Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 207 Inner alchemy attack

Chapter 207 Inner alchemy attack
With a sound of "bang", the sea dragon whose bones had been crushed and its tendons pulled out suddenly softened, and that huge body fell down suddenly like this, blowing up countless sand and dust flying all over the sky.

The invincible dragon just now has been completely paralyzed here, as if he has no strength at all, the breath he exhales is less than the breath he inhales, and there is no trace of anger in the eyes looking at Wentian, only the boundless fear.

It regrets so much in its heart, but it doesn't regret slaughtering those ant-like human monks back then, but regrets chasing and killing this god-like boy in front of him alone.

Wentian's hands holding the dragon's tendons were bright red, but he didn't care at all, looking at the miserable dragon below, his eyes were still cold, without a trace of pity.

"This dragon tendon is also an extraordinary thing, maybe it will be useful in the future." He thought to himself.

Then, with a flash of white light in his hand, he took the nearly twenty-foot-long tendons of the dragon into the space ring, but not into the ancient ring, but some ordinary space rings.

Because there are a lot of elixir in his ancient ring, he doesn't want to be contaminated by the bloody aura of the dragon's tendons, and the dragon is the king of those thousands of years of medicine.

"Huh? By the way, I heard from my master in my previous life that some special monsters, after reaching the Vientiane Realm, their body pills will conceive an inner pill. I wonder if this dragon will have that inner pill? "

Thinking of this, a bright color flashed in his eyes.

This scene fell into the eyes of the dying Jiaolong, making it even more desperate, as if it already knew its next tragedy, it simply closed its eyes, making its consciousness gradually blurred.


Not long after, Wentian's joyful voice suddenly sounded: "Sure enough!"

This is an inner alchemy the size of an egg, its whole body is white, like a night pearl, but such a small inner alchemy contains astonishing energy, it is an extremely pure energy.


Looking at the inner alchemy in his hand, he quickly groaned, because he found that the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body seemed to be stimulated, and there was a sense of excitement and longing, like this dragon For it, the inner alchemy is a great tonic.

Soon, Wentian was relieved.

Jiao, although he has not really transformed into a dragon, but to a certain extent, he can already be called a miscellaneous dragon or a pseudo-dragon, but the Dragon Emperor's ancient lineage has a wisp of the power of a dragon emperor, and he is eager to get this dragon inner alchemy. No wonder.

After figuring out the reason, he didn't swallow the inner alchemy immediately, but put it away, and because of this, there was an unwilling dragon's roar in his body.

For that, Wentian shook his head slightly.

He had also noticed before that the giant vajra ape looked at the inner alchemy in his hand with a look of strong desire.

It seems that the relationship between these monsters is very complicated. Even if they are of different races, once they swallow these inner pills, their cultivation might increase dramatically.

"I still have use for this inner alchemy, so I can't give it to you. However, this flood dragon that has reached the Vientiane Realm also contains a lot of essence and blood in its body. Seeing its good performance before you, this can be rewarded to you." You." Wentian said with a smile.

When King Kong Giant Ape heard Wentian's first sentence, it immediately became dejected, but when it heard the second sentence, it suddenly raised its head with intense excitement, and kept nodding to Wentian, as if afraid that Wentian would change his mind.

Wentian was amused by this.

But just when his mind was relaxed, suddenly, a sharp palm strike hit his back.

Seeing this, the Vajra Giant Ape not far away looked furious and struggled to get up, but even so, it was too late at its speed.

Unexpectedly, when he had just killed the Sea Jiaolong who had reached the Vientiane Realm, the strength in his body was still weak for a while, and when he failed to recover, someone would seize this opportunity to attack and kill him.

It's just that after realizing the fierce attack behind him, he didn't have too much shock on his face, but said in a cold voice: "If I knew you people, I wouldn't give up."

As he finished speaking, his eyes turned cold, the sword light flashed on his waist, and a sword mark was drawn, and there was a "poof" sound, bringing up a smear of blood.

"You already noticed it?"

The person who suddenly attacked him was Qian Jinyin, but at this moment, his eyes were wide open, full of shock and inconceivable expression, and most importantly, his right shoulder was completely pierced by a sword.

Flowing Sword!
The sword that pierced into his body was exactly Wentian's soft sword wrapped around his waist, the Flowing Water Sword.

"For your elder brother's sake, I will spare you this time."


Wentian's expression turned cold, and he drank it with a growl, and then, the Flowing Sword in his hand shook.

With a "bang", money, gold and silver flew upside down, and the blood on his shoulders splattered.

He was originally a young genius of the Qian family, and his elder brother Qian Fugui was nothing more than a waste in his eyes. Even if the other party has been inherited now, he still disdains him.

However, this person in front of him actually said that he spared his death because of his elder brother's face, this is definitely a shame among shames for him.

In an instant, his expression became extremely ferocious, and his eyes were bloodshot: "Gu Tian, ​​I want to swallow your soul alive."

"Soul Devouring Dafa!"

His eyes were full of resentment, and his hands began to seal frantically, with a bang, a burst of resentment exploded, instantly condensed into a ferocious soul, and devoured it towards Wentian.


Before this fierce spirit came to him, Wentian's face changed drastically. He felt a strong pulling force, as if to tear his soul apart, causing a burst of pain in his brain.

In an instant, he was horrified, and he was able to guess that the so-called soul-swallowing technique was the mysterious technique that was said to be refined from gold and silver.

"In the early stage of spirit transformation, no matter how powerful your secret technique is, you still want to devour my soul." He shouted angrily.

An incomparably powerful spiritual consciousness exploded from his sea of ​​consciousness, turned into a storm, and surged to the fierce soul with a domineering momentum.

"What? Consciousness of all phenomena! You are only in the late stage of spiritual transformation, but you actually possess the consciousness of all phenomena!" Sensing the majestic power of Wentian's spiritual consciousness storm, Qian Jinyin panicked, and his face became extremely pale.

"Hmph!" Wentian didn't answer, but snorted coldly, carrying the power of the myriad of spiritual senses, and struck violently.

With a bang, under his powerful spiritual storm, the fierce soul let out a scream, and with a bang, it exploded instantly, turning into a stream of air, scattered in the sky and the earth.

"Pfft!" As a result, Qian Jinyin was backlashed, and his expression changed drastically. He sprayed three mouthfuls of blood, and his aura shrank instantly. Looking at Wentian, he was as horrified as seeing a ghost.

"Get out! Don't be ignorant anymore." Wen Tian said coldly.

If it wasn't for Fatty's sake, he would have killed him the moment he drew his sword, but he still kept his hand.

After all, no matter what, this person is also Young Master Qian's younger brother, and he really doesn't want to kill him unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Buzz!" But at this moment, the entire void shook violently, and then a blood-red spear pierced his heart at that swift speed.

With a "boom", at the same time, a thunderbolt with a thick wrist suddenly descended from the sky, attacking his Tianling Gai angrily.

Sensing these two attacks, Wentian's expression suddenly changed. Although he is not exhausted, he is far from reaching the peak. Whether it is a weak or a strong body, he has already consumed a lot of energy.

In a hurry, he shifted his body and narrowly avoided the gunshot.

There was a "boom", but the moment he dodged the gunshot, a berserk thunder bombarded him.

(End of this chapter)

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