same time, when the old man disappeared, a pink gas suddenly poured into the light curtain where Qingshuang and Wentian were. This gas came out of nowhere, and was quickly inhaled by the two of them.

Immediately, a blush appeared on Qingshuang's cheeks, and there was a soft puffing sound from her mouth, and she began to pant continuously.

Her eyes were misty and full of emotion, and the small cherry mouth opened and closed from time to time, which was full of boundless temptation. Maybe it was because she felt the heat pouring into her body, which made her feel uncomfortable. The black robe suddenly revealed a large area of ​​snow white.

(End of this chapter)

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