Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 166 Ghost Demon?

Chapter 166 Ghost Demon?
"Who?" Someone called.

The blood mist that suddenly gushed out was really shocking, especially there was a faint evil smile in the blood mist, which made people like them shudder.

The blood mist continued to surge, and finally turned into a man, but on the forehead of this man, there was a pair of tentacles growing strangely, which seemed a bit out of place.

When this strange man appeared, he was still holding a pair of skeletons in his hands, a trace of blood was seeping from the corner of his mouth, and he outlined a cruel smile.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, everyone's minds suddenly buzzed, and they couldn't help gasping.

"Who the hell are you?" Someone asked with fear in their eyes.

The man suddenly formed by the blood mist gave them a bad premonition, and they vaguely sensed that something might have changed in this Daozi trial.

"Jie Jie! You are wrong, I am not human." The strange man's voice was full of sinister aura.

"What? You're not human! Then you are?"

Immediately, turbulent waves rose in everyone's hearts, and they were filled with boundless fear when they looked at the strange man's eyes.

Because if the other party is not a human being, only ghosts, Buddhas and demons are left, but obviously, this person is definitely not a Buddha, so he can only be among ghosts, demons and demons.

No matter whether the opponent is a ghost, a demon, or a demon, they are not able to contend with them today. Thinking of this, everyone has already given up in their hearts.

All ghosts, demons, and demons with flesh and blood, either have unfathomable cultivation, or possess the power of the blood of the royal family, any of these can make them feel desperate.

"Escape..." Someone exclaimed.


In an instant, the energy in everyone's body exploded, and they fled in all directions like scrambling to be the first.

At this moment, they already faintly regretted that they came to participate in the Taoist trial. You must know that the people in Xianfeng Pavilion never said that there were three clans of ghosts, demons and demons here.

"Damn Xianfeng Pavilion, you still talk about Daoist trials. This is clearly trying to kill the entire Chiyue genius here." Someone complained in their hearts.

"A mere ant-like existence is also trying to escape in front of me. If it weren't for my vital energy being seriously injured, with your cultivation base, even if it is my blood food, it is not qualified enough." The strange man said disdainfully.

In an instant, his hand trembled suddenly, and the bones in his hand instantly turned into dust with a bang. Immediately, a red light flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand suddenly.

"Peng!" A gust of red blood mist rushed out, with that rapid speed, caught up with the group of monks who were struggling to escape in the blink of an eye, and quickly enveloped them.

"Ah...!" There were screams in the blood mist.

But not long after, those screams disappeared completely, and the whole sky returned to calm again.

The blood mist flew back quickly, and suddenly, the strange man opened his mouth to inhale, and the blood mist full of bloody smell and ominous atmosphere was instantly sucked into the mouth by the strange man.

Then, the strange man's eyes lit up suddenly, he licked the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "Although the strength of these ants is insignificant, I have to say that human blood is still so delicious."

He flashed a cruel smile.

And here, the aura on his body is even stronger than before.

"According to the days, that place should also be born!" As if remembering something, he suddenly lifted up, looked at the void, and revealed an inexplicable smile.


"I don't know how she is now?" Wentian was flying in the air, a beautiful image suddenly flashed in his mind, it was more like remembering the **** scene before, and his face couldn't help turning red.

Although at the beginning of his heart, he felt extremely disgusted with Qingshuang, who had assassinated him and framed him, and even had a killing intent, but after these two days, the killing intent in his heart has long since dissipated, and he can't help gushing out. A sense of guilt.

"Hey..." He sighed softly in his heart, with bitterness on his face.


Not long after, his expression changed, and he noticed that there was someone below, more like discussing something. Immediately, his spiritual sense dispersed and began to perceive.

With his current spiritual awareness, not to mention some Yuan Lian monks, even some monks in the spiritual transformation state may not be able to detect it.

Not long after, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness, but his face darkened, as if dripping water, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Qian Jinyin, if something happens to Fatty, I, Lin Wentian, will kill you even if I chase you to the ends of the earth." Suddenly, he said coldly.


At the same time, on a hillside, on a huge rock, a young man was sitting cross-legged, and his aura kept rising, as if his spirit had reached its peak.

With a "boom", a powerful aura suddenly rose from him, and immediately, the person's eyes widened, as if a golden light flashed.

He suddenly stretched out a finger, and with a Chi sound, a golden light shot out from between his fingers, and with a clang sound, as if a divine sword had been unsheathed, the golden light shot under the ground not far away, and immediately cut a deep crack.

"The mid-stage of spiritual transformation!" the man murmured, his eyes filled with intense joy.

He is the third prince of Chiyue, Ji Hong. If there is no accident, he will accept the enthronement of the current sage soon, and will become the new emperor of Chiyue.

"Congratulations to the third prince... No, I should say congratulations to our future sage, the miraculous power has greatly increased."

Suddenly, someone rushed out from not far away, with an even more respectful expression, arched his hands, and spoke.

Hearing this, the words of such a person are exactly what Ji Hong wants, and the corners of his mouth are raised, forming an arc.

But soon, he found that the person in front of him was hesitant to speak.

In an instant, he frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate."


Not long after, Ji Hong clenched his hands into fists and his face turned ferocious.

"Although Ji Baojun is only a stumbling block for me, Ji Hong, in the end, he is still related to me by blood, and he is also a member of the Ji family's royal family. Gu Tian, ​​if you dare to kill him, you are fighting against me, Ji Hong. I will let you You know, even in this place of trial, this world is still in the hands of my Ji family's royal family."

His voice was murderous.


At the same time, under a barren land, three young men appeared, and the one standing in the middle was a young man dressed in black with a haughty look on his face.

This young man is not very old, but his aura is extremely strong, much stronger than the third prince who just broke through to the middle stage of spirit transformation.

From his body, a noble air naturally exuded, making the two people around him lower their heads, as if they were born to be inferior to the boy in black in front of him.

Suddenly, the boy in black frowned, and immediately said coldly: "You have come here, why do you have to dodge?"

After the words fell, a light flashed not far away, and three figures appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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