Chapter 300
This time, the treasure bottle didn't shoot out a beam of light, but a powerful devouring force erupted, as if it wanted to swallow up the world, and in the blink of an eye, it swallowed up the attacks of the three late Vientiane powerhouses.

"Hua Tian Shen Ping Jue, who are you?" As soon as Ye Tian made a move, the expressions of the seven late-stage Vientiane experts from the Ji family from Tian Yunhai became gloomy.

However, Ye Tian didn't have the slightest intention to answer the other party's question. His expression was as cold as ice, and as soon as the imprint in his hand changed, the mysterious vase spun at high speed, and suddenly, one turned into two, and two turned into four.

At this moment, the four vases all gave a chirping sound and shot out a beam of divine light, striking four of them.

Boom boom boom! !

With the power of one person, he was able to fight against the four great powers, not to mention losing the wind, but even faintly gaining the upper hand. This scene fell in the eyes of everyone in the ancient domain, and they were stunned.

"Lin Wentian, die!"

Ji Zhuoyang yelled angrily, and immediately, the golden dragon on his body exploded, forming a hundred-foot giant, and the giant threw a punch in an instant, and the wind of the fist roared like a beast, and hit the square below.

The giant fist hadn't arrived yet, but its powerful coercive force made the expressions of the people below suddenly change, and the foreheads were filled with sweat.

After all, there are quite a few common people in the square, and their cultivation has not even reached the Yuan Lian realm.

"Run away!" Someone shouted, and ran wildly, looking terrified.

Boom boom boom! !In an instant, everyone rushed to flee, as if they were afraid that they would lose their lives if they took a step too late.

Wentian didn't make a move, but at this moment, he frowned.

"You don't need to panic, with this king here, even if the sky falls, I will stand up for you." Wentian said suddenly, his voice was full of majesty, quite like a king.

For some reason, everyone felt strangely relieved after hearing his words. Some people who were about to flee stopped and turned to look at him.

Wentian raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed like lightning, his body of a dragon and tiger wearing a dragon robe was suddenly shocked, and a burst of domineering golden light shot up into the sky.

"Kuuuuuuuuuu!" The golden light turned into an impenetrable barrier in the blink of an eye.

"Boom!" Everyone felt a buzzing in their heads, and even felt the whole square shaking, but strangely, they didn't get hurt at all.

In an instant, everyone looked at the golden enchantment in the air, with excitement on their faces.

"The ancient king is mighty!"

"The ancient king is immortal!"

When he saw that the king of his own ancient domain easily blocked the attack of Ji Zhuoyang, the sage of a country, everyone's fanaticism and worship for Wentian reached a new height again.

But this scene fell into Ji Zhuoyang's eyes, but it made him look hideous. He didn't expect that in just over three months, Wentian's strength had improved again.

"Chiyue has belonged to my Ji family's royal family for countless years. I don't believe that my great country can't destroy your ancient domain."

"Also, without the power of luck and merit, you are only a false king after all. Why should you compete with me for the world?"

Ji Zhuoyang roared, and the Baizhang giant behind him punched continuously, and he vowed not to stop if he did not destroy the square below.

That's right!Now he not only wants to kill Wentian, but also wants to kill the entire ancient region, because these days, he has been living like a year, and it can be said that he has been tortured.

Because there was news from Tian Yunhai that the senior management of the Ji family planned to abolish his throne and make someone else the emperor, so he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

He had to do something, and killing Lin Wentian and destroying the ancient city was his best choice. His hatred for Wentian had reached an extreme.

"Who said that I have no luck and merit in the ancient domain?" Wentian's voice suddenly calmed down.

Immediately, his eyebrows were like swords, and his body naturally exuded a domineering aura that intimidated the world, this is the aura of a king.

"I, Lin Wentian, was recognized by the Dragon Clan and was named the Son of the Dragon. I even sailed against the current in adversity, fighting against the sky and the earth. I was in trouble many times and escaped death. But now, I, Lin Wentian, are still alive. It's luck."

"With my Lin Wentian's luck, I will connect the Nine Cities! The golden dragon of the ancient domain luck, give it to me!" With a domineering expression, he pointed a finger at the void.

However, when he pointed out, a strange breath rushed from his fingers.

At the same time, ripples appeared in the sky of the entire ancient region, as if a special force was slowly forming.

"Stop him!" Suddenly, Ji Zhuoyang's expression changed suddenly, and he roared like thunder. If you look carefully, you will see the fear deep in his pupils.

Boom! !Immediately, those Vientiane powerhouses gritted their teeth and launched a berserk attack, attacking Wentian in the square below.

However, how could Yetian and the others allow them to get what they wished, they tried their best to stop them, even if they were desperate, they would have no hesitation at this moment.

"Roar!" Suddenly, an inexplicable sound of dragon's voice resounded throughout the ancient domain. However, at this moment, all the people had a strange feeling that they were connected with the blood of the entire ancient domain as if somewhere in the dark. .

As soon as the dragon's roar came out, dots of golden starlight began to emerge from the void of the entire ancient domain strangely, and began to gather towards the sky above the square, and the speed of their gathering became faster and faster, forming a golden vortex.

Also at this moment, Wentian's eyes flashed, and then he turned his right hand to the void, shook it vigorously, and said in a majestic voice: "In the name of my ancient king, I will condense a golden dragon of luck in one domain."

"Roar!!" Long Ling's voice continued, like the power of the sky, and at the same time it made people fearful, but at the same time, there was a surge of emotion in their hearts.

"Not good! Stop him quickly, or there will be endless troubles, and I will die when I go back." Those members of the Ji family in Tian Yunhai looked furious and roared in their hearts.

"It's late!" An indifferent voice came from Wentian's mouth.

Immediately, he saw the bright dragon mark on his forehead, and at this moment, he had a faint feeling that the life and death of the entire ancient domain were also in his mind.

In the shocked and terrified eyes of Ji Zhuoyang and others, a golden light shines all over his body, the scales on his body are as strong as the armor of the gods, the dragon's eyes are wide open, and the five claws under the belly are ferocious and powerful, as if they can claw through the world and tear the sky The golden dragon circled behind Wentian.

This is the golden dragon of luck, the dragon of the ancient realm!

Although it was only a foot in size, when the Golden Dragon of Good Luck emerged, people in the entire ancient region became excited and excited.

"That's the Luck Golden Dragon, the dragon of one domain in my ancient domain."

"From now on, my ancient domain is truly separated from Chiyue, and truly out of the control of the Ji family."

"From then on, the Lin family is the royal family of the ancient domain..."

The condensation of the luck golden dragon made many people roar.

(End of this chapter)

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