Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 221 Shrinking turtle?

Chapter 221 Shrinking turtle?

Having been deprived of the Heavenly Thunder Armor, Young Master Qian's complexion was as pale as snow, and his eyes were wide open, full of horror.

The reason why he can live to this day is not because of his strong cultivation, but because he is wearing old man Qian's treasured armor.

This Tianlei Armor can only be used by those in power in the Qian family, but his grandfather violated the family rules and secretly lent it to him, hoping that he could do something in the trial ground.

Unexpectedly, this Heavenly Thunder Armor was actually obtained by Qian Jinyin.

In other words, he here has been reduced to an ant-like existence, and a random person in the spirit transformation realm can easily take his life away.

"Trash is trash. How can the treasure of the Qian family be used by a person like you who works with ghosts? You are not worthy at all. Only Brother Jinyin, who is the proud son of the sky, is worthy of having the Heavenly Thunder Armor." .”

According to a monk, he raised his foot with a hideous expression, and stepped on Young Master Qian's face.

"Ah... Fat Master, I want you to die, I want you to die!" In an instant, he yelled crazily. To him, this was definitely a shame among shame.

Not to mention someone else, even his grandfather had never hit him, one can imagine how angry and hated he was, but now he can still growl.

"Bang bang bang!!" But soon, his roar was completely drowned out by the sound of punches and kicks.

After being beaten violently by the crowd, his body became more bruised and his face became swollen and red.

"Trash, let's see if you dare to be arrogant." Someone sneered, his expression full of arrogance.

Many of these monks already knew that the general trend of young master Qian was over, and only by following the young genius Qian Jinyin of the Qian family would they have a prosperous life in the future.

Therefore, in order to please money, gold and silver, many people even hit the fat man hard.

This scene fell in Qian Jinyin's eyes, and made him feel boundless joy in his heart.

"That's enough! What I want is that kid named Lin Wentian! Don't act for me here anymore, my patience is limited." Suddenly, a strange man's shout came from the air.

Especially here, his expression was full of dissatisfaction, and there were faint signs of rage.

"Wait! This person is Lin Wentian's good brother. With him as a hostage, I believe that Lin Wentian will appear in a short time." Someone's expression changed drastically and he shouted.

"Noisy!" But as soon as he finished speaking, the bewitching man shouted coldly, and suddenly pointed his finger down, but there was no beam or finger shot.

However, the strange thing is that under his finger, the expression of the monk who spoke just now changed drastically, and his whole body turned red, as if the blood in his body was boiling.


The next moment, under the shocked and terrified eyes of everyone, the person's body rapidly expanded like a balloon, until finally with a bang, his body suddenly exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

This blood mist galloped even further, and flew towards the strange man in the air, was sucked into his mouth, and then he licked the corner of his mouth, and a blood red light flashed in his eyes.


"What the hell is going on here?"

This creepy scene immediately caused an uproar among the crowd. Looking at the strange man in the air, the fear in their eyes became more intense.

"Witchcraft, this is definitely a witchcraft." Someone screamed madly.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the group of monsters, but it made them become extremely excited, and even let out a roar that resounded through the sky, making the world boil completely.

"I'll say ten more times. If that boy Lin Wentian doesn't show up again, then your human cultivation will only become the blood food of our monster lineage."

"one two Three……"

After the words fell, the strange man didn't wait for everyone to reply, he had already started counting.


"Damn Lin Wentian, why hasn't he shown up yet? Could it be that he really intends to be a coward and let us be buried with him?"

"Or is it that this trash from the Qian family has no value at all in his eyes?"

Some people roared wildly, and strong hatred flashed in their eyes.

"Damn it, it's all because of Lin Wentian, and it's all because of you trash."

Someone roared wildly, with a ferocious expression on his face, and with hatred in his heart, he beat Young Master Qian again, as if to vent all his grievances on him.


Young Master Qian's eyes were red, and he stared at everyone fiercely, as if he wanted to kill all those who bullied and humiliated him with the light of hatred.

Hearing the strange men counting continuously, Qian Jinyin's expression changed drastically, his eyes turned hard as he was about to count to ten.

Immediately, with a suction on his hand, he sucked up the huge body of Young Master Qian, and then threw it forcefully towards the opponent's army of monsters.

"Lin Wentian, if you don't come out again, your good brother will become the blood of the fierce monster." He shouted loudly, and the shout with the strength of his cultivation resounded even more loudly across the sky, covering tens of miles around. can hear.

At the same time, some monks reacted and shouted arrogantly: "Lin Wentian, you shrinking turtle, do you really want to die? You are indeed a devil, a cold-blooded, ruthless, cruel devil. "

"Lin Wentian, come out, I crushed the bones of this useless hand, if you have the ability, come and seek revenge from the uncle!" Someone even yelled wildly, his face full of cruelty.

Just as everyone drank it, the huge body of Young Master Qian rushed towards the group of monsters outside the valley like a rocket.

The strange man frowned, and a ferocious look flashed in his eyes: "Since this fat man is Lin Wentian's brother, let's give him a surprise first."


The army of monsters below, as if they knew what the man meant, roared loudly. Among them was a huge bear-shaped monster, with a violent breath, it raised its bear paw like Wuzhi Mountain, and slapped Young Master Qian.

With such a berserk blow, without the Heavenly Thunder Armor, if Young Master Qian was hit, he would definitely be patted into meatloaf at that moment.

"Is Master Fat going to die? If I had known this, Fat Master would have gotten married earlier, taken more wives, and had more fat boys." Young Master Qian couldn't help feeling remorse in his heart.

"Boom!" A loud noise was deafening, shaking the whole earth, and the dust storm was billowing, making everyone's vision blocked for a while.

"Is that fat man dead?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"Hmph! Under such a berserk blow, how can that trash not die?" Someone said disdainfully.

But at this moment, the strange man standing on the back of the ancient relic Seed Splitting Wind Demon Eagle suddenly shrank his eyes, flashed with excitement, and couldn't help but licked his lips.


At the same time, among the group of monsters, a roar that could break the sky and the earth suddenly burst out, causing the monsters in all directions to panic.

Even the roar of the Splitting Wind Demon Eagle in the air was faintly tinged with fear.

An aura belonging to the demon of all phenomena rose from the center of the storm.

In an instant, everyone in the valley turned pale and their bodies trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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