Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 214 Venerable Xu Yun

Chapter 214 Venerable Xu Yun

"It's His Majesty!"

Everyone came back to their senses immediately, and their faces turned pale, especially when they found that Ji Zhuoyang's eyes were full of cold, they were even more excited.

"The prestige of the Holy One cannot be provoked!"

Thinking of this sentence, they were frightened for a while, for fear that their unintentional actions just now would touch Ni Lin.

"Patriarch Qian, you came to the Huolin Mountain Range, you didn't come here to show off your power! I think you are also very worried about your two precious grandchildren. You must know that if there is something wrong with the two of them at the same time, Patriarch Qian, you The pulse is about to stop." Ji Zhuoyang said.

Um?Mr. Qian frowned, looking a little uneasy.

Obviously, Ji Zhuoyang's words hit his heart. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have rushed to this damn Huolin Mountain Range.

You know, this is not a place for people to stay at all.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head, bowed to Fairy Qinglian and others in the air, and said, "Dare to ask Fairy, what happened in this trial?"

After the words fell, everyone raised their heads and set their eyes on Fairy Qinglian.

"What happened to the trial site, the little girl will not be able to find out for a while, but you don't have to worry, I have notified the high-level officials of Xianfeng Pavilion, and I am afraid that someone will come to solve the matter in a short time." Fairy Qinglian said, Try to keep a smile on your face.

But in fact, there was a burst of anxiety in her heart. For some reason, she always felt a little restless.

Hearing this, Mr. Qian frowned, his heart suddenly became heavy, and his eyes were full of worry.

"Father, don't worry! The two of them will definitely be lucky." On the side, Qian Fufu said.

Regarding this, Mr. Qian didn't say much, but shook his head lightly. How could he fail to see that Qian Fufu was just comforting him.

"Buzz!" At this moment, there was a sudden shock above the void, followed by a monstrous aura leaking out, and with a bang, the entire sky darkened and became more windy and turbulent, forming a vortex.

"Ah... what the hell is going on here?" As soon as this phenomenon appeared, someone suddenly screamed, with a look full of shock.

Not to mention them, the complexions of Mr. Qian, Shangguan Muhua, Zhou Wentong and others also changed suddenly, and their whole souls couldn't help trembling. Even Ji Zhuoyang, who is the current saint, couldn't help raising his eyelids and his face turned pale.

However, when this aura appeared, Qinglian's face showed ecstasy: "It's Master, she came in person!"

"What?" Someone heard the words and shouted, with terrifying eyes.

boom!In the shocked eyes of everyone, a ray of divine light suddenly descended from the vortex. As soon as the divine light came out, everyone became even more panicked. Some people with low cultivation bases prostrated themselves on the ground with a bang, their bodies trembling continuously.

This is the fear in instinct!
It's like meeting the emperor of the same clan among monsters, feeling humble and insignificant like an ant, and deeply afraid that his eyes will offend the power of God.

"Welcome Venerable Xu Yun!"

Those women in Xianfeng Pavilion looked full of fanaticism, and bowed their bodies piously to salute, even Granny Hua, who has always been very self-confident, couldn't help but bow her head.

When the divine light subsided, a woman about forty years old was revealed.

The woman's gaze was flat, but casually glancing over everyone, they immediately felt chills all over their bodies, with a feeling of trembling, as if all their secrets could not be hidden under this person's gaze.

"A strong man in the divine realm, this person is definitely a strong man in the divine realm."

When they noticed that the aura emanating from this woman was ten or a hundred times stronger than that of Granny Hua who had reached the late Vientiane stage, everyone's expressions were shocked to the extreme, and turbulent waves arose in their hearts.

"Heaven descended from the gods, does it mean that Chiyue is my one country and will unify the six kingdoms?" The somewhat superstitious old man murmured with excitement.

After all, they have lived for most of their lives, and this is the first time they have seen someone descend from the sky. This is just like the legendary god.

Also at this moment, Ji Zhuoyang, who is the current saint, moved to the side of the woman, arched his hands, and said with respect: "Ji Zhuoyang, I have met Senior Xu Yun."

"Ah? As the Holy Lord of Chiyue, he actually bowed to this woman. How holy is this person? Is it possible that he is really a god in the rumors?"

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, some common people were terrified in their hearts.

The woman glanced at Ji Zhuoyang lightly, then said indifferently: "You are Ji Zhuoyang?"

"It's the younger generation!" Ji Zhuoyang looked happy, and then said.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and there was a buzzing in the brain, feeling that the world seemed to have become unreal.

You must know that in the past, Ji Zhuoyang, who was a sage, was the sky and the god in their hearts, but now it is discovered that in this world, it seems that there is a sky in the sky, and there is a god in the gods, and everything has become unbelievable.

The woman just nodded indifferently and didn't say anything more, but Ji Zhuoyang still looked respectful, completely lacking the majesty of the king of a country in the past.

Afterwards, the woman turned her attention to Qinglian: "The master has already known about the changes in the trial site, so your senior sister is also inside!"

"Master is wise, I dare not hide it, and I am willing to accept punishment." Qinglian said with a bitter face.

"Hmph! I knew you would make up your own mind and punish you later. However, the most important thing now is to find out what happened in the trial site, and send those testers out first." The woman snorted coldly. Come on.

"With the master's action, it is absolutely safe." Qinglian said, as if in her heart, as long as her master is willing to act, anything can be done.

In this regard, the woman's face showed a look of helplessness.

Although he seemed very indifferent when he spoke, the four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting could feel that there was a kind of love for Qinglian in that indifference.

"Let's set up the formation again!" After saying that, the woman turned her attention to those women in Xianfeng Pavilion.

"Respect the order of Venerable Xu Yun!" Immediately, the women said in unison.

In an instant, they quickly spread out in a formation, and then formed seals again.

Seeing this, the people below suddenly felt a sense of anticipation in their hearts.

"Honor Xu Yun?"

Mr. Qian looked at the mysterious woman in the sky, his eyes were full of solemnity, but at the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief, because the person in front of him made a move, and the portal would be opened again soon.


In the trial ground, it had been two days since Wentian fell into healing. During these two days, the entire trial ground was in an uproar.

"Damn it, how could there be fierce monsters and monsters for no reason? Is it possible that the real purpose of Xianfeng Pavilion is to kill our entire Chi Yue's genius cultivator here?" Some people said with a look of hatred Come.

"Xianfeng Pavilion, if I can go out, I will be with you forever!"

"But having said that, who exactly got the Daozi inheritance?" Someone asked again.

With a bang, suddenly, someone came quickly from not far away, his expression was shocked, and he shouted crazily: "No! There is shocking news! The third prince Ji Hong was killed by Gu Tian, ​​Qian Jinyin, Shangguan Chong Both of them were seriously injured, and as for the mysterious young man Fang Hao, he is nowhere to be seen."

"What? Gu Tian killed Ji Hong, who was the arrogance of the Ji family's royal family, and also wounded the young genius of the Qian family and Shangguan Chong, the first genius of Chiyue."


When everyone heard the words, their expressions were shocked and full of disbelief. If the person who spoke was not their friend, I am afraid they would never have believed this amazing news.

After all, this is too unbelievable.

You must know that whether it is Ji Hong, Qian Jinyin, or Shangguan Chong, they all have king-level strength among their peers. It is astonishing that a Gu Tian, ​​with one person against three, actually killed one person and seriously injured two people. The record is enough to go down in history.

(End of this chapter)

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