Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 362 Traitor

Chapter 362 Traitor
(two more)
"Wow..." Wen Tian's words immediately caused a commotion.

"This Lin Tian is really strong. Even in the face of Zhou Guanshi, he is so confident. It seems that there must be someone behind him."

"That's needless to say? If I also have his strength, I will not be afraid of these stewards. It's good to hear that they are stewards. They are just some clan slaves."

All of a sudden, everyone was chattering, as if Wentian's domineering shadow had penetrated deeply into their hearts.

"What a Lin Tian, ​​don't think that relying on a little bit of strength, you dare to be so defiant. You must know that this is the Thunder Cloud Sect, and it is a courtyard. Even if you are a dragon, you will crawl like a bug to me." Zhou Guanshi's face was ashen, drink up.

You must know that in the miscellaneous courtyard, he holds great power and is a steward who can distribute miscellaneous things at will. When has he been so despised by others.

In an instant, his eyes were full of killing intent.

However, at this moment, Wentian's expression was domineering, his sword eyebrows were firm, his eyes were like blades, and he shouted righteously: "Guanshi Zhou, you are so courageous!"

"I, Lin Tian, ​​have not only broken through to the Vientiane Realm this year, but also the Vientiane Late Stage. In addition, I have a strong physical body, and I am the proud son of the sect that has not appeared in a thousand years."

"And you, as the steward of the miscellaneous courtyard, not only don't know what is wrong, but also have murderous intentions for me. If you want to kill me in the cradle, I have to suspect that you are a spy sent by other sects."

"Thinking that my Thunder Cloud Sect is the Wannian Dazong, one of the seven major sects in Tianyunhai, but I didn't expect that such a traitor as you would appear. It's really unfortunate for the sect."

"In the future, when I break through to the divine realm, I will definitely get rid of you, a traitor, for the sect, return my Thunder Cloud Sect, and return the light to my courtyard."

The more Wentian talked, the more excited he became. There was a sense of lofty ambition and pride that he was willing to go through fire and water for the sect, and he would not hesitate to do so. His mind and will seemed to exaggerate everyone present.

"Unexpectedly, this Lin Tian seems to be domineering and arrogant, but the sect has such a status in his heart. It seems that if this person becomes a talent in the future, he must be the pillar of my Thunder Cloud Sect."

"That's right! This kid surnamed Lin has shown the potential to catch up with some eight-star talented disciples. If the Nine Master Peaks hear about this news, they will definitely compete for him. Becoming a disciple of the Nine Peaks is already a matter of course. "Someone said come.

"This son dared to make a scene with the Qingyue Gang alone for the sake of two friends. He should be a person with a lot of love. If that's the case, why don't we sell him a favor!" Some stewards began to spread their voices secretly. Unknowingly, they saw that Zhou Guanshi is getting more and more unpleasant.

At the same time, some handyman disciples also began to glare at Manager Zhou.

Especially for some disciples, when they recalled that Manager Zhou withheld their benefits, or deliberately used miscellaneous things to make things difficult for them, their eyes shot fiercely.

"Damn it! No wonder the manager this week always uses various excuses to deduct our benefits, let us not have the resources to practice, and arrange chores frequently, so that we have no time to cultivate. It turns out that he doesn't want us to improve our cultivation." Some The disciple gritted his teeth as he thought about it.


I don't know who called out the first sound.

"Traitor! Get out of my Thunder Cloud Sect, get out of our courtyard."

With No.1, there will be a second person. Soon, many people began to shout angrily, looking at Guanshi Zhou with hatred and boredom in his eyes.

"You... you... are so mad at me."

"Lin Tian, ​​you are trying to confuse the disciples of my Leiyun Sect with your demonic words in the courtyard. Now, in the name of being in charge, I will kill you, a black sheep."

Zhou Guanshi's eyes burned with anger.

boom!Suddenly, the aura on his body exploded, and the divine light turned into coercion, pressing down in all directions.

Except for some disciples who were as strong as that broken wolf, the expressions of the other disciples changed drastically, and they felt a heavy sense of oppression pressing on them.

"Lin Tian...die!"

He had already planned in his heart that in order to avoid nights and dreams, he would kill Wentian with thunder in the next moment.

In an instant, his hands quickly formed seals, and runes flashed out of his hands, one shot, two shots, two shots... dozens of spears made of runes condensed with a bang, and shot away like a rainstorm.

When he made a move, he was extremely decisive, before some disciples could react, the violent and extremely fierce attack had already struck in front of Wentian.

Li Wen's expression changed drastically.

The handyman disciple No. 1 Po Lang, his eyes narrowed, thoughtful.

Qingyue, who was still being trampled by Wentian, looked extremely terrified, because he found that those spears were attacking violently, and even he was within the attack range.

Before he knew it, fine sweat had already oozed from his forehead, so he had no choice but to put his hopes on the young man in front of him.

However, what surprised him was that the boy's face was as calm as a mirror, and he didn't see a trace of panic either on his face or in his pupils.

It seems that everything in front of him is under the control of the other party.

The reason why Wentian is so high-profile today is not only to show Wanxiang's late stage cultivation, but also to expose his physical body comparable to the Shenyuan realm.

Ever since he learned the secret of the Immortal Peak from the wine master, he has been thinking about when and with what identity he should enter the Immortal Peak.

If one wants to obtain the rumored magical power of immortality, one must first become a disciple of the Immortal Peak, and a highly valued disciple at the same time.

Therefore, he thought of letting the nine main peaks compete for a disciple with only six-star talent like him.

And in front of him is a good opportunity, an opportunity that can make him stand out in the courtyard and attract the attention of the nine main peaks.

Although his superficial talent is only six stars, there is no absolute in everything, and talent does not represent everything, because Tianyunhai is not a lower bound, this is a magical place where everything is possible.

In the history of Leiyunzong, there are many disciples with poor talent, but in the end they achieved extraordinary achievements, surpassing their peers. This is the so-called luck, perseverance, and the rumored late bloomers.

He believed that with the strength and potential he had shown before, coupled with the commotion in this courtyard, he might have attracted the attention of some main peaks.

In other words, he was already invincible during this period, because the powerful existence of those main peaks would not let him, a genius disciple, fall into the hands of a miscellaneous courtyard steward.

Therefore, there was no trace of fear in his heart, and he seemed calm and composed.

Sure enough, just when those attacks were about to fall on him, several violent shouts came suddenly.


Boom boom boom!
For a moment, the divine light was overwhelming, even though it was late at night, under the illumination of this divine light, the entire courtyard was almost brightened.

Among the nine main peaks, some disciples were shocked by the strangeness, and they all looked surprised. To become a disciple of the nine peaks, the minimum is an outer disciple.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a violent collision sound in the void, and the strong wind blew up, raging in all directions.

However, the few people who shot were not from the nine main peaks as Wentian imagined, but some stewards of the miscellaneous courtyard.


Seeing that the other party was about to die under his attack, but he was suddenly meddled, Zhou Guanshi was really shocked and angry.

At that moment, he gritted his teeth, and said unwillingly: "This kid is misleading people, don't be fooled by him."

"Hmph! What are you talking about to confuse the public? From our point of view, you are a guilty conscience and want to kill people to silence your words." The steward sneered.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The battle between several stewards shocked many disciples of the miscellaneous courtyard, and they were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that what was just a matter between the disciples would turn into a struggle between the stewards.

"Brother is indeed a monster, no matter where he is, he can do sensational things." Li Wen thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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