Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 271 Have You Said Enough?

Chapter 271 Have You Said Enough?
At this moment, Ji Zhuoyang seems to be not the majestic sage, but a peerless powerhouse who holds God's will on behalf of him. At this moment, he is no longer the middle stage of Vientiane, but the late stage of Vientiane.

It seems that his cultivation has broken through again.

The image of the emperor condensed, and he swung his fist even more powerfully, before he could hit Wentian, Wentian's complexion changed, and he felt as if he was being crushed by a huge mountain.

Countless flower petals suddenly floated in the sky, and as soon as these petals came out, they spun rapidly and turned into flower blades, slashing towards Wentian.

Wentian's face was suddenly covered with ferocity, he roared in his heart, his body exuded an extremely strong killing intent, his eyes turned blood red, especially in the left eye, there were traces of strange lines spreading out.

In his blood-red pupils, an old figure slowly stepped out of the void.

Granny Hua, the Lao Shu who appeared here is the Granny Hua who tried to use his flesh and blood to refine him into a taboo blood pill.

For this Granny Hua, he had long hated her to the sky, but now, the other party came to her door automatically. Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Little bastard, give back my grandson's life." Granny Hua said coldly, her voice was so unpleasant that it made one's hair stand on end.

As soon as Granny Hua came out, not far away, Lin Yefeng's expression changed suddenly, and he became anxious, because even he didn't expect this strong man from Xianfeng Pavilion to appear suddenly.

"Wen Tian, ​​run away!" He exclaimed.

However, at the next moment, his eyes were wide open, his complexion turned pale, and he saw an indifferent voice suddenly ringing in his ears.

"Today, no matter who is here, it will not be able to save you." As soon as the voice fell, the void distorted for a while, and an old man stepped out.

Fang Changkong!
Fang Changkong, the dean of Chiyue No. [-] Academy, unexpectedly reappeared. He used to be the first teacher of the Holy One, and he was the second most famous person in Chiyue.

Of course, this is only the second strongest in the minds of ordinary people.

"Give back my young master's life. All of you are going to die today and be buried with my young master." A vicious voice rang out from the void again, and ripples appeared in the void, and an old man appeared again.

In the later stage of Vientiane, this is another strong man in the late Vientiane period, and this person is exactly the old servant who followed Fang Hao before.

For the sudden appearance of the old man, neither Ji Zhuoyang nor Fang Changkong was surprised at all. It seems that this was also expected by them.

To be precise, maybe they wanted to use this person's power to get rid of Wentian and the others. After all, Vientiane's late stage cultivation was enough to cause a storm in the red moon.

When the old man appeared, he didn't attack Wentian or Lin Yefeng, but went straight to Xiaoling.

Things happened so fast, even Wentian, his eyes narrowed and his expression became serious.

He was not surprised by Fang Changkong's appearance, but he was not surprised by the appearance of the old woman and the old man.

How could he have thought that Fang Hao was dead, even if the old man went back, he would definitely die.

As for Granny Hua, it goes without saying that she herself had grievances with him, and Fang Hao was her grandson, and it was rumored that he was the one who killed Fang Hao at the trial site.

Therefore, the appearance of these two people is not surprising.

"Back!" Wentian yelled at Lin Yefeng and the others, and his figure flickered again and again.

It seemed slow, but in fact, it was only in that split second, whether it was Ji Zhuoyang's Emperor's Fist, or the strange attack of Granny Hua, they were all in front of him.

"Little beast, let's see where you are going to escape." Granny Hua said coldly, the attack in her hand was a bit stronger.

Boom, Ji Zhuoyang's image of the emperor, the giant fist that blasted made the entire void rumble, as if the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Below, those soldiers and officials watched this scene, their eyes widened in fear, and they were extremely shocked.

Especially Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong were even more excited and trembled, because they felt that no matter how powerful Wentian was, it would be difficult to fly this time.

When all the attacks hit the sky, the entire void seemed to explode, and the remaining power was like the power to destroy the world. The entire palace, many buildings and halls collapsed.

"Haha! This little bastard is finally dead." Shangguan Muhua's laughter was full of madness, as if he had been longing for this scene before him for a long time.

But the next moment, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he screamed heart-piercingly: "No, this is impossible..."

In his incomparably terrified eyes, there was a white light in the void, and there was a crunching sound, and a slender figure slowly appeared again, and he was not damaged at all.

"Hiss..." Looking at this slender figure, whether it was the soldiers or the ministers and officials, they all looked terrified as if they had seen a ghost.

Wentian looked indifferent, he looked at Ji Zhuoyang and that Granny Hua, he showed a contemptuous sneer, as for Xiaoqiu, he even embraced his hands, with a proud look.

Before, it was the one who used the power of space to allow Wentian to avoid the attack, so it felt that it was all due to it, and looked full of expression.

Lin Yefeng and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Wen was safe and sound. Although they already understood the power of the ball, they were still shocked by the scene before them.

"Just because of you old fellows, you want to take Lin Wentian's life?" Wentian sneered.

In the eyes of Granny Hua and the others, he was so defiant, it really drove them crazy.

"What a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I want to see how many times you can escape." Granny Hua's eyes were full of cruelty and viciousness.

"Lin Wentian, I have to admit that you are the most outstanding genius I have ever seen, but your biggest mistake was to oppose me." Ji Zhuoyang said coldly, and immediately, he set his sights on the other two battlefields.

With the appearance of Fang Changkong and Fang Hao's old servant, Lin Yefeng and Xiaoling immediately fell into a disadvantage. Although they are still struggling, it is only a matter of time before they lose.

Shangguan Muhua's face was full of ferocity, he opened his mouth and roared: "Lin Wentian, you can't escape, the entire capital has become a cage, even if your people can escape from the palace, they can't escape from this capital, maybe Your people have already been wiped out, and died in the hands of my elite army of Bin'er."

"Old man Shangguan, have you said enough?" Wentian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he flicked with his fingers, and a wisp of blue flame shot out like a bullet.

"Lin Wentian, dare you!" Suddenly, Shangguan Muhua turned pale and screamed.

Ji Zhuoyang, who noticed this, changed his expression slightly, and was about to make a move, but the strange thing was that his outstretched hand was retracted again, and there was a glint of light in the depths of his pupils.

A yellow flower suddenly appeared above Shangguan Muhua's head, and immediately the flower opened and swallowed him inside.

Zi, the blue flame burned the flowers, bursts of black air gushed out, and there was an unpleasant smell.

(End of this chapter)

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