Chapter 247

Wentian's heart was already a little confused here, not to mention he was in a hurry to go back to Mizong Forest, he wanted to tell his third uncle the news, so he said: "Monastery Master, the boy has urgent matters, so I won't stay any longer and take my leave. "

After the words fell, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, don't you want to know what kind of treasure King Qingxu wanted when he attacked my Taoist temple?" Jingyin Temple Master stopped him.

"Huh?" Wentian paused, his expression stunned.


A secret tunnel, with the sound of trampling footsteps, Wentian followed Jingyin Guanzhu, and walked through this tunnel for nearly an hour, but he still didn't come to the end.

Regarding this, he became more and more confused, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

"Is there really a treasure in Ningqing Taoist Temple?" He guessed in his heart.

This secret path leads all the way down. According to his estimate, let alone the mountain, they may have reached a hundred feet deep underground.

Jingyin Guanzhu has been walking forward like this, since she walked into this secret passage, she has not spoken again, which made Wentian feel a heavy atmosphere.

Just as the two of them were advancing through the secret path, at this moment, the entire Ningqing Taoist Temple was discussing and guessing what their temple master and Wentian were talking about.


An hour later, Wentian's expression changed suddenly, because he faintly sensed a strong aura of heaven and earth coming from the front of the secret path.

These auras are probably more than ten times thicker than those outside, but as the two of them continue to move forward, the concentration of these auras in the world has become even more intense.

"The treasure that can cause changes in the aura of heaven and earth is absolutely extraordinary." His eyes suddenly brightened, and he became even more curious.

"This is..." Suddenly, he exclaimed.

I saw that when he walked through the secret path, what appeared in front of him was a very spacious cave, and the aura of heaven and earth in this cave was so rich to the extreme.

"Lingquan, is that the rumored Lingquan?" He was shocked in his heart, no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that there was such a mouthful of Lingquan under Ningqing Mountain.

A spring pool about ten feet in size was filled with spiritual energy, as if it could not be melted away, and there was a special fragrance faintly.

Even if he took a sip of this fragrance, he still felt refreshed and happy. The fatigue after the previous battle with King Qing Xu disappeared, and he became energetic in an instant.

But soon, he quickly came back to his senses, and deep doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, are you thinking, since I have this spiritual spring in Ningqingguan, why is my cultivation level only in the middle of the ten thousand period, and the cultivation level of Taoist audience is no different from ordinary people?" Jingyin Guanzhu Come on.

The other party's words really expressed the doubts in Wentian's heart, so he set his sights on the other party and waited for her next words.

Guanzhu Jingyin didn't say a word, but she made a handprint between her hands, and then tapped lightly towards the Lingquan.

"Om!" Suddenly, the entire Lingquan shook, and the spring water began to flow upwards as if boiling.

"That's it?" There was a sound of surprise from Wentian, and as the spring water surged up, a huge piece of white jade rose from the center of the Lingquan.

This piece of white jade is extremely large, it is eight feet long and four feet wide. The most peculiar thing is that there is no impurities on this piece of white jade.

"Plopp..." The faint heartbeat came faintly from inside the white jade, which was heard in Wentian's ears, causing his expression to change instantly, with deep shock in his eyes.


Looking at this piece of white jade, he couldn't help rolling his throat, and said with turmoil in his heart: "Could it be that this is the legendary womb jade? No... this is not womb jade, this is a piece of divine womb jade."

"Mr. Lin is really not simple! I have not misunderstood the person!" Jingyin said, and the eyes with the vicissitudes of life flashed wisps of light.

Looking at the divine fetus jade hidden in Lingquan, Wentian could already guess in his mind.

Whether it is fetal jade or divine fetal jade, their formation can be described as a miracle, because the formation of each piece has to go through a long period of time and absorb the amazing aura of heaven and earth.

It can be said that they are the crystallization of nature and the darling of the world.

Although this spiritual spring seems to be full of spiritual energy, once it is used for cultivation, it will destroy the growth of the divine fetus jade. Therefore, despite having such a spiritual spring, Jingyin Guanzhu is still in the middle stage of Vientiane.

"Huh..." Wentian took a deep breath to calm down his heart, and at the same time he also understood that this was the reason why King Qingxu attacked Ningqing Taoist Temple.

"40 years ago, the old man discovered this spiritual spring by accident, and then I also discovered this jade in the womb. At the beginning, I searched all the ancient books, only to find out that this is a priceless treasure, a magical treasure that even the gods will be moved by." .”

"But soon, I realized that this piece of divine fetus jade was still in its infancy. If I destroy this spiritual spring, I am afraid that this divine fetus jade will also be destroyed. Therefore, I did not touch the spiritual spring. Keep this secret deep in your heart."

"It's just that for some reason, King Qing Xu actually heard the news, and my Taoist temple was killed. Fortunately, Mr. Lin took action, otherwise the temple would be destroyed and the treasure would be lost."

Come on, the Master Jingyin.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and with a pull in her hand, the piece of divine embryo jade rushed out of the Lingquan with a puff, floating in front of her and Wentian.

Looking at the piece of divine jade in front of him, Wentian's heart beat quickened, his breath became short of breath, and he felt even more irritable. You must know that this is a divine treasure, it is by no means comparable to ordinary treasures, even gods would be jealous when they see it.

Seeing Wentian's reaction, Master Jingyin showed an inexplicable smile: "It seems that Mr. Lin's heart is moved, and it is so, I will be a favor, and give this jade in the womb to Mr. Lin, as a reward for Mr. Lin's help in the Taoist temple. Grace to retreat from the enemy."

"What?" Wentian was shocked, as if he didn't believe his ears, his eyes were wide open.

But after all, he is not an ordinary person. After being shocked, he quickly came back to his senses, his eyes flickering: "I don't know what the Lord is trying to do? The boy's previous attack was definitely not for the Lord's reward."

When he said it firmly, he looked like a gentleman, but from the beginning to the end, his eyes never left the Shentaiyu.

Regarding this, Jingyin Guanzhu showed a smile, maybe she was really caught by Wentianyou without the fact that Wentian was digging three feet in the Qingxu village before.

Being looked at by the other party like this, Wentian showed embarrassment on his face. Although he said so, in fact, he couldn't wait to snatch the god embryo jade directly.

However, he knew he couldn't do it.

"It's a disaster rather than a blessing that this piece of jade stays in my Taoist temple. What's more, my old age is approaching, and I don't have the chance to be in the Shenyuan realm. As a gift, I only hope that the young master can agree to my request."

Master Jingyin spoke, with a look of loneliness on his face.

"What request?" Wentian asked without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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