Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 199 For Dao Blood?

Chapter 199 For Dao Blood?

boom! !

"You trash, quickly put down the dao blood." Qian Jinyin roared crazily, his expression ferocious like a beast, his eyes flashed with blood, like the pupils of a ferocious beast, making people shudder.

"Haha! Even if I die, I won't hand it over to you." Young Master Qian's complexion was pale, and his arm had recovered to its original state.

But his arm was stained with blood, as if due to the previous blow, all the tendons on his arm had burst, it was simply horrible.

But even so, his eyes flashed with arrogance, because he was holding a drop of strangely red blood in the palm of his hand.

There is a trace of brilliance on this drop of blood, yes, it is the Dao blood in the inheritance of Daozi.

"You're courting death!" Qian Jinyin yelled, extremely angry.


However, at this moment, there was a shock in the void, and then a seven-story pagoda appeared. The pagoda shone brightly and emitted a strong suction force at that moment.

"Not good!" Stop him quickly.

Fluffy! !Shangguan Chong and Ji Hong's expressions changed drastically, and they shot wildly.

"Give it to me!" the black-clothed boy Fang Hao shouted, his hands kept making seals, and he drove seal formulas one after another into the seven-story pagoda in the air.

Immediately, the pagoda shook suddenly, followed by a suction force like a whale sucking water, and with a swish, the sutra was directly absorbed into the pagoda with a domineering momentum.

All the things happened only at that moment. However, the two things inherited by the Daoist, the Dao blood has been obtained by the fat man. Take it away by force.

"Earth-level tower implements are low-grade, but they are infinitely close to middle-grade." Feeling the aura emanating from the pagoda, Ji Hong and Shangguan Chong were shocked in their hearts, and their expressions were full of fear.

"Trash! Die with me!" Suddenly, Qian Jinyin's roar rang out in everyone's minds.

boom!A gas with strong resentment rose from his body, and at that moment condensed into a hideous-looking skull, Jie Jie, and faintly let out bursts of laughter that made people's hair explode.

Resentful, the skeleton rushed out suddenly, opened its ferocious mouth, and devoured Young Master Qian.

"Soul-swallowing Dafa?"

The eyelids of the black-clothed boy twitched, his pupils showed bursts of surprise, but soon, his face became ferocious.

"The Taoist scriptures are the main thing, and the blood of the Tao is also important!"

"Buzz!" A burst of gas exploded from his body, and a scorpion condensed out.

At the same time, Shangguan Chong and Ji Hong also realized that they might have sensed the difficulty of the boy in black. They actually gave up the Taoism and chose to attack Young Master Qian at this time.

With a crackling sound, lightning flashed on Shangguan Chong's body, and with a wave of his hand, a thunderbolt with the thickness of his wrist was struck out, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Eagle Soul Golden Spear!" Ji Hong yelled loudly, and with a hum, a golden long spear was held in his hand, and he shook it suddenly, stabbing out with a sharp breath.

In the blink of an eye, these four people suddenly jumped up at the same time, and launched a strong attack on Young Master Qian, as if they had no blood in their hands, they vowed not to give up.

"What?" Young Master Qian was rambling all over, his face extremely pale.

If his younger brother Qian Jinyin fights alone, even if he is invincible, but he believes that borrowing the power of the Heavenly Thunder Armor on his body is enough to protect himself.

But now in the face of several Heaven's Chosen, even if he is wearing the Heavenly Thunder Armor, with his low cultivation base, he can't display the true strength of the Heavenly Thunder Armor at all.

Thinking of this, he was terrified to the extreme, and roared even more: "You bully the few with the more, what kind of heroes are you? If you have the ability, you can challenge the Fatty one-on-one."

It's just that no matter what he said, everyone still didn't pay any attention to what he meant.

Especially Qian Jinyin, whose face was even more ferocious like a beast. When he saw his so-called big brother dying in his hands, joy flashed across his eyes.

"Trash! Go to hell! So what if you have the Heavenly Thunder Armor? After all, you are nothing more than a waste of the Qian family."

He roared wildly, his eyes were blood red, as if he had fallen into madness.

"Stop... don't..."


The void exploded violently, causing a sky-shattering rumbling sound, which instantly drowned out Young Master Qian's roar, and the violent wind howled, raging in all directions, and swept away in all directions with a berserk aftermath.

After all, these are the violent attacks of the four arrogance-like characters, not to mention the cultivation realm, I am afraid that some of the peak spirits will be blown to ashes in an instant.

"From today onwards, there will be no young masters of the Qian family in this world, only me, Qian Jinyin." Qian Jinyin said coldly, without a trace of emotion on his face.

"Cough cough!" Suddenly, there was a soft cough from the place of the storm.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed drastically, especially Qian Jinyin, who opened his mouth and shouted: "Not dead? It's impossible!"

In the shocked eyes of everyone, they saw the storm tent disperse with a sound, revealing a figure in embarrassment.

The clothes on this person's body were torn, and his hair was disheveled, as if it hadn't been repaired for decades, especially on the corner of this person's mouth, there was even more conspicuous blood stains.

Behind this person, wearing the Tianlei Armor, his body was as fat as a mountain, and his eyes were wide open. With an expression of disbelief, he looked at the young man standing in front of him like a demon .


His expression was extremely shocked, and his heart was turbulent. He wanted to say something, but found that he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ancient days!"

Looking at the people standing in front of Young Master Qian, Ji Hong, Qian Jinyin and others all had gloomy faces and said in a cold voice.

That's right!The boy who forcibly stopped many attacks for Young Master Qian at that critical moment was Wentian.

He is Gu Tian, ​​and even Lin Wentian, how could he look at his brother in vain and die in front of him like this, even if he risked his life, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Ahem!" He turned pale and coughed up blood.

Because even if he was attacked by several opponents at the same time, he felt a surge of energy and blood in his body, and a sweetness kept rushing up his throat. However, his eyes and eyebrows were still as sharp as a sword, and he stared at the opponent as cold as ice. four people.

If anyone in the audience was the most shocked, it was undoubtedly Young Master Qian, because no matter how much he thought about it, he never imagined that a person he didn't know would choose to save him at that critical moment. To me, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Could it be that Gu Tian saved me entirely because of the dao blood in my hand?" Suddenly, this thought flashed through his mind, and then he couldn't get rid of it.

"That's right! That's definitely the case!" He thought to himself.

But very soon, he discovered that the strange figure in front of him gave him a familiar feeling, and even faintly merged with a slender figure in his memory.

(The old driver said that it is best to update at five or six in the morning, so that friends don’t have to wait until night, so change the update time *^o^*)

(End of this chapter)

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