Chapter 278

"Long Zi, Lin Wentian is actually a Long Zi!"

"Could it be that he is not a ghost at all, but the peerless beauty of my human race?"

As soon as Wentian's words came out, it was truly earth-shattering, and the minds of the whole city couldn't help buzzing, feeling too unbelievable, especially for some people who thought he was a ghost at the beginning, their hearts set off turbulent waves.

All of this is because of the hundred-foot-long giant dragon hovering in the palace, and this giant dragon was condensed by Lin Wentian, a rebel against the saints. This is simply a miracle.

"Oh my god...Lin Wentian is actually able to get Shenlong's approval. In this way, maybe he is not some ghost, but a real son of the dragon."

"It's no wonder that he was able to participate in the Taoist trial of Xianfeng Pavilion, and he was able to slaughter all the talents of the heavens with his own strength. I dare to say that he is the son of the dragon, and he is the one who is blessed by the dragon clan."

Everyone began to discuss, even those who had been malicious and resentful towards Wentian before seemed to have changed their attitudes.

The most shocking person is none other than Ji Zhuoyang, the current sage. He is the emperor of the Red Moon, and he can even use the power of one country and two dragons. In the eyes of others, Ji Zhuoyang is the emperor and the son of the dragon. Completely blow him down from the high altar.

This was a naked slap in the face, and the slap was perfect, which made him furious: "Lin Wentian, don't use black magic to confuse my people, I am the real son of the dragon."

"Golden Luck Dragon, Golden Dragon of Merit, let me kill him...Kill this ghost..." His roar was almost crazy, because he didn't want to believe everything in front of him. destroy.

The Golden Luck Dragon and the Golden Dragon of Merit rushed out of Ji Zhuoyang's body with a bang, but after they rushed out, they didn't attack Wentian, but fled hastily.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, how inconceivable it was. The mighty dragon of one country would flee in a hurry. If it was heard by the emperors of other five countries, they might think it was a joke.

"No... I am the emperor of a country, and even the dragon son of heaven, you come back to me." Ji Zhuoyang roared, his voice was so unwilling and fearful, he never thought that things would develop to this extent.

"Ji Zhuoyang, you have already lost your conscience by covering up the monster to practice vicious blood art, and now you still want to get Guolong's approval, this is simply wishful thinking." Wentian shouted loudly.

Just like lightning, the hundred-foot-long dragon rushed into his body, re-formed into the ancient vein of the Dragon Emperor, and he swooped down, rushing towards Ji Zhuoyang in the Golden Dragon Hall.

"Dare!" Seeing Wentian rushing towards him, Ji Zhuoyang was shocked and his expression fell into fear.

"Why don't you dare!" Wen Tian shouted coldly, his thoughts soared into the sky, provoking Lei Jie.

Provoked by him, thunder rolled in the thunder cloud, and in the blink of an eye, one after another thunder fell from the sky. The violent force almost wanted to completely destroy the entire imperial palace.

With a sound of "click", it landed on Ji Zhuoyang's body. With a bang, his blood spilled into the sky, and he crashed into the Golden Dragon Hall like a cannonball. With a bang, the hall continued to shatter, and in the blink of an eye, it was completely overwhelmed by thunder.

As for those officials and soldiers who were hiding, they were already terrified to the extreme when they saw this scene. Even so many strong men in the Vientiane Realm were defeated one after another. Teenagers fight.

The young man in front of him is the son of the dragon. They saw the hundred-foot-long dragon clearly. What's more, even the golden dragon of luck and the golden dragon of merit are afraid of the young man in front of him. From this, it can be seen that Lin Wen In all likelihood, he is the son of the dragon in the rumors.

"Ahem..." Being in the midst of the thunder, Wentian kept coughing up blood, and his body was also cracked, but under his power of returning to the beginning, he kept reshaping his physical body, and every time he transformed, his His physical body became stronger, and his physical body still seemed to have a trace of thunder power remaining.

"72, 73..." Every time a sky thunder falls, he will silently recite in his heart, and in the blink of an eye, 78 sky thunders have fallen.

Regarding this, his heart became more and more dignified.

And in the end, the power of thunder became stronger that day, which made his body overwhelmed. Even if he had the power to return to the beginning, his recovery speed was no longer as fast as his physical body was destroyed.

"Could it be that this is the nine-nine-eight-one-day catastrophe that Master said?" Looking at the thunder clouds in the sky that still linger, his eyelids twitched, and at the same time, his whole body was already stained with blood, turning into a blood man.

Fortunately, it was him, otherwise it would have been someone else who would have been wiped out in the thunder calamity.

After all, although someone "helped" him overcome the catastrophe, he was the one who survived the catastrophe this time, and the attack he received was naturally much stronger than others.

With a "click", a thunderbolt that was several times thicker than before, with a bang, descended from the thunder cloud. The power of this thunderbolt is simply indescribable. If the previous thunderbolt is the king of thunder, then this thunderbolt The King of Thunder.

The power between the two is simply like a world of difference.


This is the No.80 sky thunder. Under the power of this thunder, his body finally couldn't bear it, and it was completely cracked, as if being touched lightly by someone, it would instantly shatter like glass.

However, even so, his eyes were still radiant with coldness, and there was unyielding in his thoughts.

Under such a monstrous power of thunder, the Golden Dragon Hall had already collapsed. Even the golden dragon statue in the hall cracked and fell apart immediately. This golden dragon statue, which symbolized the power of a country, finally fell down after standing for many years.

At the same time, the people in Chiyue suddenly felt that the spiritual energy of the world began to thin out rapidly. They raised their heads in shock, and looked at the distant palace with horror and disbelief in their eyes.

"Could it be that the Holy Majesty died?" What's more, someone exclaimed.

"Ahem..." Wen Tianda coughed up blood, his footsteps were weak, giving people a feeling that he didn't even have the strength to stand, but still no one dared to approach him.

"Kill, this thief is dead, kill him quickly." In the broken ground, Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong rushed out from the corner, yelling frantically at the soldiers who were still alive. with.

At this moment, their hearts were already terrified to the extreme, as if if Lin Wentian did not die, they would not be able to get rid of this nightmare, and this time was a good opportunity.

It doesn't need to be said by the two of them, other people also clearly understand this point, but regardless of Wentian's previous toughness, it has already penetrated into their hearts, and they dare not make a move just to say that he is the son of the dragon as rumored.

At least until the matter is clarified, they are unwilling and dare not make a move, because the identity of the son of the dragon is extraordinary.

"Trash, all of you are trash!" Seeing that everyone didn't move, Shangguan Muhua and the two of them were almost mad with anger.

"Ah...that's it?" But suddenly, there was a scream, and everyone looked quickly.

I saw a stream of blood suddenly gushing out from under the collapsed Golden Dragon Palace. As soon as the blood came out, there was a strong smell of blood that was too strong to dissolve.

When everyone heard the bloody smell, they all started to vomit, and their eyes were extremely horrifying.

But soon they were completely shocked, and their hearts were even more turbulent, because as soon as the blood came out, it began to flow continuously, like a fountain of blood, continuously pouring out ominous and bloody blood from the ground.

Also at this moment, a voice of fury suddenly came from the ground: "Lin Wentian, you are courting death."

(End of this chapter)

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