Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 298 The Ancient King

Chapter 298 The Ancient King
Three days later.

In the center of the ancient city, there is a large square, and here, the square is crowded with people. General Zhao personally led the troops to maintain order.

There is a big tripod on the square, but there are eight incense burners around the tripod. In front of the incense burners, there is a rectangular table with various offerings and a pair of pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table.

I saw an old man slowly walking out from the crowd, he was wearing a high sacrificial robe, and there were seven men beside him.

The old man was Lord Meng who used to be the head of Chi Yue's civil servants, and the seven people around him were his disciples.

"The time has come, worship the heaven and the earth, and remember the king's will." Mr. Meng flicked his sleeves and shouted loudly, and then he strode up to the censer and started to light the incense.

At the same time, the seven disciples beside him also stepped forward one after another, lighting the incense burners in front of them.

Immediately, the smoke from the incense burner rose in all directions, as if turning into layers of mist, covering the entire square.

After the censer was lit, the eight of them lightly closed their eyes, with solemn expressions, and began to mutter something, and it lasted half an hour.

Half an hour later, Lord Meng, who was the leader, opened his eyes first, and the light in his eyes flashed past.

"First burn incense, second write astronomy!"

After finishing the words, he picked up the brush on the rectangular table and started to write.

Boom!Suddenly, the entire square was filled with wind and clouds, and there were bursts of thunder from above the sky, a sign of a storm coming.

"The pen falls into the storm!"

"Oh my god! This is the rumored pen that controls the world with the spirit of writing!"

"Master Meng's literary spirit has reached such a level?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and the eyes were full of shock.

Even General Zhao, and the Lin family and others saw this scene with serious eyes.

There is a saying in the ancients that there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book, but in fact it is not only that.

Although literati can't ascend to heaven and earth like monks and are omnipotent, when the literacy spirit in their bodies reaches an extreme level, they can call wind and rain and have special means.

However, it is really too difficult to achieve this step. Even the four daughters of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in Xianfeng Pavilion may not be able to do this.

Lord Meng can be regarded as the No. 1 one with the strongest literary spirit among Chiyue, but if he fights, his strength may not be as good as those in the Spirit Transformation Realm.

"First burn incense, second write astronomy, third burn astronomy, tell God's will, to show the king's will, please come out!" The brush in his hand paused, and Master Meng shouted again.

"The ancient king please come out!"

"The ancient king please come out!"

"The ancient king please come out!"

Immediately, Nuo Da's square was filled with shouts from soldiers and some civilians.

At the same time, the rumbling sound of the entire sky resounded through the sky, causing everyone in Nine Cities to raise their heads and look at the void with horror.

"Lin Wentian wants to establish himself as king and open up a domain!"

"No... soon he will be called the ancient king."

"After today, the Lin family is no longer one family and three generals, but one king and three generals."

In an instant, many people were in an uproar, and at the same time, there was a burst of anticipation in their hearts.

Under the eyes of everyone, Wentian stepped out of the crowd wearing a dragon robe. On the dragon robe was carved an unusual dragon, but a golden dragon with five claws and two wings, which looked majestic and domineering.

At this moment, although he is not enough, but his expression is serious, he does not appear to be angry and majestic, he has the demeanor of a generation of kings, it is hard to imagine his real age.

"Tatatatata..." Every step he took was as steady as Mount Tai, causing some ordinary people to show surprise.

After all, even though he has been famous recently, in the eyes of some people, he is still a teenager, but seeing this scene now, everyone's opinion of him has changed drastically.

Led by Master Meng, eight people handed the written astronomy to Wentian's hands, and immediately everyone retreated, and Wentian held the astronomical text, and walked step by step in front of the cauldron.

First burn incense, second write astronomy, and third burn astronomy, to express God's will, to express the king's will.
Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, and just as everyone was expecting, he threw the Tianwen in his hand into the cauldron, and then he waved his hand suddenly.

Peng!A group of blue flames rose slowly, burning up Tianwen in the blink of an eye. At the same time, above the entire sky, the wind howled like a beast, thunder and lightning roared, and a black vortex began to slowly form.

Wentian raised his head suddenly, at this moment, his eyes contracted, and when he opened and closed, he seemed to be surprised by a dragon, and his eyes shot out.

Immediately, he stretched out both hands, palms facing the sky, and said in a majestic voice: "Today, I, Lin Wentian, connected nine cities to form a domain, called it a name domain, and created a domain. From then on, I will become a king by myself, known as the ancient king. "

His voice pierced through the clouds, resounding through Nine Cities as if carrying the power of a king. At this moment, everyone in the entire ancient domain was excited and excited.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge boom sounded from the center of the gradually forming vortex in the void. As soon as this boom sound came out, for some reason, everyone felt terrified.

Even Wentian frowned, and somewhere, he suddenly felt as if a pair of ruthless pupils were watching him from somewhere.

This feeling is very bad, and he doesn't like it very much, as if his every move is being controlled by others.

Suddenly, an inexplicable aura emanated from him, and immediately, his pupils began to change strangely, the left eye was blue, and the right eye was red.

At this moment, his pupils seemed to be transformed into a pair of special pupils that could see through the two worlds of yin and yang. In his special pair of pupils, in the vortex of the void, he seemed to see a ruthless pupil, watching indifferently. he.

Suddenly, the hairs all over his body turned cold, and his soul throbbed.

At the same time, a strange sound seemed to pass through layers of space, resounding in his mind.

"Accept my will, become my servant, and you will become a king."

"Accept my will, become my servant, and you will become a king."

As soon as this voice sounded, it sounded endlessly, as if it wanted to plant a seed in his heart.

However, the strange thing was that he seemed to be the only one who heard the voice, and the others didn't notice it at all.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? Is this the will of the heavens, the will of the earth?"

"No...even if I, Lin Wentian, want to become a king, I still want to become a king who is above the will of the sky and the will of the earth, not a false king who can be swayed by the will of the heaven and the earth."

Suddenly, a bright golden light flashed across his eyes, and a mysterious dragon pattern appeared between his eyebrows. At the same time, the golden light burst out of his whole body, revealing a domineering aura.

The air of the king!
"Roar!" An earth-shattering, weeping dragon roar suddenly came from his body, it was an unyielding voice.

The Dragon Emperor's ancient bloodline, which possesses the Dragon Emperor's will, how can it succumb to others, don't be afraid that it is the will of the sky, the will of the earth, it will not succumb, because it is the most noble Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan.

Its dignity and nobility are never allowed to be trampled on.

In the next moment, Wentian's eyes flashed fiercely, arousing the unyielding thoughts of the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins, combined with his own thoughts, and violently blasted into the vortex with the momentum of a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky.

"Boom!" He felt a buzzing in his head, and immediately, in his special pair of pupils, he found the pupil deep in the vortex, which seemed to seep a drop of blood and tears.

"I am in charge of the will of the sky and the will of the earth. One day, you will regret will regret it..."

A curse-like voice came from the depths of the vortex, constantly echoing in Wentian's heart, making his thoughts blurred, as if he was about to sink.

(End of this chapter)

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