Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 336 Three Saints, Five Clans and Seven Sects

Chapter 336 Three Saints, Five Clans and Seven Sects
These days, his physical body has recovered to a seven or eighty-eight degree. As long as he absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, his cultivation base will slowly recover.

When he woke up, he discovered that there was a huge difference between the sea of ​​clouds in the sky and the lower realm. The aura of heaven and earth here was not only much richer than that in the lower realm, but even the void and the earth were much stronger.

If you say that the cultivation base of the Vientiane Realm in the lower realm can blast the void, then in this sea of ​​clouds, a full blow from the Vientiane Realm may only cause ripples in the void.

At this moment, his mind moved, and the consciousness of myriad phenomena, which had recovered [-] to [-]%, spread out rapidly, and began to attract the aura of heaven and earth from all directions to gather in his body.

Dozens away from him.

At this moment, a young man in white seemed to have sensed something, his expression changed drastically, and then his figure flashed and disappeared from the original place. When he reappeared, he was already standing above the big courtyard.

"Origin force fluctuates, how is this possible?" His eyes were wide open, showing shock.

This young man in white is none other than Lei Yunzong's handyman disciple Li Wen. In his heart, he always thought that Wentian didn't have the power of 01:30 star cultivation, or that he didn't have a pulse at all.

The cultivator first unblocks the meridians and opens the force, then gathers the original force, transforms the original force into a spirit, transforms the spirit into an image, and then transforms his original force into a divine essence, that is the so-called virtual god, the so-called divine origin state.

He couldn't figure out why the useless boy who didn't have any fluctuations in his body before would swallow his spiritual energy like this.

I don't know when Da Gang appeared, looking at the boy with handsome facial features below him who was a few years younger than him, a storm arose in his heart.

Following the surge of spiritual energy from all directions, soon, a spiritual vortex formed above Wentian's head.

In the astonished eyes of the two of them, the yuan power on Wentian's body fluctuated and became stronger and stronger.

Early Yuan Lian, middle Yuan Lian, late Lian Yuan...


After reaching the peak of Lianyuan, there was even a bang, and he directly broke through to the Spirit Transformation Realm, but the fluctuation of Yuanli on Wentian's body still did not stop there.

In the mid-stage of Spirit Transformation!

It wasn't until he broke through to the mid-stage of Spirit Transformation in one fell swoop in his cultivation that he slowly stopped.

No... To be precise, it should be that his cultivation has recovered to the mid-spiritualization stage, not the breakthrough to the mid-spiritualization stage.

In fact, with his current state, he could recover to the peak of spirit transformation in one fell swoop, but he did not do so.

Because he was seriously injured in the turbulent storm before, in order not to leave hidden dangers, he did not dare to rush to restore his cultivation.

But despite this, with his current situation, in the middle of the ordinary Vientiane, he is not afraid at all.

With a whoosh, the young man in white appeared next to Wentian, he swallowed with difficulty, and then said with a shocked expression: "Brother, what is your cultivation?"

Not only him, but even Da Gang's figure flickered and landed beside Wentian, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask." Wentian said calmly, without any intention of explaining at all.

"Brother is right!" Li Wen, a young man in white, did not show any anger on his face, but smiled more respectfully.

After going through the previous scene, he became more determined in his mind, and the more mysterious the other party was, the more excited he was.

"It's really not easy to be appreciated by Elder Guyun. It seems that whether I, Li Wen, will be able to honor my ancestors in the future depends entirely on my elder brother." Thinking in his heart, the smile on his face was even stronger.

On the other hand, Da Gang on the side looked at Wen Tian with a bit more fear.

"By the way, big brother, the once-in-ten-year recruiting conference is about to begin. Are you going to participate?" Li Wen said suddenly.

"Is there a meeting to recruit disciples?" Wentian murmured, his eyes flickering brightly.

Through talking with Li Wen during this period of time, he also had a preliminary understanding of the power of Tian Yunhai.

There is a very widespread saying in this world, that is: Three Saints, Five Clans and Seven Sects.

The meaning refers to the fifteen major forces standing at the top of Tianyun Sea.

The three holy places are: Daozong, Holy Temple, and Supreme Dojo.

According to rumors, these three holy places have a very long history, most likely dating back to ancient times. Of course, this is just a legend, it is people's speculation, and the truth has long been buried in the long river of history.

But it is also the same, showing the mystery of the three holy places, they are above the five clans and seven sects, they are the peak power of the entire sky cloud sea, standing in the pyramid.

The five major families are: An Ye, Guangming, Nalan, Xuanyuan, and the Ji family who has grievances with Wentian.

It is said that the origins of these five families can be traced back to the ancient times, so the background is extremely deep, there are countless powerful people in the divine realm, and there are generations of capable people. It can be said that they dominate one side in Tianyunhai.

The seven major sects are: Yitian Sect, Weapon Blade Sect, Demon Soul Sect, Myriad Beast Sect, Sword Palace, Lieyang Sect, and Leiyun Sect where Master Wentian is located.

Speaking of the seven major sects, we have to talk about the Thunder Cloud Sect, because thousands of years ago, the Thunder Cloud Sect was the head of the seven major sects. look up.

What's more, at that peak period, there was news that within a thousand years, Leiyunzong, the head of the seven sects, would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the three holy places, and might become the fourth holy place in the future.

However, the good times didn't last long, and on a stormy night, a group of mysterious demons forced their way into the Thunder Cloud Sect and carried out a frenzied killing.

That battle was so earth-shattering that even the sky wept and rained blood, which was called the Night of Demon Blood by the people of later generations.

In the end, many Tianjiao and elders in the sect died tragically, which caused the overall strength of Lei Yunzong to drop from the top of the seven sects to the fifth place in an instant.

The Yitian Sect, who was originally second, took the throne of the first of the seven sects in one fell swoop.

Not long after, Leiyunzong and Nalan's family came to Qishan Town to accept disciples. For this, the entire Qishan Town was already very excited, and they all wanted to jump into the Dragon Gate and soar into the sky from then on.

You know, if you don't reach the Divine Origin Realm in a day, you will be an ant after all, and you can only live for two years at most, and after breaking through to the Divine Origin Realm, its life span will be greatly increased.

There are even rumors that in ancient times, the lifespan of some strong men was enough to live for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years.

Time flies, and several days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these few days, Wentian almost stayed in this newly built courtyard. He was not in a hurry to recover his cultivation, but took out the Void Book of Wandan given to him by his master Dan Daozi, and began to study it.

After a long time, he put down the Wandan Xudian in his hand, let out a long breath, and his eyes showed shock.

He did not expect that this imaginary book of ten thousand pills is so broad and profound that even if he studied hard for several days, he could only comprehend some superficial aspects.

No wonder in his previous life, his three senior brothers were so eager to get this Wandan Xudian.

After coming here, he had a strange feeling, that is, he faintly felt that maybe his three senior brothers were hiding in this sea of ​​clouds where there are many strong men.

"The Thunder Cloud Sect is the Wannian Grand Sect. There are probably not a few alchemists in the sect. Since I have obtained the power of the fire source in this life, no matter what, I will achieve the dream principle of the previous life and become an alchemist." A firm light flashed in Wentian's eyes.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head, looked in a certain direction, and disappeared into the large courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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