Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 205 Giant Ape Fights Flood Dragon

Chapter 205 Giant Ape Fights Flood Dragon


Who knows who yelled, waking up those monks who were still in shock. In an instant, everyone's minds were agitated, and they frantically fled like scrambling to be the first.

Only a few people could vaguely see, in front of Hai Jiaolong, there was a man with torn clothes and a pale complexion, desperately fleeing.

"Ah! That's Gu Tian, ​​he's the one who brought the vicious monster here!"

"What? It's Gu Tian, ​​the fierce Gu Tian who opposed the imperial family, killed the eldest prince Ji Baojun, and hunted down the third prince Ji Hong?"

Suddenly, there was an uproar among the crowd.

"It doesn't matter who he is, how dare this guy bring the fierce monster here, is he trying to use this to drag us into the water?" Someone roared fiercely.

Wentian, who was running fast in front of Hai Jiaolong, also clearly sensed the existence of these people. In an instant, his complexion changed drastically, and his heart became more anxious: "Why do these greedy guys still stay here?"

The appearance of these people was obviously beyond his expectation. In an instant, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Run!"

Immediately, he paused and turned around abruptly.

With a bang, the flames burst into flames, and raging flames wrapped around his body. With a deep shout, he made his fists and blasted towards Hai Jiaolong with a violent and fiery breath.

"Looking for death!" Hai Jiaolong was furious, a dragon swung its tail, and bombarded Wentian with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

Boom!All of a sudden, the whole world exploded.

"Run away!" Seeing this, some monks couldn't help feeling grateful to Wentian in their hearts, even the monks who had resentment towards Wentian before had complex expressions.

Whoosh whoosh!In Wentian restraining Hai Jiaolong, they seized this opportunity and fled at high speed one after another. This was their only chance to escape, and they wished they could grow a pair of wings.

At the same time, in the ancient forest dozens of miles away, a monstrous beast with a body as large as a mountain was lying under a towering tree, sleeping there, with a lot of foam coming out of the corner of its mouth, as if What a dream is going on.

With a bang, a sky-shattering loud noise suddenly exploded in its brain. Immediately, it was jolted, and quickly woke up from its deep sleep. After that, it opened its eyes wide open, and its expression was extremely shocked.

"Roar!" Suddenly, it opened its mouth and roared, but its roar was filled with deep uneasiness, as if some natural enemy or high-level fierce monster was approaching it.

It is the King Kong giant ape left over from the ancient times. Although it is still in the spirit transformation state, but in terms of strength, its strength is probably much stronger than some beginners who have just entered Vientiane.

However, at this moment, when it sensed a fierce aura approaching, its pupils showed a look of fear.

"Roar!" It roared again, seeming to respond to the other party, and also seemed to be a warning, but the next moment, it panicked and chose to flee, without a trace of the dignity of the ancient relics.

But this can't be blamed on it, after all, it is still in the spirit transformation state, but the enemy is exuding the breath of everything. In addition, it feels that the strength of the opponent's blood is not lower than it, which makes it fearful.

But suddenly, a voice full of surprise exploded in its head, making it can't help but tremble all over.

"Big guy in front, stop for me."

The person who yelled loudly was Wentian, when he saw this guy in front of him, his heart was filled with ecstasy.

He didn't expect that the giant vajra ape really listened to him and didn't choose to leave. To him, this was definitely a surprise among surprises.

Regarding the surprise in his heart, on the contrary, the King Kong Giant Ape became distressed and wanted to escape quickly, but when it remembered Wentian's figure like a demon god before, his mind was jittered instantly.

Especially during this time, it found that, after not seeing it for a while, the aura on that human boy became stronger and more violent.

There was a struggle in its heart, a look of madness flashed in its eyes, it opened its mouth and roared, and beat its own solid chest even harder, causing bursts of muffled thunder.

boom!It burst into shape, brought a violent wind and roared, swung that shocking fist, and bombarded it.

It is worthy of being a relic of the ancient times. The arm that was injured by Wentian before recovered to its original state in a short period of time, and even became more frustrated and courageous. The power carried by the punch became even more astonishing.

Seeing this, Wentian was ecstatic.

Although he is not afraid of the dragon behind him and is confident that he can fight against it, but the changes in the trial ground now make him vigilant, and he does not want to put himself in danger. He wants to be as good as possible. state.

Leaving aside the existence of that monster, Ji Hong, Shangguan Chong and the others alone, he did not dare to be careless in his heart, and he also believed that as long as these people found a chance, the other party would definitely attack and kill him mercilessly.

Therefore, he fled all the way, and he did not choose to fight this sea dragon, because he was afraid that he would lose both sides in the fight, and then be taken advantage of by others.

But now, with the help of this immemorial vajra giant ape, his body was filled with golden light in an instant, bursting out with an aura that seemed to shake the world.

"Boom!" He turned around abruptly, and punched heavily with the force of a domineering force.

At the same time, the Vajra Giant Ape looked ferocious, and that powerful violent fist also struck out, causing a huge rumbling sound.

"The mere monster of the spirit transformation, also wants to provoke the power of the Vientiane, it is simply reckless!"

Boom, the sea dragon roared furiously, as if it felt its majesty being challenged. In an instant, it opened its ferocious mouth, and spewed out an energy ball with a diameter of two feet wide.

There was a loud bang, and immediately, every inch of the forest collapsed, sand and stones flew all over the sky, even the roots of deep-rooted ancient trees were instantly lifted up, and some monsters in the forest fled frantically with expressions of fear.

With a "bang", a huge body bombarded the ground, immediately bursting into a big hole, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the ground with blood.

However, this huge figure is not a sea dragon, but a King Kong giant ape who is an ancient remnant. Under the power of the sea dragon, even this King Kong giant who is about to break through to the world seems to be unbearable. hit.

"A mere monster who transforms spirits, also wants to compete with this dragon. You stupid ape is still a hundred years too early." Hai Jiaolong said, raising his head, his expression was full of strong disdain.

"Roar!" Even though he was injured, the vajra giant ape opened its huge mouth and roared as if it was completely enraged by the other party.

As for the power of the bloodline, as a relic of the ancient times, it is not inferior to the dragon in front of it at all. The other party insults it just because it is stronger than it, which is definitely not easy for it. forgive.

Immediately, its eyes turned blood red, its body burst into a strong golden light, and a stronger aura rose from its body, faintly showing signs of breaking through to the Vientiane Demon.

With a bang, it shouted angrily, and then violently kicked up its feet, causing the ground to collapse inch by inch, and its huge body rushed forward again, but this time, the monstrous power of its fist became obviously stronger.

"Looking for death!" The sea biting dragon was furious, and he flicked his tail vigorously, drawing a strong storm, blasting out with a force of destruction.

Boom!When the two beasts fought, the wind and clouds suddenly blew up, bringing about a shocking disaster, as if they wanted to destroy the entire ancient forest.

With a sound of "bang", the King Kong Giant Ape was blown away again, and there was a miserable cry, blood splashed on its body, its breath dropped rapidly, and a look of unwillingness flashed in its eyes.

Despite its full strength, its strength is still insufficient under the prestige of Vientiane.

(End of this chapter)

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