Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 164 Can't kill?

Chapter 164 Can't kill?

With a "clang", a purple light flashed in his hand, and Broken Star appeared in his hand.

Broken Star weighs 99 kilograms!
With Broken Star in his hand, the sword energy in his body became more fierce, whoosh, his afterglow flashed, and he disappeared in the same place strangely.

"Kill him!" The eldest prince shouted angrily.

"Peng!" A raging flame came burning him, and rolling rocks smashed towards him, but Wentian still looked as usual, the sword in his hand flashed, clanging, the sword's energy exploded, and shot in all directions.

"What?" Seeing that the opponent's sword energy broke through his attack so easily, someone shouted.

"Death!" Wen Tian said coldly, his body moving like wind and lightning, and appeared in front of those two people in the blink of an eye, with a flick of the broken star in his hand, a sword light was drawn immediately, bringing a smear of blood.



Those two people opened their eyes in fear, their eyes were extremely frightened, they opened their mouths to speak, maybe they wanted to put down their cruel words, or something.

But in the next moment, blood spurted from their necks, and their eyes quickly lost their color.

Indistinctly, Wentian could still see that trace of remorse in the depths of the pupils of the two of them. Maybe at the moment of dying, they regretted what they had done to avenge their kindness.

"Could this be retribution?" Before the two of them died, such a voice sounded in their heads.

"Boy, Hugh is crazy!" Someone shouted not far away, his face turned blue and red.

There are so many of them, among them there are quite a few people in the spirit-transforming state. Now a person of the same generation treats them as nothing. When they were shocked, an unknown fire gushed out again.

"Boom!" Suddenly, someone unleashed a bolt of lightning, bombarding Xiang Wentian with that berserk force.

"Get out!" Wen Tian yelled violently, his left hand clawed out, and with a bang, he directly crushed the opponent's attack with his flesh and blood hands, and immediately he was sick, and stabbed out with a sword in his right hand.

"What?" Seeing that his own thunder and lightning could not hurt the opponent's body for a minute, the monk's heart suddenly set off a turbulent wave, and he looked terrified as if he had seen a ghost.

Clang!With a flash of sword light and a pop, in his horrifying eyes, Broken Star has penetrated his chest, splashing a bloody flower.

Immediately, the whole audience fell into a dead silence. Seeing Wentian's calm face, they couldn't help trembling in their souls, and shivered all over their bodies.

Among them, the thunder-attribute cultivator of the spirit-transforming realm was assassinated by the opponent's sword in the blink of an eye. This was definitely a bolt from the blue for them, and they couldn't accept it for a while.

"This man is a devil!" Someone exclaimed.

The eyes of everyone looking at Wentian were filled with boundless fear, and their footsteps couldn't help but retreat.

"Why are you panicking? You're just a pariah, why don't you charge up to me and kill him!" Seeing the panic of the crowd, Ji Baojun couldn't help but panic, but soon began to yell.

There was a struggle on everyone's face, as if caught in a dilemma.

"Damn it, I don't believe it, can he fly into the sky by himself?"

"That's right! No matter how powerful this person is, he can't compare to that Lin Wentian!"

"Kill kill!!"

Suddenly, someone showed a ferocious face, raised all his cultivation bases, and launched a killing blow.

"Go away, don't force me to take action." Wen Tian said coldly, his voice was full of coldness, but also impatience.

"Gu Tian, ​​the body must be rampant!" Someone shouted angrily.

I saw a dark-skinned, burly young man with his hands quickly forming seals, squatting down suddenly, and hitting the ground vigorously with both hands.

"Bang! Bang!"

The ground under the ground suddenly shook, and there was a huge booming sound, and stone walls rushed out of the ground in an instant, forming a square shape, trapping Wentian inside.

"Boy, let's see how you can escape!" Seeing that the other party was trapped, this person showed a smug expression.

"Let's attack together!" He shouted even more.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Immediately, more than 100 genius monks all unleashed a powerful blow, and that colorful attack instantly exploded the entire world, and the monsters in the spirit transformation realm with a radius of tens of miles also showed fear in the depths of their pupils.

"Boy, this is what you will end up with if you offend this prince. Under the red moon, my Ji family's royal family is the king of this world, and no one can reverse it, including that Lin Wentian. Sooner or later, I will die in the hands of this prince." Ji Baojun said coldly.

"is it?"

However, soon from the place of the storm, there came a cold voice full of killing intent, as if from hell.

Suddenly, Ji Baojun's mind trembled, and a bad premonition suddenly hit his heart.

When the storm and the stone wall broke open, his black hair was flying and his gaze was like a blade.

Whoosh, at that moment, he flashed and rushed towards Ji Baojun.

"Block him!" Ji Baojun was terrified.

"Hmph!" Wentian snorted coldly, and the broken stars and purple awns bloomed in his hands.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!!"

Immediately, the sword intent rose up, merged into the sword energy, and shot out like a storm.

"Not good..." Someone shouted, eyes full of horror.

Bang bang bang! !The bodies of the people flew backwards rapidly, and some of them hit the rocks. There was a cracking sound in an instant, and the rocks were torn apart. Someone's body was pierced by the sword energy, and blood gushed out.

"Hiss!" When some people saw Wentian like a demon god, their minds buzzed.

"Don't come here, I am Chiyue's eldest prince, and my father is the current emperor. If you are willing to kneel obediently now, this prince may forget the past and forgive your disrespect."

At this moment, the arrogance on Ji Baojun's face had long since disappeared without a trace, but turned pale.

Despite the strong fear in his heart, he still pretended to be calm and shouted loudly, wanting to shock Wentian with his noble status as the First Prince.

He just asked Tian Wenyan, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he still cares about the identity of the other party's eldest prince?

of course not!

"It was you who killed!" He said coldly.

In an instant, he galloped forward, and the broken star in his hand glowed purple, stabbing out sharply and decisively.

At this moment, everyone's expression was horrified, they did not expect that in Chiyue, besides that Lin Wentian, there would be someone who would dare to attack members of the Ji family's royal family.

Only at this moment did they realize that the young man in front of him was definitely a decisive person to kill.

Thinking of this, some people who were about to struggle suddenly showed bitterness on their faces.

"A mere pariah, you can't kill me." Suddenly, Ji Baojun shouted loudly.

hum!Just when Wentian's sword was about to pierce his body, he saw a sudden burst of intense light.

With a sound of "clang", a broken star was pierced on a piece of black armor, shooting dazzling sparks.

"Huh?" In an instant, Wentian's face darkened.

"Haha! This prince is protected by a divine armor, you can't kill me." Seeing this scene, Ji Baojun laughed arrogantly.

"Hey!" Just as Wentian was stunned, he flew up quickly, trying to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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