Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 21 Something Happened!

Chapter 21 Something Happened! (three more)
"Lin Zhentian? A mere Lin Zhentian is nothing in front of my Xianfeng Pavilion, but since this matter didn't cause too many casualties, let's let it go!"

The old woman took a deep look at Wentian who had fainted, and then disappeared from the sky with a flash.

As soon as the old woman left, everyone else disappeared, leaving only the scholar in yellow, the young man in blue with a sword on his back, Qian Jinyin, the third prince Ji Hong, and the unconscious Wentian.

But he didn't know that Wentian was not in a coma at all, he could hear the outside conversations clearly, especially when that Granny Hua stared at him, the hairs all over his body stood on end, as if he was being stared at by a prey.

This feeling was very bad, and he hated it very much, but at that moment, a chill surged in his heart involuntarily.

"Who is this Granny Hua?"

"Where did these dozens of experts at the Spirit Transformation Realm and those at the Vientiane Realm come from?"

"Also, isn't his grandfather the number one strongest in Chiyue? Why has he suddenly discovered that many people are not inferior to his grandfather in strength since he was reborn?"

He couldn't figure it out, even if he let him think about it, he still couldn't figure it out.

"It seems that there are many secrets hidden in this Tianyuan Continent, but one day, I, Lin Wentian, will dig out these secrets one by one." He thought to himself.

Due to the shocking changes in the academy, Fairy Qinglian in Xianfeng Pavilion temporarily decided to end this test. That is to say, no one will be able to witness Fairy Qinglian's true face in this test.

Of course, some people were secretly happy about this, while others were furious.

As soon as the third prince left the Immortal Phoenix Pavilion, his face suddenly turned ferocious: "Lin Wentian, you bastard, how dare you spoil my good deeds, I will tear your body to pieces."

He roared like thunder.

It's only one step away, just one step away, as long as he breaks through the painting academy again, he can go to meet Fairy Qinglian in the lotus pond, and at that time, half of the Scarlet Moon Empire will fall into his hands.

He hates it!

"Jinyin, I heard that Lin Wentian, you have an unusual relationship with elder brother Qian Fugui?" The third prince's eyes flashed suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"I'll say it again, he's not my brother..." Qian Jinyin, who was at the side, had a cold look on his face, and after looking at the third prince indifferently, he turned and left.

"Qian Jinyin, you are just an illegitimate child of the Qian family, what's the big deal, one day, my prince will ask you people to bow down to me." After Qian Jinyin left, the third prince Ji Hong said coldly.


The room was still the same room, but this time it was different because there were several more women.

If Wentian and the others were here, they would definitely be shocked, because these women are the four women of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The girl in qin, the girl in white, the girl in yellow, the girl in red, and the girl in red, these four girls seem to be transformed into four butterflies, dancing in front of a woman in colorful clothes and white gauze, and from time to time there are You complain, and that touching laughter.

As for the woman surrounded by them, she is Fairy Qinglian from Xianfeng Pavilion. Although she is covering her face, she seems to be able to steal the minds of countless men from her every move. She is simply the best stunner in the world .

"Sister Qin, Sister Qi, Sister Shu, tell Lian'er, are there any outstanding characters in this test?" Fairy Qinglian opened her mouth like a heavenly voice, and even more faintly filled with a strange fragrance.

Such a woman, such a stunner, I believe that there are not many men in the world who can resist the charm she exudes.

"The third prince is not bad, he is a bit of an emperor. Maybe the future Chiyue Empire will fall into this person's hands. As for the money, gold and silver, he has too much resentment. This kind of person can't be friends with him deeply, but the one who always betrays him. The young man holding the sword gives people a sense of calmness." Qingyi Qinnu thought for a moment, then said carefully.

"What about him?" Fairy Qinglian blurted out.

However, as soon as he uttered it, he suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and shame appeared on his cheeks.

"I know what you, little girl, are thinking!" The fourth daughter suddenly joked.

"Speaking of it, I also find it very strange. It is rumored that Lin Wentian should be a worthless dude who has lost all his cultivation, but when we met this time, my sister always felt a little bit puzzled by him, but he just passed me. Qinguan." Tsing Yi Qin Nu showed doubts for the first time.

"I also felt the same way. This man was bold and cautious, and he even dispatched a general in his first move. At that time, I thought that this man didn't understand chess at all. However, at the moment when he finally won, I realized that it was actually long before he played chess. , he has already chosen to perish with my chess side. This person may not be as simple as it appears!" The white chess girl's eyes flashed, and she said slowly.

"Oh! There is such a weird person? What happened in the academy after that?" Fairy Qinglian's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, like a curious baby.

"What? Are you interested in him?" The scholar in yellow said with a smile.

"If you don't talk about it, I won't be interested in a dude!" Fairy Qinglian became angry.

Seeing that Fairy Qinglian, whom countless men are willing to go crazy for, is now playing tricks, the four daughters of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, can't help laughing out loud.

"Okay! I won't tease you anymore."

"This Lin Wentian is really a strange creature. He doesn't have any cultivation in his body, but his physical body is far superior to some ordinary people, especially his astonishing thoughts before, which made me suddenly feel humble."

The scholar in yellow closed her eyes lightly, as if recalling the amazing scene before.

Just a rebellion can break through the formation of his academy, which shows how strong the power of thought that Wentian emitted at that time was.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Wentian's thoughts can kill a cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm, it just means that his will is extremely tenacious and can be compared with others.

How could they have thought that the Wentian of today is no longer the Wentian of the past. He has gone through two lifetimes of reincarnation, and his will is already indestructible.

"If it weren't for his lack of cultivation, I really thought that Lin Wentian was the "Taoist" we Xianfeng Pavilion was looking for."

"Also, I saw that Granny Hua seemed to be interested in him before." At the end of the speech, the scholar in yellow frowned, showing a disgusted look.

"What? You said Granny Hua..."

"Is it possible for you juniors to discuss the matter of Granny Hua?" However, at this moment, a cold voice came.

Immediately, a woman in black with a long sword stepped into the room.

"Senior Sister Qingshuang..." The complexions of the four girls who played piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy changed, and Fairy Qinglian couldn't help frowning.


When Wen Tian was carried out of Xianfeng Pavilion by the guards of the Lin family, he who was lying on the carriage suddenly opened his eyes, and there was still a hint of palpitation in his pupils.

"Fortunately, my reaction is fast. If I was slower, I'm afraid I would be caught and studied by those people as a monster, but who is that Granny Hua? Why do I always have the feeling that I am being targeted by her."

Thinking of the other party's naked gaze, Wentian couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

With a cry, Wentian's carriage suddenly turned upside down: "What's wrong?"

"Ah! Master, it seems that something happened to us in Lin's residence?" A guard exhaled in a panic.

Um?Wentian was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile: "Whether something good or bad happens, it's hard to say yet."

(End of this chapter)

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