Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 366 Strategies

Chapter 366 Strategy ([-])

(three more)
" brought me here, could it be you..."

Zhou Guanshi's figure flashed, and he rushed out of the cave quickly. When he saw Wentian with a shocked expression in front of him, he seemed to have just come back to his senses.

However, Wentian's reaction made him even more surprised and hated.

Wentian's face was pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "It's you...I didn't expect you to be the one who secretly hunted and killed the spirit cranes. No wonder the number of spirit cranes has been decreasing rapidly recently. So you are the culprit."

Wentian's eyes shot out a frightening light, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

But these words fell into the ears of Zhou Guanshi, and instantly made him blush, and he was furious: "Bastard, don't talk nonsense here."

With a bang, he suddenly jumped up and rushed straight to the sky.

But Wentian reacted faster, just when the opponent was violent, he used all his strength to perform Longyou Taixu Step, and his whole body flickered, walking at extreme speed.

With his current cultivation base in the late stage of Vientiane, the speed of performing Longyou Taixu Step is not comparable to that of some Vientiane peaks, and it may be comparable to some early Shenyuan.

With a whoosh, the person has already sprang several miles away.

While fleeing, he even called out in a loud voice: "Boss Zhou hunted and killed the spirit cranes of the elders, and he is going to kill them to silence them."

"Lin Tian, ​​I want you to die!"

"This is Spirit Beast Peak, I want to see who else can save you." Manager Zhou shouted angrily from behind.

The kid in front of him dared to hunt and kill Linghe, and now he wanted to frame him even more, his heart was already full of anger.

He had already decided in his heart that he would take this opportunity to kill Wentian, even if he was held accountable by the sect, he would be able to get away with the other party's killing of the spirit crane.

Thinking of this, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

With a bang, his cultivation in the middle stage of Shenyuan rose to full strength, and at this moment, he stretched out his hand, and with a huge palm, he grabbed Wentian who was fleeing in front of him with a domineering force.

"Help! Manager Zhou hunted and killed the spirit crane, and now he wants to kill the crane." Wen Tian's face was as pale as paper, and he exclaimed, the voice was so loud that it could be heard for tens of miles, let alone miles.

Even some monsters hidden in the forest were awakened one after another, roaring...they let out angry roars, which was a warning.

Although they are monsters subdued by Thunder Cloud Sect, there is still fierceness in their bodies.

Looking at Wentian who was right in front of him, Guanshi hated him to the core, his anger flared up again, and the speed of that giant hand increased even more, and he caught up with Wentian in an instant.

Seeing that the other party was about to be crushed and killed by him, he showed a rampant look on his face, and laughed even more arrogantly: "Haha! Want to escape? See where you are going to escape? Offend me, Zhou Fang, and this is the end."

He seemed to be able to see that the next moment, Wentian was on the spot bloody.

"Zhou Fang, you are so bold!"

However, at this critical moment, a shout that seemed to contain shocking anger suddenly came from afar.

Although the sound was far away, a beam of light rushed towards this side with a bang. Its speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the light flashed, and an old man appeared.

The old man looked furious, his eyes were full of coldness, looking at the giant hand that had been captured, he swung his sleeve suddenly.

boom!A storm of cultivation base rushed out, easily destroying Guanshi Zhou's giant hand with the power of destroying the dead. With a bang, Guanshi Zhou was blown away, and more blood was sprayed out. Seeing the old man who suddenly appeared, his complexion was so pale extreme.

Whoosh whoosh! !

At the same time, not far away, there were also dozens of figures coming quickly, but they were the stewards of the miscellaneous courtyard, Li Wen and Da Gang.

"Om!" The void hummed, and immediately there was a twist in the air, and an old man stepped out of it.

Elder Mufang.

The last old man who appeared was the third peak, Elder Mu Fang of Spirit Pill Peak.

And the old man who smashed Steward Zhou's huge hand with a wave of his hand before was also an elder in Jiufeng.

"Elder He, Elder Mufang, why are you here?" Steward Zhou wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes wide open with an incredulous look.

Obviously, the development of the matter was different from what he had imagined, and in an instant, he had a bad premonition in his mind.

That's right!The old man who destroyed his attack and rescued Wentian was none other than the leader of the Nine Peaks, Elder He of Lei Feng.

This person is famous for his sternness, and the disciples who were executed by him are probably innumerable. In Leifeng, he is even more famous, known as the Black Face Demon.

This is not only related to his stern, cold-blooded and ruthless behavior, but also to his appearance, because his skin and limbs are dark, like charred feet.

It is rumored that in this spirit beast peak, half of the spirit cranes are raised by him. Not long ago, more than a dozen miscellaneous courtyard stewards went to Leifeng to report to him, saying that someone hunted and killed His spirit crane.

After learning about it, he was furious, so he rushed to the Spirit Beast Peak without saying a word.

But he didn't expect that before he arrived, he would hear the bastard who hunted his crane and wanted to kill him to silence him, which made him blow his beard in anger.

In these hundreds of years, he has forgotten how long he has been, and he has never been so angry. If he hadn't forcibly suppressed his murderous aura, he might have blown the manager of the courtyard in front of him to pieces.

But he can't do this, because it's not his style to do so, the other party dares to attack his spirit crane, he wants to make the other party regret appearing in this world.

"Elder He, Elder Mu Fang, you must be the masters of your disciples!"

"Not long ago, the disciple suddenly noticed that the number of spirit cranes seemed to have decreased, and he felt something was wrong in his heart, so the disciple kept his eyes open and did not dare to sleep soundly at night."

"Sure enough, I was finally discovered by my disciples. There are people sneaking around at night, so my disciples knew there must be something strange about it."

"For several days in a row, the disciple followed that person, but the other party's cultivation was advanced and his vigilance was extremely high. In the end, the disciple still couldn't see the person's face clearly."

"But at the end of the day, evil does not overpower righteousness, Huang Tian lives up to people's hearts, and finally his disciples saw his face clearly, and even followed him here, witnessing his plots. Unexpectedly, Guanshi Zhou actually... actually..."

Wen Tian said angrily, in the end, his expression was even more sad.

"Nonsense, it's obviously you..." Manager Zhou was really furious. He had been slandered like this before, and the other party was a new disciple.

He was so angry that his hair stood on end, and he looked at Wentian, as if he wanted to gnaw his bones, and was thirsty for his blood.

"Zhou Fang, the evidence is solid now, do you still want to deny it?"

"During this period of time, we have already discovered that you have a problem. Every night when night falls, you sneak into the Spirit Beast Peak alone. We can all testify to this."

"Yes! We saw it with our own eyes."

"It's no wonder you target Brother Lin everywhere. It turns out that you are afraid that your conspiracy will be exposed, so you want to kill people to silence them."

Before Steward Zhou could defend himself, the stewards who came along rushed to speak.

"'s not like this, Elder He, Elder Mu Fang, listen to me, it was Lin Tian who framed me...the disciple didn't do anything." Zhou Guanshi's expression changed suddenly, and his whole soul trembled in fear.

During this time, he couldn't argue with everything.

"Elder He, Elder Mufang, look quickly, the cave was discovered by the disciple following Steward Zhou." Wentian said with a sad expression, and pointed to the hidden cave not far away.

Elder Mu Fang frowned tightly.

As for Elder He from Leifeng, he was even more furious and shouted: "Zhou Fang, this old man is going to tear you apart."

(End of this chapter)

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