Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 322 Yun Xiang's Decision

Chapter 322 Yun Xiang's Decision

At this moment, Yun Xiang was hiding in her room, eavesdropping on everyone's conversation, her expression suddenly changed, she gritted her teeth, showing a burst of resignation.

The village head of Yunshan Village has two sons, the eldest son is named Dahu, and the youngest son is named Xiaohu.

The son named Dahu, but two years ago, has been entangled with her. He wanted to take her as his wife, and even set up a trick. Fortunately, she dodged it cleverly, but the other party still did not give up. Send someone to her house to talk about matchmaking.

It can be said that she hates that big tiger very much, but the village chief's family is like a cottage king in Yunshan Village, no one dares to provoke him, just because he gave birth to a good son.

Of course it refers to his youngest son, Xiaohu.

This little tiger didn't know what kind of luck he had, but he became a disciple of Leiyunzong's handyman, so that the village chief's family was unknown to everyone in the surrounding villages, and no one dared to provoke him.

It is also because of this that his father and his elder brother, Dahu, acted more recklessly, and became a toubob.

Thinking of this, Yun Xiang sighed helplessly, but this did not mean that she would give in.

"Master Village Chief, you don't need to worry about my family's Xiang'er. What's more, my family's Xiang'er is blessed! I, Lao Li, don't have such a blessing to marry you."

"As for the matter of this boy, you don't need to worry about it. Let's not talk about whether this person can survive. any trouble."

The old man took out his pipe and took a puff before he spoke in a hurry.


"Lao Li, you simply don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. It is a blessing for Dahu to have a crush on your family Yunxiang. It is her tenth life's cultivation, but you are so ignorant." Immediately, someone said angrily.


However, at this moment, the village head shouted, his face was extremely ashen, if not for some reason, he might have already slapped the old man to death.

You know, since his youngest son became Lei Yunzong's handyman disciple, he has forgotten how long it has been. No one dared to speak to him in such a tone, and he was filled with anger in his heart.

"Old Li, one day you will regret it, let's go!" He looked furious, waved his sleeves, and left angrily.

Seeing this, some villagers couldn't help shaking their heads.

After those people left one after another, Yun Xiang came out of the room, and she said apologetically, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, it was Yun Xiang who got you into trouble."

"Silly girl, you are grandpa's precious granddaughter. How can you be so trifling with the important things in your life? Grandpa knows the character of a big tiger better than you. Don't worry, as long as grandpa is alive, he won't let you marry me." Him." The old man laughed.

But for some reason, when Yun Xiang heard this, her eyes turned red, she threw herself into her grandfather's arms, and started to cry.

Looking at the lovely person in his arms, the old man felt a faint pain in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the past two days, many villagers have been guessing who the person brought back by Yun Xiang is, and when he will die.

However, they were disappointed.

Although the young man showed no signs of waking up, the strange thing was that he still held his breath, as if God still didn't want to take his life.

"If this kid wants to die or live, it's really hard for Lao Li's family." The kind-hearted villager said with a sigh, his face was full of sympathy.

But there are also some people with malicious intentions, but they sneered and said: "In my opinion, this person is definitely not a good person. Now that he is unconscious, it is best to kill him..."

After saying that, he made a movement of wiping his neck, the meaning of which was obvious.

"Grandpa, why do you think he hasn't woken up yet? Could it be that Doctor Fang's medicine doesn't work?" In Lao Li's wooden house, Yun Xiang looked at the still comatose young man, she said worriedly.

After taking a puff of cigarette, the old man also said in a puzzled tone: "It stands to reason that this kid can persist for two days with only one breath. Grandpa doesn’t know if he can’t wake up, maybe it’s because the medicine time is too short!”

After much deliberation in his heart, the old man only came to this conclusion.

But when these words fell into Yunxiang's ears, she seemed to think of something, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Grandpa, I have something to do, go out first!"

After the words fell, she ran out of the door before her grandfather could react.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that there was only one day left before the three days Doctor Fang said, that is to say, she would have to pay for the five hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling anxious.

"No, our village is remote, and the villagers are not rich. Even if I borrow from them, I'm afraid I can't borrow five hundred. Now I only have..." A gleam of mischief flashed in her eyes.

The next moment, she walked towards the dense forest behind the village.

As early as more than a year ago, she accidentally found a rare elixir in the dense forest, and it was not an ordinary elixir. According to her guess, the age of the elixir might be more than 500 years.

At that time, she was very lucky, and planned to pick it and sell it later. In this way, she could get a fortune of spirit stones, which could change the situation of her family, but she was soon disappointed.

Because she unexpectedly found a small snake lurking beside the elixir. Although it was a small snake, she could sense an extremely dangerous aura.

At that moment, she knew that it was not an ordinary snake, but a monster, which made her feel bitter.

Although she was in Tianyunhai, her cultivation was only at the Yuanyuan Realm, and if she wanted to deal with a monster at the Spirit Transformation Realm, it would be courting death.

So, she didn't take any action at the beginning and left quietly.

No one except her knew about this matter, not even her grandfather.

It wasn't until the evening that she returned home again, but she returned empty-handed, and there were bloodstains on her body.

She is hurt!

The old man came to his senses right away and asked her the truth, but she still didn't say it because she didn't want her grandpa to worry.

She didn't expect that after more than a year, when she went to the land of elixir again, the monster was still there, and even woke up, attacking her from afar.

Fortunately, she reacted in time, and she narrowly saved her life, but her heart was throbbing.

"It seems that this method won't work, so..." She thought to herself in the room, and immediately, she took out a wooden box from under the bed.

She opened the wooden box carefully, but a jade bracelet was revealed. This jade bracelet was emerald-colored all over, smooth and lustrous, and one could tell it was a high-quality jade.

Looking at the jade bracelet in front of her, a look of nostalgia flashed in her eyes, because this was the future dowry her mother gave her before she died. Seeing this jade bracelet, she felt sad as if thinking of her mother.

But not long after, she turned ruthless, put the jade bracelet into her arms, and said firmly: "Mother, don't worry, one day, Xiang'er will redeem it."

Now, the only way she can think of is to pawn their family's family heirloom, which is the only thing her mother left her.

That night, she fell asleep holding the jade bracelet like this...

Early the next morning, she went to Qishan Town again and came to the largest pawn shop in the town.

(End of this chapter)

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