Chapter 308
But not long after, the old man's fingers moved slightly, and immediately, his eyes slowly closed, until he finally stopped breathing, as if his soul returned to the sky, passing away...

But at this moment, a young man came from outside the gate of the big courtyard. This young man was wearing a green shirt and carried a long sword on his back.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely be surprised, because the young man in green shirt with sword in front of him is the inheritor of mad swordsmanship, the ancient sword.

The most important thing is that the sword energy on his body is more than ten times stronger than before. Even though he stood there without moving, his body seemed to be transformed into a giant sword reaching the sky, and the sword energy soared to the sky.

He gently lifted his footsteps and stepped into the large courtyard...


The mysterious land of Tianyuan Continent, Mizong Forest.

A high mountain whose peak cannot be seen clearly towers above the clouds like a pillar piercing the sky. There is an ethereal aura coming from this mountain, and there is even a strange fragrance that hits the nostrils.

The fragrance of medicine, this tangy fragrance is exactly the fragrance of medicine.

Just above the top of the mountain, there is a palace. In the depths of the palace, there is a thin, white-haired old man with a very kind face, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

If you look carefully, you will find that in the depths of the old man's pupils, with a touch of sadness and tiredness, he is Wentian's previous master, Dan Daozi.


Suddenly, there was a burst of bird chirping outside, and the next moment, a small sparrow flew in from outside, it flew around Dan Daozi's side, and squeaked in its mouth, as if it was about to say something.

After a while, maybe it was tired from flying, so it landed on Dan Daozi's shoulder. It tilted its head like this, staring at Dan Daozi intently, and vaguely saw some strange pictures from its pupils.

It was Wentian rioting in the imperial palace, and all kinds of pictures of becoming a king on his own before, concentrating luck and concentrating merit...

"Hey... what is supposed to come will always come, and no one can avoid it. The gear of fate has already started, and no one can change it."

"Even if it's him...he can't change..."

Dan Daozi shook his head lightly, and murmured, with a look of loneliness and helplessness on his face, his sighs lingered around the entire mountain, and lingered for a long time.

"Squeak!!" The little sparrow yelled twice suddenly, and the anger and dissatisfaction in its cry could be vaguely heard. Immediately, it flapped its wings, and there was a fluttering sound, and it flew away in the blink of an eye. out……

Seeing this, Dan Daozi shook his head again. After that, he flicked the whisk in his hand, and then slowly closed his eyes, causing the whole hall to suddenly fall into silence.


"Feng Mengwen is the head of civil servants in the ancient domain..."

"Secret Lei Hongfeng as the first army, general..."

"Confer Zhao Gang as the Second Army, General..."

In the ancient domain, Wentian looked majestic, opened his golden mouth wide open, and sealed everyone up.

A domain cannot be without a king, and of course, there cannot be only a king without ministers, this is what he must do.

"Feng Lin Yefeng is the king of the one-word side-by-side. During the absence of this king in the ancient domain, all affairs will be handled by the one-word side-by-side king." Wentian said loudly.

However, as soon as this statement came out, the entire ancient domain became a sensation.

"What? It's actually the king of the word side by side!"

"General Fengshen has a great reputation. As early as ten years ago, he was famous in the Tianyuan Continent. Moreover, he is also the third uncle of the ancient king. This word is worthy of the name."

"That's right! General Fengshen definitely has this qualification, and he was the one who killed Ji Zhuochen himself."

"Long live the ancient king!"

"Long live the king side by side!"

Immediately, fanatical cheers erupted in Nuoda's square, and the people became excited again, because their ancient domain was no longer one king, but two kings.

Lin Yefeng knew what Wentian was thinking. Immediately, he nodded to Wentian, walked out of the crowd, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Wentian.

"A domain cannot be without a king, and a domain cannot be without a weapon, please the ancient king to seal the domain!" Sir Meng walked out of the crowd with a solemn expression.

"A domain device?" Wentian murmured, at this moment, he thought of Chiyue's so-called Zhenguo Divine Sword.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and with a wave of his hand, a purple glow shot up into the sky, broken stars appeared, hanging in the void, the purple glow flickered, revealing mystery.

"From today onwards, you are my weapon of the ancient domain, the divine sword of the ancient domain that inherits the luck of the domain and the merits of the domain." Wentian said.

The next moment, the dragon pattern on his forehead was shining brightly, and the two dragon tattoos on his chest changed as if they were alive, until they transformed into golden dragons of luck and colorful dragons of merit and virtue again.

His mind moved, and immediately, in the shocked eyes of everyone, two dragons, one golden and one colorful, began to revolve around Broken Star.

However, a strange scene appeared. Surrounded by the golden dragon of good luck and the colorful dragon of merit, Suixing's body began to change, and the purple sword body was even slightly golden.

There were more and more golden lights, and in the blink of an eye, the purple light on Sui Xing's body was completely pushed back, and finally, it turned into a golden long sword.


The Golden Luck Dragon and the Colored Merit Dragon roared to the sky. Immediately after, their dragon eyes widened, they opened their dragon mouths, and each spewed a dragon's breath towards Broken Star.

Two mouthfuls of dragon's breath sprayed on Sui Xing's body, Sui Xing shook suddenly, and there was a buzzing sound, and a miraculous scene appeared. On both sides of its sword body, two lifelike dragon patterns appeared like this .

At the same time, Broken Star's aura has also completely changed. If its aura was heavy and violent before, its aura now is majestic, domineering, and full of holiness.

With a "roar", the luck golden dragon rushed into the main hall, and in the blink of an eye, it merged into a golden dragon statue in the hall.

As for the virtuous dragon, there was also a dragon chant, and with a flick of its body, it rushed into the colorful clouds in the void.

It is different from the Luck Golden Dragon, the sea of ​​colorful clouds is its hiding place.

At the same time, a ray of bright sunlight shot into the void of the entire ancient domain...

With a move in Wentian's hand, he called Suixing back, looking at Suixing who had turned into a golden sword in his hand, bursts of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Broken Star, which was fused with the power of luck and merit, would undergo such a change.

"Qiantian, is this your sword?" Lin Yefeng, who is the king of shoulder to shoulder, looks at Sui Xing, he hesitates to speak, because he has already seen Sui Xing's extraordinary.

Not only him, but many people are now probably guessing what level of sword Broken Star is. You know, it once competed with Chiyue's Zhenguo Sword before.

As for the final result, no one knows, but people have seen it come back.

Hearing his third uncle's words, Wentian didn't say anything, but at this moment he lightly closed his eyes, as if he was deep in thought.

He suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes were full of light, and immediately, he lightly touched Sui Xing's body with his hand, but in his seemingly ordinary touch, the golden light on Sui Xing's body converged, and slowly, it was replaced by purple light again.

(End of this chapter)

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