Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 339 It's Bright, It's Bright

Chapter 339 It's Bright, It's Bright
"Ah! Brother Dagang, has he made a breakthrough?" Yunxiang opened her small mouth and said involuntarily, even the old man beside her was full of excitement.

Seven-star talent!

The power of six elephants!

Fire attribute elemental force, seven-star quality!

Soon, Dagang passed four tests in a row and was officially admitted. When the result came out, he was relieved.

He was already very satisfied with the seven-star talent and the quality of the seven-star Yuanli. Immediately, he looked at Wentian with a complicated look in his eyes.

Because a few days ago, if he hadn't been instructed by Wentian, it would have been impossible for him to break through to the Vientiane Realm in such a short period of time.

"Today, I, Li Dagang, received your kindness. One day, I will repay you twice." He thought to himself.

"Congratulations!" Li Yuemei, the woman in red, walked up to Da Gang slowly, changed her previous indifferent appearance, and said with a smile.

Not far away, Yue Bin from Yueshan Village saw this scene, but he gritted his teeth, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes: "Li Dagang, one day, I want you to kneel in front of me."

"Brother Dagang!" A joyful voice came, and Yun Xiang was running over from afar with a face full of excitement.

Da Gang nodded indifferently to the woman in red, and then walked away.

In this regard, in the depths of the eyes of the woman in red, there was a hint of disappointment.

"Strange, didn't Xiaohu say that he had an older brother to take the test? Why didn't you see him?"

One of the Thunder Cloud Sect disciples who was in charge of the test thought about it, and looked around with doubts in his eyes.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't come, anyway, I dare not take back what I have, even if he has a hundred guts."

Thinking in his heart, the man yelled, "Next!"

"Brother, it's your turn." As Li Wen said, anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Lin, come on!" Yun Xiang said, her cheeks blushing.

Wentian nodded, raised his steady footsteps and stepped out.

"Name!" the Thunder Cloud Sect disciple said indifferently without even raising his head.

"Lin Tian!" Wentian said.

The reason why he didn't use his real name was because he faintly sensed that in Thunder Cloud Sect, someone might want to harm him, and he didn't want to reveal his real identity before meeting his Gu Yun Patriarch.

After all, he not only offended Ji's family, but also Yitianzong.

And just as he walked out, there were two old men not far away, their eyes suddenly lit up, they were Doctor Fang and Old Yu.

"Brother Yu, what do you think?" Doctor Fang said, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Lao raised his eyes and said with deep meaning: "No matter what the test of this child is, he is an existence that you and I can't afford to provoke, even the disciples of Lei Yunzong listen to him, this child is unfathomable. "

Hearing this, Dr. Fang showed a helpless look on his face, then he shook his head slightly, and set his eyes on the test stone pillar.

Under the gaze of all the people, Wentian's hand rested lightly on the jade stone on the stone pillar.

I don't know what made this stone jade, it feels extremely slippery, and there is a feeling of coldness. In an instant, a cold air rushed out of the jade, rushed into his body, and began to flow in his body .

After the cold air flowed for a while, it rushed out of his body again with a whoosh, and returned to the jade stone of the stone pillar along the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the stone pillar suddenly brightened.

Then, the voice of the test disciple sounded: "Lin Tian, ​​in the mid-stage of Spirit Transformation."

"Hey! Why is the name Lin Tian so familiar?" Suddenly, someone in the crowd asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ah... this kid... isn't he the same useless kid who caused a lot of trouble in the city recently?"

"He actually has the mid-stage spiritual transformation?" Someone exclaimed, his eyes wide open, his expression extremely shocked.

The recent heroic deeds of Wentian almost spread through the entire Qishan Town, because whether it is Doctor Fang, or Dahu and his son, they are not ordinary people, and their every move can set off a big storm in Qishan Town.

In an instant, Nuoda's square caused a commotion.

On the high platform of the square, the obese old man of Nalan's family suddenly rolled his eyes, and immediately smiled meaningfully: "Brother Ma, it seems that you have a not-so-simple kid here!"

"It's a dragon or a snake, we'll know later, don't worry... don't rush..." Deacon Ma said, his eyes flashed suddenly.

And just as he finished speaking, Wentian had already walked to the second stone pillar, looking at the stone pillar, his eyes flickered.

"Six stars are qualified, seven stars are excellent, eight stars are kings, nine stars are emperors, and ten stars are extreme. I don't know how many stars my talent, Lin Wentian, has reached?"

Thinking about it, there was a hint of excitement and anticipation in his heart.

In his previous life, according to his estimation, his talent was probably around seven stars, but in this life, he not only practiced the mysterious and unpredictable ancient spirit scriptures, but also had a lot of opportunities, his talent is definitely several times stronger than his previous life.

With the excitement and anticipation in his heart, he finally put his palm on the jade stone on the second stone pillar.


However, just as his hand was on the jade, suddenly, the entire stone pillar shook violently, and a strange ray of light rushed into his body like the light of thunder.

Before Wentian had time to react, that strange ray of light rushed madly from his body, and in the blink of an eye, it poured into the jade stone on the stone pillar.

A miraculous scene appeared.

There are a total of ten star rings on this stone pillar, and at this moment, the first star ring was lit up with a buzzing sound, and there was a burst of bright light.

But the strange thing is that the first star ring he lit up is much brighter than those lit up by those people before.

And since the first star ring was lit up, the second and third ones were lit up one after another, with less than a breath of time between them.

"'s on, it's on!"

"No, how can this person light up the star rings so fast, and the brightness of his first star ring seems to be brighter than the fourth and fifth rings of those people before."

"What's going on here?" Someone asked.

"Ah... the fifth ring is on! Light up another ring, and this person is qualified." Suddenly, someone in the crowd exclaimed.

At the same time, whether it was Dagang or Yunxiang, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated, because among the four tests, the second talent was the most important.

It can be said that whether one can become a disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect depends on the present.

"Om!" After the fifth star ring was lit, there was not a long pause, and the sixth star ring lit up again, exuding a dazzling light.

"Wow... the sixth ring is on."

The sixth star ring is a qualified ring, as long as Wen Tian's physical strength is not too weak, and the quality of his Yuanli is not too bad, he is sure to become a disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect.

Just when the sixth ring was lit up, Yun Xiang not far away showed excitement, and even Da Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Wen squeezed the sweat from his forehead. Before that, no one knew how disturbed he was.

"As long as the elder brother can pass the test successfully and join the Thunder Cloud Sect, then with his relationship with that person, and give me some good words, I, Li Wen, will become an outer disciple, and it will be just around the corner." He shouted in his heart.

"Hmph! The entire Qishan Town was rumored to be mysterious about this person. I thought it was something special, but it turned out that he was only a six-star talent." Yue Bin from Yueshan Village said with a look of disdain.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there were bursts of exclamations in the square again.

"It's's bright..."

(End of this chapter)

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