Chapter 217

Under the shocked and frightened gazes of the crowd, a large group of densely packed black shadows, blowing up a sandstorm, was rolling towards the rear.

Immediately, the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in a cloud, and it became dark.

Among the group of black shadows, countless pairs of blood-red pupils flashed out, making everyone feel horrified, chilled all over, and panic appeared in the pupils.

"Run away!"

Someone reacted immediately, spread out his speed with all his strength, and fled crazily, but soon, his heart-piercing roar sounded again in the air.

"Not good! We are surrounded by those beasts."


In front of him, there were bursts of hawks singing and birds singing, the whole sky was overcast, and a group of birds and monsters were flapping their wings, attacking like a cloud of clouds.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and their complexions became even paler.

"Could it be that we are all going to die at the hands of these beasts, I am not reconciled!"

Someone roared, with a look of madness on his face, and his cultivation level rose, turning into a beam of light, and rushed towards the group of monsters running underground.

Although the group of monsters in the rear were ferocious, they could not fly in the air.

But now, most of them have reached the spiritual realm, and flying in the air is a piece of cake for them.

Therefore, the cultivator seized on this point and flew over the group of fierce monsters in a fright.

But just when he thought his plan had succeeded, his expression suddenly changed, and he opened his mouth and roared: "Don't kill me..."


Just as he roared, the ferocious beasts below suddenly became furious, raised their heads, opened their ferocious mouths, and roared to the sky at the same time.

Boom!Boom! !

Many monsters roared at the same time. Such an astonishing scene could make the sun and the moon fade away, and the stars explode. It made everyone feel extremely horrified, their pupils were about to split in fear, and their souls trembled.

With a sound of "bang", under the monstrous roar of beasts, the cultivator who was about to escape from the sky of the beasts suddenly buzzed in his head, and then his consciousness was instantly extinguished, his body softened, and he jumped from the sky. landing.

"Roar!" a monster roared.

Immediately, he opened his huge mouth and jumped vigorously. His huge body cast a shadow, and he swallowed the fallen body of the monk in one gulp.

"Pfft!" With a sound, blood shot out in an instant, with a smear of blood.

However, the monster's pupils flashed with excitement, and it came roaring, causing the monsters in all directions to surge and roar with their mouths open.

"Hiss..." Some monks who were about to flee in the same way, saw this scene, and their minds went blank for a moment. If they were faster and slower just now, then...

Thinking of this, their minds trembled, their faces turned pale, and their bodies kept trembling.

That is from instinctive fear.

"Bastard! I fought with them!"

"That's right! If you fight them, even if you die, you have to pull them on your back."

Seeing this cruel scene, many monks became very angry. After all, they are also Chi Yue's genius cultivators, otherwise they would not have come to participate in the trial, and they would not have survived to this day.

In an instant, many monks rushed out one after another, with the anger in their hearts, and with that touch of madness, they began to attack violently.

Under the violent attacks of the crowd and the ferocity of the beasts, the entire sky rumbled completely, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was collapsing, which shocked people's hearts.

"Kill kill kill!!"

Shouts, angry sounds, and roars continued to come, accompanied by bursts of strong and pungent blood, as if the end was coming, as if a Shura hell had evolved, full of blood and blood.

Although everyone was furious and fought crazily, they still gradually showed their defeat in the face of the extremely fierce monsters. Many monks were seriously injured, and their bodies were stained red with blood. Apart from anger, there was more in their eyes. but fear.


A monk was severely clawed by a bird monster with its sharp claws. Immediately, blood splattered, and his eyeballs were scratched. Hairs stand on end.

However, his screams came to an abrupt end soon, because the next moment, there was a monstrous beast as huge as a mountain, roared, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed him in one gulp.

After that, the monster hiccupped even more, looking very satisfied.

Human flesh and blood is definitely a delicious meal for these carnivorous monsters.

But this fell into everyone's eyes, but it made everyone's heart burst into unknown fire, and some people roared crazily: "Monster, give back my elder brother's life."

With a bang, someone's cultivation base suddenly exploded, and in an instant, a violent force like thunder climbed rapidly from his body.


The next moment, the cultivator's body swelled rapidly, and his primordial power raged wildly. In the end, under the shocked eyes of everyone and beasts, he chose to violently commit suicide, and died together with that monster, bursting out the most brilliant and powerful expression in his life. The most glorious moment.

The self-violence of this person frightened the group of monsters at that moment, but soon, they came back to their senses, let out earth-shattering roars, as if they were enraged, their eyes were red, and they became more violent than before.

Boom boom boom!
A three-foot-tall giant beast roared and ran wildly underground, causing the mountain to shake.

With a leap of stature, he jumped up suddenly, his huge body seemed to be able to cover the sky.

It roared, raised its thick animal arms, and slapped Monk Wukong's barrier angrily.

Seeing its majestic power, if this beast's palm hits the mountain peak, it will probably shatter it. If it hits some monks, it will definitely be smashed into meat in an instant.


But it was such a violent palm that slapped Monk Wukong's enchantment, causing only the slightest ripples. Soon, the enchantment returned to normal, still like a mountain that could not fall down, in the center of the earth, exuding Faint sacred Buddha light.

Some monks were shocked when they saw this, and then they were overjoyed, opening their mouths and shouting: "Monk Wukong, quickly open the barrier."

"Quick! Open the barrier quickly and let me wait in."

Everyone roared wildly, their eyes turned red, their expressions became even more ferocious, and they began to bombard the barrier continuously.

But despite this, Monk Wukong remained unmoved, sitting cross-legged on the ground, like an ancient monk who had been immobile for thousands of years, with a calm demeanor, as if nothing in the world could move his state of mind.

"Damn Wukong bald donkey, if I can survive, I will definitely bombard you, a fake monk."

"Willing to die without saving you! You are not worthy to become a Buddha cultivator at all!"

Immediately, everyone was furious and began to curse viciously.

"Amitabha!" Monk Wukong said calmly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to open the barrier.

For Monk Wukong, the hatred in everyone's hearts has reached an astonishing level. If curses and gazes could kill people, the bald spots on his head would have rolled to the ground.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a monk exclaimed, because a berserk monster had already pounced on him, and opened its mouth wide, revealing its ferocious sharp teeth.

Looking at the fierce monster in front of him, he felt boundless absoluteness in his heart: "Am I going to die?"

"No... I can't die yet! My grandfather and sister are still waiting for me to go back, I can't die here." He roared in his heart.

At that moment of life and death, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, his eyes lit up, he turned his head to the Wukong monk in the enchantment, and hurriedly shouted: "Wukong, please save my life, I Everything in your body belongs to you."

After the words fell, he simply closed his eyes, as if resigned to fate.

"Buddha said that life and death are determined by destiny, everything has a definite number..."

When Monk Wukong heard the first half of his sentence, he still didn't move at all, just said it calmly.

However, after hearing the second half of the sentence, his whole body was shocked, his expression changed rapidly, and he looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

He shouted angrily: "Don't worry, fellow daoist! My Buddha is merciful! I will never see a fellow daoist die in the jaws of a tiger in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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