Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 258 Amazing Drug Power

Chapter 258 Amazing Drug Power
(Second more)

Wentian had been prepared for a long time, and when he realized this, his eyes flashed, and he put his hands on Uncle Zhou's back, secretly using the power of returning to the beginning, to protect Uncle Zhou's heart.

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Uncle Zhou's whole body surged with energy, his veins bulged, and his withered limbs began to make bone-cracking sounds, as if his bones were shifting out of place.

"Drink!" Uncle Zhou yelled suddenly, boom, the energy in his body rose, and a strong flame burst out. At this moment, he was full of energy, as if he was ten years younger all of a sudden.

"Father, look quickly, Grandpa Zhou's white hair has started to turn black." Ye Xue screamed, and stuffed an apple into her big mouth.

As for other people seeing this scene, their hearts were extremely excited.

"This is the magic medicine!"

"The flesh and blood of the ancient remnants, after being prepared by the young master with the elixir, has the effect of reborn."

Wentian withdrew his hand, felt Uncle Zhou's aura and it became stronger, and he was also excited for a while. Although he knew that this pot of medicinal soup was extraordinary, but it was still a bit unexpected for him to have such a miraculous effect.

"Master..." Uncle Zhou trembled with excitement, and suddenly knelt down to Wentian.

"Uncle Zhou..." Wentian hurriedly helped the old man up, but the old man's eyes were already filled with tears, he never imagined that the power of blood in his body would be able to flourish again.

When everyone saw Uncle Zhou who was getting older, they all smiled happily, and at the same time, their hearts were eager to move. Looking at the pot of great tonic soup, they could not wait to rush to him immediately.

Among the crowd, Ye Tian murmured: "It's probably the first time in this world that the flesh and blood of the ancient relics are used to make soup for thousands of years."

Seeing everyone's impatient look, Wentian said solemnly: "Although this is a pot of nourishing food, but the power of essence in it is very strong, you have to use it in moderation, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss, resulting in failure to refine it." Essence and violence to death."

"Don't worry, young master, we will be careful."

With Wentian's consent, everyone scrambled to fill up the medicinal soup, and some even started to eat the meat of the Splitting Wind Demon Eagle.

"Wow wow..."

Soon, someone lost control for a while and drank a large amount of medicinal soup, causing the essence in the body to be unable to refine, and the essence qi exploded, and the whole body turned red as if being burned.

"Ah... I'm so hot." The man let out a strange cry, and jumped into the pool with a puff. Suddenly, the whole pool boiled.

Seeing this, Wentian shook his head slightly, but didn't say much.

After all, this is a great tonic. Even the children of the Ji family's royal family may not have the chance to taste it. Faced with such a great opportunity, let alone those young girls, even the hidden guards cannot hold it.

Soon, there were bursts of strange screams and bangs from the entire valley, and even more people rose up, using this opportunity to break through.

With No.1, there will soon be a second.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the sky surged wildly, attracting Wentian's attention.

"Ah... that's Big Brother Zhang. Could it be that he's about to break through the Myriad Realm?" Someone exclaimed.

I saw a man in his forties. He was lying cross-legged on the ground, and he formed his handprints. A wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into his body, making his hair flutter, with an astonishing momentum.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he shouted loudly: "Break!"

"Boom!" A majestic aura rose from his body, and there was a "boom" in his body, as if breaking through some boundary.

"The Vientiane Realm, I never thought that I would be able to break through to the Vientiane Realm in my lifetime." The man raised his head to the sky and roared, as if expressing the excitement in his heart.

"Wow... the Vientiane Realm, Brother Zhang has finally broken through to the Vientiane Realm. He is the No. 1 among our dark guards who has broken through to the Vientiane Realm."

This man's breakthrough immediately caused a big commotion, even Wentian and Lin Yefeng showed ecstasy on their faces.

This is definitely a big surprise.


After the man came back to his senses, he immediately knelt down on one knee facing Wentian: "I, Zhang Ming, am willing to follow the young master for the rest of my life, even if it is going up the mountain of knives or in the frying pan, I will never frown."

During this time, he looked at Wentian with fiery eyes, because he knew that as long as he followed the person in front of him, the Vientiane Realm might not be his limit.

As long as those who set foot on the path of cultivation are fighting against the sky and the earth, even if there is only a glimmer of hope ahead, their heart of cultivation will not be lost.

"Brother Zhang, get up!" Wentian was also excited. If the Lin family had one more Vientiane Realm, their strength would become stronger.

"Big Brother, I also want to drink soup and eat meat." Ye Feng looked at Wentian eagerly, and the corners of his mouth were even more frothy.

"Big brother, Xue'er also wants to have a drink." Ye Xue's face also showed hope.

Regarding this, Wentian frowned, not because he was stingy, but because at the age of Yefeng and Yexue, he was afraid that their bodies would not be able to bear it.

But he still said: "You two are still young, you can only drink a sip of soup when you are thirsty."

He had already planned in his heart that if he found any abnormality, he would immediately take action to disperse the essence that they could not refine.

Ye Xue became excited and clapped her palms, but Ye Tian pouted, because he not only wanted to drink soup, but also wanted to eat meat.

Their father Ye Tian, ​​at this moment, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Soon, in front of Wentian, Ye Feng and Ye Xue drank a sip of soup, but the next moment, Wentian's complexion changed suddenly, because the two brothers and sisters blushed for a while, and even showed pain.

"Not good! They haven't reached the cultivation realm yet, so they can't refine the essence in the medicine soup." Suddenly, someone exclaimed loudly.

Wentian was about to make a move, but unexpectedly Yetian shouted in his ear: "You two, run for me."

"Wow wow..."

Under the order of their father, Ye Feng and Ye Xue began to run in the valley, and sometimes made some weird movements, like a monkey jumping.

However, a strange scene appeared. After a while, pitch-black impurities continued to ooze from the two of them, and the energy on their bodies began to slowly converge, and no longer released.

Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly, and he focused on Yetian: "It seems that my guess is correct, Yetian, Yefeng and Yexue should be from Tianyunhai."

"Ah...Father, big brother, I feel that my strength has increased. Even if it is a cow, I can beat it with one punch." Ye Feng screamed excitedly.

But when Ye Xue saw the dirt on her body, she showed bitterness, jumped into the sink and began to wash.

"I still want to drink soup, and I still want to eat the meat of the ancient relics." Ye Feng yelled, and Wentian's eyes flashed, and he nodded in agreement.

Immediately, like a hungry wolf, Ye Feng began to scramble to drink, scramble to eat, rushing... When his whole body was red and feeling uncomfortable, he kept running and jumping, using this method to refine.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help being envious. Some people looked ruthless, and after eating a piece of eagle meat, they also started to run like Ye Feng in the valley.

With the first, there is naturally the second.

Soon, a jaw-dropping scene appeared in the entire valley, and the people began to jump and run in the valley like stubborn monkeys.

Wentian also drank several bowls of medicinal soup, then he closed his eyes and began to refine the medicinal power in his body. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, his gaze was like a blade, and his energy and energy were restored to the extreme.

Just quickly, he shook his head slightly.

"For ordinary people, these medicines are already great tonic medicines, but my physical body has already reached a limit. Unless there are ancient relics that have reached the Vientiane Realm to boil the medicine, it will not be effective for me."

He was right. His physical body was several times, dozens of times stronger than ordinary people due to the refining of blood pills. In addition to refining Dao blood, he transformed again. Few people can match.

"Buzz!" Above the valley, there was a sudden shock, followed by a burst of white light, and a teleportation light array flashed out.

"Yi, Yi..." There was a cry full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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