Chapter 256
"This person is at such an age and has such a cultivation level. Apart from being from Tianyunhai, there is no way to cultivate such a talented person among the six countries." Lin Yefeng said.

This night, Wentian chatted with his third uncle for a long time until the sky was slightly brightened.


The void was distorted for a while, and then two figures were revealed. These two people were none other than Daoxuan and Meng'er. It was just Meng'er here, as if falling into a coma.

Daoxuan bowed to the void, and said respectfully: "Madam, I have lived up to my trust and brought Miss back."

After the words fell, there was a hum in the void, and a vortex appeared, and then a gorgeous carriage appeared from the vortex.

The one pulling the cart was a mighty, lion-shaped monster with two heads.

It is the ancient relic, the two-headed ice and fire lion, and its aura is even more astonishing, it is a demon of the False God.

Hearing Daoxuan's words, a woman came out from the box, and when she saw this woman appeared, she frowned deeply.

"What's going on? Could it be that you met a strong False God Realm in that wild land?"

"Otherwise, what happened to your injury?"

This woman is only in her early twenties, but the aura on her body is also very astonishing.

In the late stage of Vientiane, she and Daoxuan are both in the late stage of Vientiane. If Chi Yue's people see this, they will definitely be shocked.

During this time, Daoxuan's clothes were stained with blood, and his face became even paler. However, when he heard the woman's words, he said indifferently: "It's nothing? It's just a small injury, but I met a fierce beast in the Lost Forest. The demon was just accidentally injured by him."

Regarding this, the woman's eyes narrowed, and there was a flash of light, as if she didn't believe it in her heart.

But she didn't say much. After all, if the person involved didn't say anything, she didn't need to ask further.

"Although the lower realm is a wild place, you two should not underestimate the three fierce places and some mysterious places. Be careful, otherwise, even if you are not careful, you will die without a place to die." From the carriage, there was an icy voice.

"It's madam, I'll pay attention to it later." Daoxuan said respectfully, but his eyes were flickering, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Then, he took out a spar from his arms. The crystal was crystal clear on the outside, but there was a drop of blood in the center.

The reason why he was able to find Gu Zhonggu in the Lost Forest was because of this spar, because this spar had special energy and could sense the existence of Meng'er.

With a sound of "swish", the spar in Daoxuan's hand flew up automatically, and went straight to the carriage, and immediately, a cold voice sounded again in the carriage: "Let's go!"

The woman helped the sleeping Meng'er into the box, as for Daoxuan, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the far below.

His face became gloomy, and his voice was full of murderous intent: "What a Lin Wentian, you are the first to hurt me Daoxuan with the cultivation of the Spirit Transformation Realm. I hope we will meet again one day."


Valley in the middle of the valley, in an open ground, I saw many people from the Lin family gathered together, their expressions became excited, and many people showed shocking eyes.

I saw a cauldron being set up, and there was a raging fire burning under the cauldron. Wentian was among these people, and his eyes flashed as he looked at the cauldron.

Lin Yefeng basically let Lin Yefeng distribute all the pills he obtained from those who participated in the trial, but even so, everyone’s injuries still haven’t recovered. After all, the pills are limited, and the injured people But very much.

So, he thought of a way.

In an instant, his eyes flashed, followed by a wave of his hand, and he saw a bunch of elixir being thrown into the cauldron. These elixir were all obtained from the trial site.

As he continued to inject the elixir, a scent of medicine began to come from the cauldron. After everyone heard it, their eyes lit up and they felt radiant.

These elixirs are basically 300 years old. If they are exchanged for gold coins, they are probably worth a fortune, and only Wen Genius is so generous.

Only when the elixir is used for alchemy can it exert the strongest effect, but it is a pity that Wentian does not know how to make alchemy, so he made such a bad plan.

"Master, where did you get so many elixir?" someone asked.

Seeing Wentian continuously injecting elixir, they were already shocked and stunned for a while.

Wentian didn't say much, because he was thinking deeply during this time. In the eyes of others, he might think that he was throwing out the elixir at will, but in fact it wasn't. Although he didn't know how to make alchemy, he knew a lot about elixir.

"Bonegrass, Huoxuevine, Tongmaigen..." He kept chanting in his heart.

"It should be almost there!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of white light in the space in his hand, and immediately there was a bang, and a huge figure fell to the ground, causing everyone's eyes to be shocked.

"Ah! What kind of monster is this? It has such a huge body?" Someone exclaimed.

Among the crowd, when Ye Tian saw the body of this monster, his eyes widened and he felt unbelievable. He lost his voice and said: "This is the ancient relic of the Split Wind Demon Eagle, and its cultivation level before its death is probably already half of it. Step into the Vientiane Realm."

"What? This is an ancient remnant. Could it be that the young master slaughtered it?"

"It is rumored that the essence in the body of the ancient remnant is very abundant. As long as you can eat a bite, it may improve your cultivation and even change your physique."

As soon as Ye Tian's words came out, there was a storm in the hearts of everyone, and immediately, they became excited and excited.

On the side, seeing this, Lin Yefeng's eyes flashed with anticipation, because he was able to guess Wentian's intention.

That's right!This ancient remnant-species Splitting Wind Demon Eagle was exactly the one that Wentian beheaded at the trial site. When he beheaded Shi Shi, he even took the opportunity to put its corpse into the space ring. After all, the ancient relics' corpses , but priceless.

The purple light flashed, and he slashed the Broken Star in his hand, splitting the body of the Splitting Wind Demon Eagle. Immediately after, he asked someone to wash a small part of the eagle's meat, and then put it into the cauldron.

With a sound of "Zi", the eagle meat was put into the pot, and there were bursts of white smoke. At the same time, there was a burst of blood on the top of the pot, and there was the sound of boiling like a thousand troops.

"Add fire!" Wen Tian yelled.

In the next moment, some fire-attributed spirit-transformers gathered their energy and burned the cauldron with flames. After all, this is an ancient remnant, and the ordinary purple fire does not know how long it takes to cook it.

Wentian asked people to close the lid of the pot, because in this way the gold and silver would not be lost, but even so, when time passed, there were still bursts of strong fragrance.

In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up, looking extremely expectant. As for the two brothers and sisters Ye Feng and Ye Xue, their throats rolled, and saliva leaked from the corners of their mouths.

At the same time, in the Lost Tracking Outer Forest, I saw a huge monster roaring upwards. If Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize it, because it was the Vajra Giant Ape.

However, on its head, there was also a small animal the size of a leather ball, showing its teeth and claws, screaming, screaming, and in front of them, a group of spirit monkeys were desperately fleeing.

Seeing those spirit monkeys fleeing, King Kong Giant Ape looked furious: "You little fellows, stop quickly, I King Kong Giant Ape is your king, if you run away again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Squeak!!" Hearing the giant vajra's roar, the group of spirit monkeys suddenly panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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