Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 233 Revenge on the Little Beast

Chapter 233 Revenge on the Little Beast
When he was excited, he soon caught two big fish again, and then found a place to clean them, but he didn't notice that the little beast was staring at the three big fish, and kept stretching out his paws to count them. .

Half an hour later, there was a burst of fragrance, even if Wen Tian smelled it, he still felt a strong sense of hunger in his stomach. It seemed that the previous fierce battle had consumed all the energy in his body, and he was hungry because of it.

With the sound of "Yi acridine", Wentian was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened, revealing a frightening gaze, and he saw the three grilled fish on the wooden branch, which had disappeared.

No, it should have been eaten by a little bit bigger guy in front of him, because the three pairs of fish bones underground are obvious.

Wen Tian wondered if there was a space in the belly of the little beast, otherwise, how could it be possible to eat three hundred-jin grilled fish like this.

"Huh? Why do I feel familiar with this scene?" Suddenly, his eyelids twitched, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

"Ah...Could it be that this guy was the one who ate my grilled fish and rabbit, and even drank my wine?" He looked shocked.

The more he thought about it, the more certain he became.

"Damn it, how dare this guy tease me." Regarding this, he gritted his teeth in his heart, but here he has no other way, not to mention that he is not the opponent of the little beast, now whether he can leave depends on the other party.

He forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a flattering smile: "Little ancestor, you are full! Satisfied! If this is the case, shouldn't you also take me out of here?"

"Yi ai, Yi ai." It's good that he didn't make a sound, but when he made a sound, the little beast yelled angrily.

Immediately, it walked up to the three sets of fish bones underground, stretched out its claws, one, two, one, finally, it opened its eyes wide, stretched out a finger, and yelled at Wentian.

Then it stretched out two fingers, indicating that it agreed to grill two fish, and then pointed angrily at the three sets of fish bones below, one, two, one, and stretched out a finger, angrily expressing that it was only a day to grill a fish for it.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" It kept yelling, as if cheating its weak heart in Guai Wentian.

Forehead!Wentian was taken aback, his face was strange for a while.

Is it possible that this little guy can only count to two, thinking that two is the biggest and most?

As soon as this idea came out, he was quickly affirmed, and immediately, he felt a burst of laughter in his heart.

"Okay, wait, I'll bake you two more."

Half an hour later, he grilled two grilled fish in front of the little beast, and one grilled in front of him.

The little beast stretched out two fingers, one or two, and when it counted to the second, it was excited in its heart and showed a complacent look on its face, but when it saw that only one was roasted in front of Wentian, it looked proud and disdainful.

"This guy dared to lie to me before, I have to give it some color." Thinking of this, Wentian raised his eyes, as if he had thought of some good idea.

The next moment, he took out a small bottle, sprinkled some red powder on his grilled fish, and then began to gobble it up.

The little beast saw that the grilled fish was cooked, and was about to start, but unexpectedly, when it saw some strange red powder sprinkled on the grilled fish, it became furious and screamed like barking its teeth and claws.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" It pointed to the small bottle, and then pointed to its two fish, which clearly meant that its grilled fish should also be sprinkled with red powder.

"Are you sure you want to sprinkle?" Wentian tentatively asked.

"Yi!" The little beast was dissatisfied, with a whoosh, its figure flashed, snatched the small bottle from Wentian's hand, walked in front of the grilled fish with a proud expression, and began to sprinkle red powder.

In an instant, Wentian was sad.

Seeing this, Xiao Beast felt even more elated, thinking that the red powder was definitely a good thing, otherwise the other party wouldn't be so distressed.

It sprinkled red powder continuously, dyeing the two grilled fish red. Then, its eyes lit up, and it threw away the small bottle in its hand. Under Wentian's shocked eyes, it opened its huge mouth and sucked. Swallow the two grilled fish into the belly like this.

But the next moment, the little beast's chubby face immediately turned red, as if a burst of anger was simmering in his heart.

With a sound of "acridine", it made a sharp and strange cry, and there was a faint flame spurting out of its mouth. With a buzzing sound, it disappeared instantly. When it appeared next time, it was already in a river, and it opened its mouth to swallow the river water frantically.

On the other side, seeing this scene, Wentian couldn't help laughing wildly, heartlessly, if the little beast saw him like this, he would definitely fly into a rage.

The red powder sprinkled by the little beast before was exactly chili powder, no wonder the little beast reacted like this, it was full of half a bottle, and these were specially refined chili powder.

Thinking of this, the anger in Wen Tian's heart disappeared immediately.

When the little beast came back, its whole body was dripping wet, and even trembled, splashing water all over Wentian's face, and shouted at Wentian with an angry expression.


On the second day, in a narrow cave, Wentian slowly opened his eyes, and the few Yuan Lingshi he was holding in his hands suddenly turned into powder with a click.

After absorbing several Yuan Lingshi and resting overnight, his injuries have gradually recovered. Although his Yuan strength has not yet reached its peak, it has recovered by seven or eight points.

This has to marvel at his astonishing resilience. It would be difficult for other people to recover within a few days.

When he opened his eyes, the little beast was the first thing he saw, but it had a regretful expression.

"Okay! Who told you to be greedy! You can't blame me." Wentian looked innocent, which in the eyes of the little beast made it even more mad.

"Take me away! After I go out, I will not only roast two fish for you, but also two lambs for you. You must know how delicious the roasted lambs are." Wentian said, with an even more intoxicated look on his face.

Seeing this, the little beast grunted, its throat rolling, and more saliva oozes from the corners of its mouth.

Aware of this scene, the corner of Wentian's mouth was drawn, showing a wicked smile: "Want to fight with me? You little guy is too tender."

He felt elated.

"Yi!" The little beast nodded.

Immediately, Wentian was ecstatic.

The next moment, the little beast started to dance wildly with its hands, and a strange force of space wrapped around Wentian's body, making his eyes frightened.

He can also cite the power of space, but it is the first time he has seen such a casual citation like a little beast, and he believes that even some powerful people in the divine realm may not be able to do this.

Surrounded by the power of space, light bloomed from his body, and the next moment, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a whirl in his mind.

When he came back to his senses, he gagged a while, as if flipping in space a thousand times, ten thousand times.

In an instant, his expression was ugly, because he faintly felt that this was the little beast's revenge on him.

"Hey! This is it? Could it be that I have already left the trial site?" He looked excited.

But very quickly, his mood seemed to fall from the peak to the bottom in an instant.

The little beast shook his head, indicating that this is still a trial ground.

In an instant, he couldn't help feeling angry, feeling that the little beast was playing tricks on him.

With a sound of "Yi acridine", the little beast also opened its eyes angrily, and then pointed its claws downward.

Wentian frowned, looked up, but found that there was a huge volcano below, and from the depths of the volcanic cave, there was even a faint ray of purple light.

(End of this chapter)

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