Chapter 326
Early the next morning, people in the entire Yunshan Village were alarmed, because Li Dagang, the current strongest person in their village, was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Many people are guessing what happened. With his cultivation level, there are very few people who can hurt him so badly in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Could it be that he was attacked by a monster? ?
Everyone couldn't help being startled.

If there were really a Myriad of Demons active around here, it would definitely be a catastrophe for people like them, and the consequences would be unimaginable to them.

"Yunxiang, is Dagang awake?" A villager came to Lao Li's house.

But soon, these villagers opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Ah... that boy of unknown origin, he woke up!"

"What? He woke up?"

Everyone scrambled to rush into Lao Li's house.

"Why doesn't this kid have any vitality? Is it because he was seriously injured before and now his cultivation base has been abolished?"

"In my opinion, this kid doesn't have a meridian in the first place, so how can he get his strength?" Someone said, with a look full of disdain and contempt.

When they learned that the person saved by the old Li's family with a large sum of spirit stones was just a useless boy, many people couldn't help shaking their heads slightly, and some even stared at Wentian with unkind eyes.

However, Wentian still looked normal and ignored everyone.


"Father, have you heard? That boy of unknown origin has woken up. Do you want someone to..." Duhu said, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"It's just a piece of trash, and it won't affect our plan. With your brother in charge, you can rest assured and wait to become a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect!" His father said, with a strong smile on his face.

Dumb laughed when he heard that.

Da Gang is still in a coma now, Yun Xiang and the old man drove everyone out of the wooden house not long after, and they even locked the door to prevent people from disturbing him again.

"Grandpa, it's not an option to go on like this. Why don't I go to the city again and ask Doctor Fang to see Brother Dagang." Yun Xiang said, her face was full of worry.

Hearing the words, the old man sighed softly, why didn't he think about it, but now that their family is poor and still owes others a lot of spirit stones, how can there be spirit stones to heal Dagang.

Thinking of this, he even took a puff of cigarette, and then spit out the smoke, as if wanting to spit out all the troubles in his heart.

"Let him take this!" Suddenly, a voice sounded from their ears.

The two turned their heads in an instant, but Wentian had appeared beside them at some point, with his palm outstretched, revealing a pill.

"Is this elixir?" The old man trembled all over, and then lost his voice. As for Yun Xiang, he opened his small mouth and looked shocked.

You know, in a remote village like theirs, not to mention Xuan-level pills, even Huang-level pills are very rare.

"Brother Lin, what grade of elixir is this?" the old man asked.

Surprise can be heard from his voice, although he can't tell the quality of the elixir, but according to his estimation, the elixir is probably of the mysterious grade.

"It's just an ordinary pill, Xiang'er, give it to Brother Dagang!" Wentian said calmly, and then, without saying anything, he returned to his small room.

Watching Wentian leave, the old man raised his eyes.

The next day, after taking the elixir given by Wentian, Da Gang's complexion improved obviously, and he woke up at noon.

When he learned about Wentian's gift of medicine, he looked surprised, and he didn't answer Yunxiang's question, so he went to Wentian.

"Who the hell are you?" He was always on guard against Wentian, especially when the other party took out a suspected Xuan-level pill, he felt even more uneasy.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that we are not enemies!" Wentian said calmly, his voice was very calm, no joy or sorrow could be heard.

Da Gang frowned, he didn't expect the other party's answer to be so.

"Brother Dagang, you just woke up, don't move around!" Yun Xiang walked in, and said in a tone of reproach, when she saw Wentian smiling at her, her cheeks couldn't help but flushed.

"Xiang'er, Brother Dagang is useless. I wanted to go out and earn some spirit stones for you so that I can pay that guy back as soon as possible, but unexpectedly..."

"Hey..." Da Gang didn't say all the words, but he looked ashamed.

Although the other party didn't mention the injury, Wentian had already vaguely guessed something in his heart, and immediately, he asked inexplicably, "Brother Gang, I don't know what the cultivation level of the strongest person here is?"

Um?Da Gang looked stunned, not knowing what the other party's intentions were.

But he still replied: "Now in this village, I have the highest cultivation level at the peak of Spirit Transformation. As for the highest cultivation level in the entire Qishan Town, the highest cultivation level is Yu Lao, who has reached the middle stage of Vientiane."

"Is it the middle stage of Vientiane?" Wentian said lightly, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Xiang'er, Brother Dahu is here again!" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from outside the door.

Hearing his words, Yun Xiangxiu frowned, with a disgusted look on her face, and Da Gang was even more furious.

With a "bang", the wooden door that had just been repaired was kicked open again by those big men. Of course, Duhu was among them, and it was he who spoke before.

"Dahu, what do you want to do again?" Da Gang shouted angrily, and rushed out of the wooden house, but he just woke up and his face was still pale.

Um?Seeing Da Gang appearing in front of him, Du Hu was stunned, as if he didn't react.

"Damn it, what's going on? Didn't they say that in five or six days, the guy who got in the way would never wake up?" He roared in his heart, and his face couldn't help turning ferocious.

After a while, he came back to his senses.

"Hey... Isn't this the master of our Yunshan Village? Why do you look like a sick cat now? Looking at you like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to participate in the test of Leiyunzong and Nalan's family." He said sarcastically.

"Thunder Cloud Sect? Nalan Family?" Wentian's expression changed, his eyes flashed strangely, no one knew what was going on in his heart.

"Don't give me a fake tiger's prestige here, and get out of here!" Da Gang shouted with anger in his eyes, and his voice was like thunder.

When Duhu heard the words, his heart surged with anger, but soon, he didn't know what to think of, quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at Da Gang with contempt.

Then, he looked at Yunxiang with malicious eyes, and said in a strange way: "Sister Yunxiang, I will come to welcome the bride in two days, you have to prepare well."

"My brother left these things for you. On that day, you should dress up a little more beautifully."

"Haha, let's go!" Dug laughed wildly, swaggered away with a wave of his sleeves.

"Damn it! One day, I will make them look good!" Seeing the other party's arrogance, Da Gang gritted his teeth.

Originally, Yun Xiang planned to tell her brother Da Gang about the elixir in the dense forest and let him go pick it, but she didn't expect him to leave without saying goodbye suddenly, and came back seriously injured.

"No! With Brother Da Gang's current situation, he can't deal with that monster at all. If he goes rashly, his life may be in danger. I can't tell him." Yun Xiang was very worried.

The old man walked out of the wooden layer, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and comforted her.

"Xiang'er, I want to thank that Doctor Fang personally, can you take me to see him?"

Suddenly, Wentian opened his mouth to speak, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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