Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 304 Eight Dragons Entering the Body

Chapter 304 Two Dragons Enter the Body
"It's just a useless dragon. What's there to be afraid of? I'm a dignified member of the Ji family, and even an internal and external disciple of the Yitian Sect. Could it be that I'm still afraid of a mere Lin Wentian?" Thinking of this, he settled down.

But what was strange was that a strange voice suddenly rang in his heart.

Afterwards, his eyes contracted suddenly, and he saw a series of remnant souls appearing strangely beside him. They were howling and roaring crazily, as if they had some deep hatred with him.

"Ah... It's you... You are obviously dead, and your soul has long been scattered. How is it possible? This is simply impossible..."

"Get out, get out of here quickly!"

At this moment, he screamed crazily as if he had lost his mind. His heart-piercing screams made people frightened and felt a chill.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this person? Could it be that he's gone crazy?" Someone asked in shock, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

Not only him, but even the other strong members of the Ji family also changed their colors.

"Ghost tricks, this kid is using ghost tricks to make Ji Qi see the illusion!"

"Kill! Kill him quickly." The old man of the Ji family shouted anxiously.

Immediately, the expressions of those strong Ji family members changed suddenly, and there was a look of fear in their eyes. They never thought that Wentian could still perform illusions.

"Illusion?" Wentian heard the words, with disdain on the corner of his mouth, because this is not an illusion at all, but real.

Previously, the colorful light emitted from the eyes of the virtuous dragon was not an attack method, but it possessed a special power to manifest all the killings that the strong Ji family had caused in his life.

That is to say, the more he kills and the stronger his killing intent, he will be attacked by stronger sins, and even if he survives by chance, he will go crazy.

Merit, merit, when added to the body, is a layer of protection, but everything has two sides, when one's own merit is taken away, then one will be entangled in sin and fall into the bottomless abyss.

However, at this very moment, Wen Tian wrapped his hand around the power of luck, and lightly pointed out a finger.

A golden streak passed by, its speed was comparable to that of thunder and lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced through the eyebrows of the strong Ji family, even if he died, he still had that terrified expression on his face.

Once upon a time, he would have thought that as a member of Tianyunhai Ji's family and a disciple of Yitianzong's outer sect, he would die in the hands of a boy who was only seventeen or eighteen years old in the mortal world. It's a joke.

But here, he can no longer tell a single joke......

"Seventh Season..."

"Bastard! Lin Wentian, I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as the Vientiane powerhouse known as Ji Qi died, the other Ji family powerhouses had blood-red eyes and furious fury.

Boom! !
Even Ji Zhuoyang's figure flickered here, and in the blink of an eye, he cast a palm print, striking Wentian fiercely.

"Be careful, ancient king!" Everyone below was shocked.

But Wentian still looked as usual, despite the howling wind in the void, his eyebrows and expression still conveyed the meaning that the winning ticket was at hand.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and immediately a special handprint was formed on his hand, and the handprint was complete. Whether it was the colorful dragon of luck wrapped around him, or the golden dragon of luck under his feet, at this moment, a message came from him. Majestic Longlin.

The next moment, two dragons from the ancient domain turned into a beam of light with a bang, and quickly poured into the dragon mark on his forehead.

The imprint of the dragon pattern burst into brilliance, making it look extremely sacred, making Wentian here seem like a god descending into the world, and what is even more strange is that his chest also glowed with light. The next moment, two dragons flashed and turned into dragon-shaped tattoos Hovering around his left and right chest.

These two divine dragon tattoos are exactly the miniature versions of the lucky golden dragon and the meritorious dragon. At this moment, he is like the real dragon emperor, exuding a sacred, noble, and majestic aura.

Also at this moment, his aura continued to climb upwards, causing his black hair to fly, as if a god descended into the world, majestic and majestic.

The peak in the mid-term of Vientiane... a bang, the late stage of Vientiane... and still climbing up, as if to be higher than the sky and bigger than the earth, until it reached a limit, and then slowly stopped.

The pinnacle of Vientiane!

At this moment, the aura emanating from Wentian's body suddenly reached the peak of the afterimage, and this scene fell in the eyes of everyone, how inconceivable it was.

"Oh my god! The cultivation of the ancient king has increased dramatically!"

"The power of the two domain dragons merges, and the ancient king will be invincible."

Someone shouted loudly, and the whole person trembled with excitement, as if the person whose cultivation level increased dramatically was himself.

"Peak of Vientiane! This is impossible..." Ji Zhuoyang screamed strangely.

He was originally the Emperor of the Red Moon, and he was very familiar with luck and the power of merit, but it was because of the familiarity that he was so frightened in his heart.

"I won't... I won't... I am the real son of the dragon." Suddenly, he muttered again, feeling as if he had lost his mind.

It seemed that the scene in front of him had hit him too hard.

But even so, Wentian didn't feel any pity in his heart, and he really hated the person in front of him.

In an instant, his eyes flashed coldly, and he stretched out his hand towards the incoming attack, and wiped it lightly.

With his understatement, the offensive that could seriously injure the Vientiane Realm disappeared instantly.

Every gesture of his hands revealed a strong air, especially his expression was indifferent, as if everything was under his control.

"how is this possible?"

Not to mention those powerful members of the Ji family, even Lin Yefeng, General Lei and others were deeply shocked by the power displayed by Wentian.

"Well done, you are worthy of being my good disciple of Guyun." In the high sky, Master Guyun's wild laughter came.

On the other hand, the three Ji family's god-level powerhouses had gloomy and terrifying faces. It was obvious that the power displayed by Wentian also shocked them.

"Damn it, it's just the luck and meritorious power of nine cities. How can this kid's cultivation level increase so much?" They roared in their hearts, gnashing their teeth.

"Haha! I won't play with you bastards anymore." Master Guyun suddenly laughed, his expression full of disdain.

"哐!" There was a sudden shock on his body, and with a wave of his hand, a burst of divine flames burned, and the void was twisted and twisted wherever he passed, and even those formation patterns were burned one after another.

The flame of God, the blazing flame displayed by Master Guyun can no longer be called Fan Yan, but the Flame of God. This is the flame of God that contains divine power.

"" Seeing Master Gu Yun burning down their formation so easily, the old man of the Ji family opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Hmph! A few ignorant juniors, do you really think that the three of you can trap this old man? How ridiculous!"

"Before, the old man just wanted to take the opportunity to see the performance of my grandson. But fortunately, this kid did not disappoint the old man!"

Master Gu Yun said, looking at Wentian below, his eyes were full of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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