Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 197 Precious Art?

Chapter 197 Precious Art?

Although he knew for a long time that Fang Hao, the boy in black, just wanted to borrow his identity as a person who had participated in the trial, and deliberately cooperated with him. When they competed for the inheritance of the Taoist son, the two would definitely face each other with swords and swords. I never thought that I would really trust the person in front of me.

But he didn't figure it out, the first person to deal with him was Fang Hao. In an instant, his expression was extremely angry.

"Do you really think that I will see you get the inheritance in vain? At this point, you are no longer of any use value." Watching Feng Yunlin roar, Fang Hao sneered, his expression was indescribably cold.

"It's not that simple to kill me!"


Right here, like lightning, Fengyunlin's aura rises boomingly, constantly climbing upwards, as if it wants to shake the starry sky.

With a bang, there was a broken sound coming from him, but when the broken sound sounded, the expressions of the others changed suddenly.

"Late stage of spirit transformation?" Shangguan Chong, dressed in white, suddenly shrank his eyes, filled with fear.

And Young Master Qian, who had just rushed up, sensed Fengyun Lin's violent aura, his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "What? This kid actually broke through to the late stage of spirit transformation?"

When he thought that he was still practicing Yuanjing, he clenched his hands vigorously, his eyes were filled with strong unwillingness, and he roared in his heart: "Damn it, why is it so easy for these people to break through their cultivation, why is Fatty still practicing Yuanjing, Fatty Not reconciled..."

"Haha! Fang Hao! Don't think that you are the only one who is in the late stage of spirit transformation. I, Feng Yunlin, am the real genius. I am the number one genius in Fengyun Kingdom." Fengyunlin yelled.

Immediately, a yellow light burst from his body, condensing a huge stone arm and blasting out forcefully.

boom!Under the blow of the two late-stage transformation spirits, the void exploded, and a gust of wind howled. When the storm dispersed, Fang Hao still looked calm, but Feng Yunlin turned pale.

"It's just a barbarian, don't say you are in the late stage of spiritual transformation, even if you are in the Vientiane realm, we, Fang Hao, will slaughter you like an ant." Fang Hao snorted coldly.

In an instant, with a bang, his cultivation power rose, and a scorpion appeared faintly behind him.

Although he was in the starry sky, he was surrounded by a strange force, and when the residual light on his body flashed, he had already appeared in front of Feng Yunlin.


At this moment, his five fingers merged into a knife, and he struck out suddenly.

Peng, in the eyes of Wentian and others, Fang Hao's sword turned into the tail of a black scorpion at the moment the sword was released, and it stabbed out swiftly.

"What?" Feng Yunlin was shocked.

But soon, his expression became crazy, his hands formed a seal, and with a bang, the seal was completed, and he shouted angrily: "Bronze wall and iron wall!"

boom!The power of transforming the spirit of the earth attribute exploded, and quickly condensed a five-foot-high stone wall to block in front of him. After doing all this, his face loosened.

Then he roared even more: "Fang Hao, it's not that simple for you to kill me. When I get the position of Daozi, it's your death date."

"And if you dare to kill me, you will be against my entire Fengyun Nation. At that time, even the entire Tianyuan Continent will not have a place for you, Fang Hao."

He has confidence in his heart, because he is a genius of the Fengyun Empire and a member of the Fengyun Imperial Family, and behind him is the entire Empire.

"The Wind and Cloud Royal Family?"

"In Fang Hao's eyes, they are just bigger ants, but killing you is easier than crushing an ant." Fang Hao said disdainfully.

Then, a flash of red light pierced the stone wall in front of Fengyun Lin with invincible force.


There was even Fengyunlin's unbelievable scream: "This is are only in the late stage of spiritual transformation...I can't die, I am a member of the Fengyun royal family."

His screams were full of fear and unwillingness.

I saw that Fang Hao's knife had pierced his chest, and the blood splashed on Fang Hao's face, which didn't make him frown, but showed excitement, and looked even more cruel, and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

"In the late stage of spirit transformation like you, there are no fewer than a hundred people who died under the hands of this young master. What can you count as Feng Yunlin?" Seeing Feng Yunlin with pale face and eyes full of fear, he sneered.

"You can't kill me!"

The Fengyunlin here has long been completely terrified. Although he knew that Fang Hao was very strong before, he never thought that he would be so strong. This kind of crushing power is comparable to some Vientiane realms.

"Can't?" Fang Hao sketched a strange smile, and the next moment, the hand that pierced Feng Yunlin's chest suddenly shook violently.


Immediately, Feng Yunlin's entire body exploded suddenly, completely leaving no bones, a generation of arrogance from Fengyun Empire just fell like this.


When Young Master Qian saw this cruel scene, his whole body trembled, and before he knew it, his forehead was soaked with sweat like soybeans.

He was even more unwilling to say inwardly: "This guy is not easy to provoke, it is better for Fat Master to avoid it."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel complacent: "Fatty Master is still smart, unlike Feng Yunlin, who thought that the world was invincible based on his late stage spiritual transformation, but in the end, he ended up dead in a foreign land."

Just when he was thinking wildly in his mind, the eyes of everyone looking at the boy in black were full of deep fear.

"That guy's move just now, could it be the rumored treasure that was engraved in the bones of a vicious goblin?" Wentian frowned, feeling bursts of surprise in his heart, and was even more puzzled about the identity of the boy in black.

"The Dao blood and the Dao scriptures belong to this young master. If anyone dares to oppose this young master, this will be the end." Fang Hao turned his head and looked at everyone with cold eyes, his threat was very obvious.

"Hmph!" Immediately, he ignored everyone and sat up on the spot.

The blood and the Dao scriptures in the air, because of Feng Yunlin's death, seemed to have lost their sense of direction, and just stopped in place without moving.

boom!Soon, a force of thought far surpassing Fengyunlin rose from Fang Hao, and the Dao blood and Dao scriptures in the air began to drift towards Fang Hao slowly as if they felt called again.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in everyone's eyes.

Although the strength Fang Hao displayed before did shock them, but they are geniuses and the strongest of Chi Yue's younger generation, so how could they be easily convinced.

Especially Wentian, looking at the mysterious black-clothed man Fang Hao, his eyes kept flickering, and the coldness on his face became more and more intense.

"This person is cruel, arrogant, and domineering to the extreme. No wonder Qinglian doesn't want this person to become a Taoist."

Without thinking too much, in an instant, he waved his sleeves and sat cross-legged in the air, not to mention for Qinglian, just for himself, he would not just watch the boy in black get the Taoist inheritance in vain.


Suddenly, a thought no weaker than the black-clothed boy exploded, causing the Dao blood and Dao scriptures in the starry sky to shake suddenly, and stopped as if they were disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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