Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 275 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 275 Thunder Tribulation
When ordinary people break through, they will choose to find a hiding place, or find a few strong men to guard them, so as to break through.

Because if one is distracted during the breakthrough, the success will fall short, but Wentian is lucky to choose to break through in the enemy's camp. In the eyes of everyone, it is simply seeking death.

On the contrary, Granny Hua's expression became more and more terrified, she even screamed, her figure exploded, and she rushed towards the outside of the palace.

"Since you're here, let's stay!" Suddenly, Wentian sneered.

At the same time, the entire sky suddenly darkened, and a heavy heavenly power completely enveloped the entire palace.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Immediately, as soon as this heavenly power came out, whether it was that Granny Hua or the elders of the royal family, their expressions suddenly changed, and they staggered and fell from the void to the ground with a bang.

As for those soldiers, as well as some low-level ministers and officials, their gazes were even more frightening. Unable to bear the shocking coercion, they prostrated themselves on the ground, their bodies trembling instinctively.

"Ah... what the hell is going on here? What happened in the palace?"

"Such coercion, is it possible that someone wants to break through to the Divine Origin Realm, no... Even if they break through to the Divine Origin Realm, I'm afraid it won't affect the entire capital!"

Immediately, all the monks and common people in the capital all looked terrified. They looked in the direction of the palace, their faces turned pale, and their hearts filled with horror.


The sky above the palace was filled with wind and clouds, and thunder and lightning roared. The sky of the entire capital was darkened, and the continuous dark clouds rushed to the sky above the palace.

In the blink of an eye, the entire imperial palace was completely enveloped by the dark cloud, and in the depths of the dark cloud, there was a black vortex that became gloomy, making people feel uneasy and full of ominous atmosphere.

"Boom! Boom!" In the vortex, there was a muffled sound of thunder, and there was a flash of silver lightning, and a thunder dragon roared faintly, passing by in a flash.

Lin Yefeng and the others looked at the imperial palace shrouded in dark clouds from afar. Their eyes were wide open, showing an expression of disbelief.

"What's going on here? Could it be that the change in the world was caused by the young master?" Someone murmured as if talking in a dream.

"The sudden aura before is obviously from the young master. Could it be that he is breaking through?"

"Breakthrough? Vientiane Realm?"

"Ah... the young master is only 17 years old, he wants to break through to the Vientiane Realm?"

"Hiss..." Immediately, everyone's hearts were terrified, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Yuelao's eyes narrowed sharply, then widened, and his voice tremblingly said: "Thunder Tribulation, Young Master is going to cross the Thunder Tribulation."

His heart skipped a beat, recalling the thunder calamity that occurred when Wentian broke through to the Yuan Lian realm, an incredible thought appeared in his mind.

As for Lin Yefeng, he was also shocked when he heard the word Lei Jie.


Wentian raised his head slowly, looked at the black vortex covered with dark clouds, roaring like thunder, and said coldly: "Ji Zhuoyang, you don't let that monster come out, but I, Lin Wentian, want to force him out. "

After the words fell, he froze and rushed towards the Golden Dragon Hall.

Because last time, through that special pupil, he faintly found a huge pool of blood hidden at the bottom of the Golden Dragon Hall, and he guessed that the monster was hiding in it.

"Boy, don't be mad!"

"Give back my young master's life."

Seeing him rushing towards the Golden Dragon Hall, Fang Changkong and the old servant, with a bang, endured the immense power, stretched out a giant hand to grab Wentian.

Because they discovered that the changes in the world were only caused by this kid in front of them, as long as they killed him, everything would be restored.

However, Wentian's eyes seemed to shoot out with divine swords, his expression was flying, and he yelled angrily at the void: "Get out of here."

His voice was boundless and domineering, which meant domineering and unyielding ambition. His god and eyebrows were like two sky-defying swords, soaring straight into the sky.

Under his provocation, there was a roar like the anger of the sky from the black vortex, and there was a loud bang, and a thick thunderbolt descended.

Once this thunder came out, it was like a thunder of destruction, trying to obliterate Wentian's existence, maybe Tiandao felt that he should not live in this world.

His existence has attracted heaven's taboo.

"What? This is Tianlei!"

"No... this is Thunder Tribulation!"

"Fast back..."

The expressions of Fang Changkong and the old servant changed suddenly, they looked as if they had seen a ghost and were terrified and fluffy. In an instant, they roared in their hearts and struggled frantically, wanting to rush out of the palace.

However, the coercion enveloped the entire palace, which made it difficult for them to move even an inch. Coupled with the thunder coming down, they couldn't avoid it at all like lightning.



When the thunder fell, the whole palace shook and the ground shook, and the palace that was hit by the bombardment was instantly wiped out, leaving some people stunned.

"Wow..." Fang Changkong, who was the second strongest man, let out a bang, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth. His eyes were astonished, and his expression was extremely shocked.

As for the old servant, his face was also pale, looking at Wentian who still had a trace of lightning left on his body, he seemed to remember something, his whole body was trembling with fear in his eyes.

"Young Sovereign... Could it be that this son is a Young Sovereign, but this is a wild place..." After the shock, he felt deeply puzzled again.

There was also a buzzing in Ji Zhuoyang's mind, because he also remembered a terrible legend.

"'s impossible. Others don't know, but I know that this is only the mortal world. Even if that kind of person appears, it will only appear in that world." He roared in his heart, even more with disbelief.

"Kill, kill him together."

"The catastrophe has come, this time you can't fly, Lin Wentian will die."

Seeing that the thunder calamity had fallen, Feng Yunxuan and others wanted to kill Wentian while he was weak.

Being hit by the thunder just now, Yi Wentian's powerful body was also injured, he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed, "If that's the case, let's use you guys first."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly rose up, advancing instead of retreating, and charged directly at Feng Yunxuan and the others.

Seeing him rushing, Feng Yunxuan and the others were ecstatic in their hearts, their faces turned ferocious, and they had planned in their hearts that they would launch a violent attack in the next moment, killing Wentian in one fell swoop.

But when there was a click and another thunderbolt rained down, they were shocked for an instant, their eyes wide open.

"Thunder is it possible, hasn't it already landed before?"

"Not good! Go back!"

Boom boom boom! !

In the black vortex, another thunderbolt fell, but it didn't end there, boom boom boom, one after another thunderbolts, like thunder destroying the world, descended one after another, causing the entire palace to be plunged into a thunderstorm.

"Damn it... what kind of thunder tribulation is this?"

"Run away."

"The calamity of destroying the world, this is the calamity of thunder."

(End of this chapter)

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