Chapter 262

Time passed relentlessly, on this day, Wentian left the Valley of the Valley, and came to the lake where the turtle demon was located outside the Lost Forest.

It's just that he didn't realize that the moment he left the valley, the two little guys looked at him like a mouse, a white light flickered, and the little beast and the King Kong Giant Ape also disappeared into the valley.

The battle is imminent, Wentian is extremely eager to obtain the power of this turtle demon, but unfortunately, it is doomed to be difficult to succeed, because in his previous life, his master once said that a mysterious power was set on this turtle demon so that it could not leave this place. Lost Forest.

However, now that he has formed a bloodline array with the turtle demon, he can borrow the power of the array to make the turtle demon appear temporarily, but it can only last for a few breaths.

"If we come out with all our strength and someone attacks, it will be like the mysterious man before, and another tragedy is doomed. If I can bring this bastard back to the valley, I will be free from worries."

"It's just that this tortoise bastard is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You have to think of a good way." Looking at the lake, Wentian's eyes flashed.

At the same time, the turtle monster sleeping at the bottom of the lake suddenly opened its eyes wide, and was even more excited, talking to itself excitedly: "Why is this damn kid here again? Could it be that he sent a beauty to the king?" ? Yes, definitely so."

Thinking about it, it looked extremely defiant, roared wildly, and its body rushed from the lake, causing waves of big waves.

"Boy, did you bring a beauty for this king?" With a bang, the surface of the lake exploded, revealing its giant mountain-like body.

Looking at this gigantic turtle demon with monstrous aura, Wentian couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, but the next moment, his expression became ruthless, and the forbidden blood map in his left hand glowed red.

And at this moment, without warning, he yelled: "Get down!"

As soon as the word "get down" was uttered, the turtle demon looked stunned, as if he hadn't recovered yet, but a huge bloodline pattern flashed on its body, an extremely heavy force, like the gravity of countless stars pressing on it, blessing it on it.

Its expression changed suddenly, as if some terrible memory had been recalled, it babbled, and roared out: "You..."

However, before it could fully speak, there was a loud bang, and its huge body suddenly fell down, causing the entire lake to boil.

"Bastard! This king is a tortoise, how dare you..."

"Get down!"

The tortoise monster roared like thunder, and a strong demonic aura erupted. Suddenly, the wind swept through the clouds, and thunder and lightning roared in the sky. Even Wentian was startled, but he felt ruthless, gritted his teeth, and yelled again.

"Boom!" The monsters with a radius of a hundred miles were startled, and even some fierce monsters who had reached the Vientiane Realm looked terrified.

"What's going on? What kind of thing that doesn't have eyes, doesn't know how to live or die, and is provoking that terrible guy?" Said a demon of all phenomena who could speak human words, his eyes were full of fear.

Shocking roars continued to come from the lake: "Boy, this king is going to kill you..."

"Get down!"


" dare you...this king is the number one turtle in the world!"

"Get down!"



There was a dumbfounding scene in the lake, I saw the monstrous turtle monster rushing out of the lake with a bang, with boundless hatred in its heart, and Wentian said to get down, it fell down again without warning, falling deeply bottom of the lake.

This simply made the turtle demon crazy.

It is the demon of all phenomena, and even the demon of all phenomena that has reached its peak. Even in the face of God, it is extremely disdainful in its heart.

However, now that a human being who is only in the spirit transformation realm insults it repeatedly, one can imagine how angry it is.

It can't wait to smack the kid in front of it into pieces with one palm, but it can't, because a forbidden power has been exerted on it somehow.

"Ah..." It let out a miserable sound, feeling that there was a destructive power in its body, but it was useless. With a bang, it became angry and spit out a mouthful of blood.

When some Vientiane demons heard its bleak scream, they trembled all over, and their whole souls were terrified.

In their hearts, to make that terrifying turtle demon utter such a pitiful scream, the other party is definitely a peerless beast.

Thinking of this, they opened their eyes in fear, and with a bang, they quickly fled to the distance with that boundless fear.

A burst of white light appeared from the side of the lake, and immediately, a monkey less than half a meter tall and a small animal with golden and white hair and a body as round as a ball were revealed.

Seeing the astonishing scene in front of him, the Vajra Giant Ape transformed into a little monkey, opened its eyes wide and felt incredible, especially when it felt the monstrous power of the turtle demon, there was a hint of fear deep in its pupils.

"Yi, Yi!" On the contrary, the little beast looked excited, and clapped his palms there, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

With a whoosh, it stood in the air, moved its hands, looked arrogant, and shouted arrogantly at the turtle monster in the lake.


A formation diagram appeared in the air, and under Wentian's shocked gaze, a huge rock suddenly rushed out of the formation diagram and fell down like a star crashing.

Not far away, the King Kong Giant Ape was dumbfounded. It was obvious that the little beast's actions were completely beyond its expectations.

With a "bang", the boulder fell on the turtle demon, and it was instantly torn apart, but because of this, the turtle demon who was just about to rush out of the water was smashed into the bottom of the lake again.

"It's you again, you damn little one. This king will never forgive you." At this moment, the turtle demon's heart was already extremely angry, and it was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time and was about to erupt.

The appearance of the little beast made Wentian stunned, but soon, he showed a malicious smile.

"Yi, yi!" Hearing the turtle monster's angry shout, the little beast showed no fear, and became even more arrogant, baring its teeth and claws at the turtle monster.

This simply made the turtle demon crazy.

The little beast yelled, and even moved its hands to the King Kong Giant Ape who was hiding aside and secretly watching the battle, as if saying something.

When King Kong Giant Ape saw it, its expression changed for a while, but it set its eyes on Wentian.

If it was only by itself, it would never dare to provoke the turtle monster. Leaving aside the power of blood, just the breath leaked out by the other party would make it, as an ancient remnant, feel frightened.

But the little beast is very kind to it. If it wasn't for the little beast, it wouldn't have escaped from the trial ground, and it may have fallen into a deep sleep again by now.

Therefore, it also struggled for a while, so it had no choice but to cast its eyes on Wentian.

Wentian looked weird, but thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind: "As the saying goes, everything must be the first to win."

Thinking of this, he winked at King Kong Giant Ape.

"Could it be that this big guy has a deep hatred with his big brother?"

"Yes! That's definitely the case. Little Ball is also helping Big Brother to vent his anger. Back then, Big Brother was kind to me, so I will help him teach this big guy a lesson."

After figuring out the reason, the giant ape vajra roared up to the sky, and its body burst into golden light. Its body continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant ape with a fierce expression and an astonishing momentum.

"Dare to bully my big brother, you shrunken turtle, come out and die." It yelled wildly, rushed into the lake with a bang, swung its giant fist, and smashed at the shell on the turtle demon's back.

With a "bang", its giant fist hit the turtle's back, and suddenly, there was a deafening bang, even Wentian felt his head buzzing.

(End of this chapter)

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