Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 34 The Invincible Potential

Chapter 34 The Invincible Potential
Wentian's expression was normal, as if he didn't see the big knife that was raised high and was slashing at him.

However, at this moment, his eyes flashed, his five fingers merged into a knife, and he directly met the sharp blade with his flesh and blood.

Um?Seeing this, the cultivator was stunned for a moment, but then became ferocious again. In his heart, he already thought that the other party was looking for death.

There was a clang, a sound like metal colliding, and the palm of the hand collided with the big knife, sparks burst out.

At the same time, the monk of the Black Tiger Gang suddenly felt a huge force coming from the sword in his hand.

However, his expression changed suddenly, and with a click, under his horrified gaze, there was a crisp sound of the big knife in his hand, and then it fell apart, completely turning into a pile of scrap iron.

"It's impossible!" he yelled, his expression full of horror, and at the same time, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

Although the broadsword in his hand is not a magical weapon, it is also a middle-grade Huang-level weapon, even if it can cut iron like mud, it is no problem.

But no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that a kid with no strength in his body could break his big knife with his flesh and blood. If this was told, no one would believe it.

"This guy's physical body is probably not weaker than some monsters and fierce beasts." Such an unbelievable thought could not help but pop up in his heart.

But he didn't allow him to think too much, Wentian got sick and was already close to him.

The next moment, Wentian clenched his hands into fists, the veins on his fists bulged, and with a heavy shout, he swung his fist as heavy as a star with ten thousand catties of strength.

That cultivator, under his horrified gaze, was sent flying by Wentian's punch.

With a bang, it fell tens of meters away.

The cultivator fell to the ground like a shell, smashing a big hole, causing a wave of sand and dust to billow.

The dust dispersed, revealing the frightening appearance of the monk, his body was bloody and bloody, a deep hollow appeared in his abdomen, his eyes were protruding and bloodshot, it was very scary, but the most important thing was that the vitality of his body had already been cut off.

The power of the punch was so frightening. At this moment, not only the members of the Black Tiger Gang, but even the members of the Lin family were shocked, as if seeing a ghost.

Especially the Shahu who was with Uncle Zhou, seeing this scene, his expression suddenly changed, and he roared even more furiously: "This is impossible!"

He has known Lin Wentian for a long time, and he also knows that Wentian's meridians have been destroyed, and he has become a useless person. Therefore, when he made a deal with that person, he agreed without hesitation.

But during this time, he found that everything was beyond his control.

boom!Just when he was distracted, Uncle Zhou waved his hands, and the two two-foot-long fiery snakes exploded suddenly, burning the sky with blazing flames, making the void turn red, as if turning into a sea of ​​flames.

Shahu's complexion suddenly changed!

Although the previous poison failed to cause fatal injuries to him, even if it was a small hidden danger, it could turn the world around.

Boom boom boom!There were bursts of rumbling sounds in the air, and the battle of the six great spirit transformation realms made this world, raging winds, thunder and lightning, as if falling into an ancient battlefield.

Kill kill kill kill!The guards from the Lin residence below saw his young master being so fierce, and his confidence also surged at this moment. The killing shouts continued, and the fighting spirit was soaring, and they started their crazy killings.

After killing one person, Wentian didn't stop, his feet kicked up, and with a bang, he rushed out like a ferocious humanoid beast.


As soon as the death word came out, his expression was ferocious like a beast, and that perfect physical body, at this moment, completely exploded.

Boom boom boom!Swinging fists continuously, each swing of the punch can cause a rumbling sound, as if the strength of his fist has reached to shatter the void.

His black hair danced wildly, his expression was like a blade, and his fighting spirit was like a god. In a moment of asking the sky, he seemed to be transformed into a deadly ancient god of death. In the territory of the Black Tiger Gang, he unscrupulously showed his most violent side.

"Damn it! Kill him!" The members of the Black Tiger Gang also became completely angry at this moment.

A kid with no energy in his body actually killed more than 20 of them in an instant. If this news gets out, how will they gain a foothold in the Jianghu in the future.

Boom boom boom!In the blink of an eye, Wentian has become a thorn in the side of many Black Tiger Gang cultivators. Many people gave up their opponents and came straight to Wentian, wanting to tear him into pieces.

"Hurry up and protect the young master!" Lin Fu and the others, who noticed this scene, also changed their expressions, and they all jumped up and rushed towards Wentian.

Seeing the enemies attacking, Wentian didn't show a trace of panic on his face, instead he seemed ready to move. With few enemies, it may be very disadvantageous for Yuanli cultivation base, but...

But the strength he displayed now is the power of the flesh, the most direct and original power of human beings.

In his previous life, he was able to break into the Longtan and Tiger's lair alone to avenge the bloody case of the Lin family, which proved that in fact, in his bones, there was a strong blood hidden in his bones.

There was a surging feeling in his heart. At this moment, Wentian's expression was flying, revealing a domineering aura, as if the ancient god's mansion appeared in the world, his body was like a rainbow, and between his eyebrows, there was a faint Golden dragon print.

Not only that, some monks of the Black Tiger Gang felt awe-inspiring in their hearts and their pupils shrank suddenly, as if seeing a huge phantom appearing behind Wentian.

With a bang sound, Wentian's eyes turned hard, and he rushed out. When he rushed out, a violent storm blew up, like a thunderbolt. The afterglow on his body flashed, and in some people's eyes, it was often fleeting.

Bang bang bang!
He fought against the heroes alone, turned into a ferocious human beast, and launched a violent and thunderous offensive on the battlefield. Every punch and every kick could take away a life.

The bright red blood splashed on his body, and the blood had already stained his whole body. He killed God like a blood prison, which made people shudder. Maybe it was because of too many killing pokes, a blood red began to appear in his pupils, like the pupils of a peerless beast.

He lifted up the ancient spirit scriptures with all his strength, and a golden light burst from his body.

boom! !

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, he suddenly jumped up, and his feet stomped on the ground. With a bang, the ground shattered, and a huge deep pit appeared. He had already rushed to the sky like a dragon ascending to the sky.

"What?" came an exclamation from below.

"Die to me!" Wentian roared, his expression full of domineering.

The next moment, the brute force in his body exploded, and the golden light was dazzling. In the black sky without bright sun, he seemed to turn into a gold star.

"Roar!" A dragon's roar seemed to come from his body, and it seemed to come from ancient times, full of the emperor's intention, making the sky more and more gloomy, making people feel very depressed.

Also at this moment, the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body suddenly opened his eyes, and Wentian's pupils seemed to have a golden dragon phantom, flashing past.

The golden light condensed, causing his right hand to emit a strong golden light. The next moment, his body suddenly rushed down like a falling star. When he rushed down, his right fist that gathered the golden light suddenly swung out.

A punch was thrown out, and suddenly, there was an explosion in the void, as if the power of this punch could shatter the vacuum. When the golden fist was punched out, it was accompanied by a trace of thunder, full of rage.

As he swung his fist forcefully, a golden light burst out from his fist, and the golden light faintly transformed into a dragon shadow, which hit the bottom with a monstrous might and fury.

"What? Run away!"

"don't want……!!"

(End of this chapter)

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