Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 203 Fighting the Flood Dragon

Chapter 203 Fighting the Flood Dragon

Wentian frowned, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Om!" But just when the two were about to make a move, there was a sudden shock in the void, and then an inexplicable force was imposed on the two of them.


The next moment, the two looked shocked, and their bodies fell rapidly.


"Roar!" A shocking roar came, as if it was about to break through mountains and rivers and shatter the sky, only to see the sea dragon with a body reaching twenty feet roared up to the sky, exuding an astonishingly ferocious aura.

"Humble human beings, you and other low-level creatures can only become the blood food of our monsters." The sea dragon said in human words, and the words were extremely rampant.

In fact, with its strength and bloodline, it does have rampant arrogance, because as long as it evolves one step further, it can truly become a member of the Dragon Clan, which is the strongest race.


boom!Its huge body rushed up angrily, swept up the monstrous waves, and submerged towards the platforms in the sky.

"Not good, everyone go all out."

The expressions of Ji Hong and the others changed drastically. There was a turbulent wave in their hearts, the portal was destroyed, and now they had to face the attack of the sea dragon, the monster of all phenomena. This astonishing change was too fast.

Fluffy! !At this moment, all three of them unreservedly burst out their cultivation powers, especially Shangguan Chong, who had two kinds of primordial energies burst out violently, with the potential to sweep away the clouds.

"Wind, thunder and storm!" In an instant, his hands crazily formed seals, his body was blue and silver intersecting, and he burst into a strong aura. He was the son of Qilin, far surpassing the king's aura of monks of his generation.

With a wave of his hand, a surging storm, mixed with the power of violent thunder, turned into a tornado of wind and thunder and rushed out.

In an instant, the entire surface of the sea boiled, and the waves rushed to the sky, wave after wave.

"What a boy, you actually have the power of duality, but even so, in front of me, you can only become a blood food." Peng and Hai Jiaolong turned over and charged Shangguan with their huge bodies.

"Eagle Soul Golden Spear, Spear Shadow Critical Strike!"

"With the resentment in my heart, condense the body of his resentment, the blood soul claw!"

In an instant, Ji Hong and Qian Jinyin shouted angrily. Immediately, the two of them exploded with energy and unleashed a berserk blow.

The eagle soul golden gun in Ji Hong's hand glowed with blood, emitting a fierce and fierce aura. When it stabbed suddenly, the blood light burst out, turning into dozens of blood-colored gun shadows and shooting out in a critical strike.

At the same time, although there is only money, gold and silver in the early stage of spiritual transformation, if the resentment gushing out of his body can be transformed into a land of resentful souls, and the sound of ghosts crying and roaring, it will make people shudder.

At that moment, the resentment condensed into a ferocious soul shadow, protruding out of the ferocious blood soul claws that could tear the souls of others.

A bang sounded, completely rumbling the world. In an instant, gusts of wind, thunder and lightning, gun shadows, and soul shadows roared out one after another, forming a powerful violent force that caused a sensation in all directions.

"Good boy, you really have some skills!" The voice of the flood dragon came from the place where it exploded, but its words contained shocking anger.

"Roar!" His pupils were blood red, and his ferocious mouth roared like a monstrous dragon's power, causing the four directions to explode, and the strong wind raged, forming a shocking power, sweeping the four directions.

"This monster is ferocious, and it cannot be resisted by human power. Amitabha, all benefactors, take care. I will take a step first. If there is a destiny, we will meet again in the future." The monk Wukong who was not far away said calmly, and immediately, the Buddha's light surged on his body, It turned into a beam of light and rushed into the vortex leading to the fourth layer.

At the same time, Young Master Qian, whose face was as pale as snow and trembling with fear, felt his heart move when he saw this, his body burst into a silver light, and he rushed into the vortex, because with his humble strength, staying here is absolutely impossible. There is a dead end, he doesn't want to be a short-lived ghost.

Seeing this, Qian Jinyin and the others trembled with rage, and let out an astonishing roar: "You trash who are greedy for life and afraid of death, if the Qian family falls into your hands, they will simply ask for their own destruction."

But as soon as he finished speaking, his complexion changed drastically, because Jiaolong's huge body bombarded him with a bang, as if it was going to explode him.

"Damn it!" He hated in his heart.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Under the power of Hai Jiaolong, even though the three were geniuses among their peers, they were still not the other side. Not long after, everyone was blown away, spurting blood, and their faces turned pale.

"Are we going to die here?" Ji Hong looked grim. He didn't get the Daozi inheritance, but he was trapped here and was attacked and killed by fierce monsters. Everyone felt like going crazy.

"You ants have been jumping and jumping for too long, I'll send you on your way." Hai Jiaolong roared, blood red flashed in his eyes.

"Boom!" Two beams of light suddenly fell from above the void and crashed into the sea, creating a stormy sea.

Sensing this sudden change, the sea dragon roared even more, and became angry: "Which one is it?"

However, as soon as it finished speaking, the strange man not far away changed his expression, and then his eyes showed excitement: "Leave those people alone, capture those two for me, I want what they have on them."

"Roar!" Hearing this, Hai Jiaolong roared wildly.

"Peng!" Suddenly, two figures emerged from the sea, as for these two people, it was Wentian and the black-clothed boy Fang Hao.

"Huh? This is it?" When Wentian came back to his senses, his complexion changed drastically, because just at this moment, the fierce monster had charged towards him angrily.

Looking at this fierce monster who had slaughtered Chi Yue's many experienced geniuses before, an astonishing murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his body froze.

boom!A domineering aura rose from his body, shining golden light like an indestructible god of war. On his forehead, the imprint of the dragon pattern flashed, and the aura on his body was even more soaring into the sky.

After he refined that drop of dao blood, his physical body seemed to be strengthened, and it became much stronger than before, especially the heart in his body, which kept beating vigorously, making him excited.

"Naughty animal! Sue to die!" He looked up and shouted wildly. Although the other party was a Vientiane monster, he didn't have a trace of fear in his heart.

"Crazy boy, watch the uncle tear you apart."

Haijiaolong roared, and slammed his forehead at Wentian with anger. With such a huge body, coupled with the power of all phenomena, even a mountain might be crushed by his blow.

Immediately, Shangguan Chong, Ji Hong and the others saw this scene, but a sneer appeared on the corner of their mouths. Before the combined strength of the three of them, they didn't hurt the monster, but now the opponent wants to fight the opponent with only one person. In their eyes, it is the one who is seeking his own death.


The next moment, under the disdainful eyes of the three of them, Wentian's thin figure clenched his fists and collided with the fierce monster. Immediately, there was a shocking sound, and the sea below was even more violent. The big waves seemed to want to submerge the void.

(End of this chapter)

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