Chapter 286 Broken star weighs a million catties
Wentian is like a rainbow, with black hair dancing with the wind, revealing an aura of looking down on the world, his eyes are like lightning, wherever he passes, people can't help but bow their heads, not daring to look directly into his gaze.

At this moment, he is no longer the early stage of Vientiane, but the junior high school of Vientiane, which is several times stronger than before. If you say that he was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy before, now he is a 20-year-old. Is in the young and vigorous youth.

What's more, he feels that his current Vientiane mid-stage can already match the Divine Origin Realm of his previous life.

Feeling the surge of power in his body, he looked up to the sky and screamed, and the roar rolled and scattered in all directions. The next moment, his eyes flashed coldly, and with a bang, the power of his cultivation rose violently, and his whole body rushed up like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky .

"Dao Fang, I want you to die... I, Lin Wentian, want you to die!" His roar was full of murderous intent.

After he left, the monks and officials came back to their senses.

"He just broke through to the Vientiane Realm, and now he has broken through to the Vientiane Middle Stage again... Is he a human or a god?"

"In the middle stage of Vientiane, he is already in the middle stage of Vientiane, and it seems that he is not enough... This is definitely the No. 1 in the ages. brilliant."


Wentian flew all the way, flew out of the palace, and flew out of the capital, his spiritual power radiated boomingly. At this moment, his spiritual knowledge was extremely powerful. Can transform ordinary consciousness into divine consciousness.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and then his eyes were murderous, and he sensed the aftermath of a fight coming from a certain direction, and he rushed away again.

At the same time, there was a huge rumbling sound from the void hundreds of miles away from him, and one by one vases were condensed out by Ye Tian, ​​turning them into magical attack methods, putting Dao Fang at a disadvantage.

"Who the hell are you? With such a magical attack method, you are definitely not from this world. What are you planning?" Dao Fang roared.

When he found that the divine power in the opponent's body was not even one-third of his, he felt disdain in his heart. Even if he vaguely guessed that the opponent's identity was extraordinary, he was not afraid at all, because he also had his own backer.

However, as time passed, he became more and more frightened as he fought. The opponent's unique attacking methods made him overwhelmed and felt very strenuous.

"Heaven-level kung fu, the kung fu you practice is a heaven-level kung fu with offensive means." Suddenly, his mind was aroused, and he shouted in shock.

Heaven-level kung fu, this is the most advanced kung fu in the world, and of course it also has its own magic, because people who practice heaven-level kung fu can comprehend some supernatural powers, treasures, etc. It can also be said that the method of attack is not only a skill, but also a technique.

But because everyone's comprehension ability is different, even if they practice a heaven-level exercise, the attack methods they comprehend are divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Wentian also suspected that the ancient spirit scripture he practiced might be a heaven-level exercise. After all, the ancient spirit scripture is too miraculous.

"What am I planning? I should be the one asking you this question!" Ye Tian said in a deep voice.

However, as soon as he said this, Dao Fang's eyes shrank suddenly, because what the other party said was correct. He was originally a person from Tianyunhai, which is what mortals call a person from the upper realm. Decades ago, he was sent by his master. Next, I came to this wild land just to find one thing.

It's just that he doesn't know what it is, even his master doesn't know, he just said that it is an ancient treasure, which was deduced by Zong Zhong Da Neng with his great supernatural power, and said that within a few decades, this The red moon of the barren land will appear.

Therefore, he has been lurking in Chiyue for decades, and his purpose is for that unknown ancient treasure. It is also the same. When Wentian broke through the Yuanyuan Realm and attracted Heavenly Tribulation, he thought that it was the An ancient treasure is now in the world.

And until now, seeing Wentian's strong rise and all kinds of mysteries on his body, he is certain in his heart that this treasure is probably in Wentian's body.

Therefore, he must get it, even at all costs.

Thinking of this, his eyes became cruel, and he said with murderous intent: "Since you don't say anything, then you will go to hell for me!"

After saying those words, he swiped his hands and formed a seal, followed by a heavy breath, bang bang emanating from him. At this moment, within a radius of ten miles, he seemed to be transformed into a heavy area, which made Ye Tian's His complexion changed drastically for the first time.

"The power of the heavy domain?"

Ye Tian's eyelids twitched, and his heart felt heavy. If he fully recovers, he will never be afraid of the opponent, but now that he has just broken the restriction, the divine power in his body has not yet returned to its peak.

"Broken Star!" But at this moment, an angry shout suddenly came from below.

Ye Tian's expression changed drastically, but as for that Dao Fang, there was a cruel look in his eyes: "It's better to come! My Dao Fang will send you to hell together."

Immediately, he pressed hard against the void with both hands, and with a bang, a force as heavy as lead exploded, blaring and blessing Ye Tian's body, as if a star was pressing on him.

"Pfft!" Hit by this force of gravity, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

"Boy, go die too! No matter what secrets you have, it will belong to me, Daofang." Seeing that Yetian was injured, Daofang's expression became even more arrogant, arrogant.

With a sudden wave of his hand, the power of the heavy domain was condensed into a small star by him. With the momentum of a star crashing, it slammed into Wentian angrily, intending to smash Wentian to pieces with this blow.

"Master, be careful, run away." Ye Tian, ​​who noticed this scene, panicked, and hurried to drink. However, at this moment, he felt that the divine power in his body was greatly insufficient, and he was trapped in the heavy area, and his movements were seriously disturbed.

Just asking Tianwenjian, he didn't have the slightest intention of running away, his expression was awe-inspiring, at this moment, his left hand wiped the blood-red blade of the Broken Star.

Immediately, a strange scene appeared, and a purple awn suddenly appeared on the blood-red sword, followed by a line of writing.

"Broken Star, weighs a million catties!"

At this moment, Broken Star transformed again, from the original weight of one hundred thousand catties to one million catties in one fell swoop, that was a million catties, not a hundred catties, and it was an astonishing gravity that even some powerful gods could not achieve.

The heavy broken star made Wentian look hideous. At this moment, with his cultivation in the middle stage of Vientiane, he used all his strength to lift up the ancient spirit scriptures. His golden body was shining brightly. His arms with bulging veins, as if there were horns lurking, revealed a barbaric atmosphere.

Not only that, but a tiny dragon wrapped around his hands holding Sui Xing tightly, making him feel as if he was blessed with the power of a dragon, and his aura was monstrous.

The next moment, under the shocked gazes of Dao Fang and Ye Tian, ​​he shouted loudly, picked up a broken star weighing a million catties, and slashed at the star angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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