Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 368 Vine Snake Whip

Chapter 368 Vine Snake Whip

(Five updates, rewards and updates)

"Brother Lin, it's a great honor for you to come here today. Come on, let's toast together." In the compound, Po Lang smiled and looked quite graceful.

Of course, some old disciples of the miscellaneous courtyard knew that this person was scheming, deep in the city, and he was also an extremely ambitious person.

During this period, almost all the people who entered the courtyard had reached the late stage of Vientiane, and they were the best among the handyman disciples, except for Li Wen and Da Gang.

Qingyue also came, and came with Wentian, because he also belonged to the ancient gang. To be precise, his entire original Qingyue gang has joined the ancient gang.

Ever since his disastrous defeat at Wentian's hands, he knew that the young man in front of him was definitely not something in the pool, and he might soar into the sky in a short time.

That being the case, why didn't he take the opportunity to establish a relationship with him, and thus, the Qingyue Gang joined the Ancient Gang.

"Come on! Cheers, if you don't get drunk today, you won't go home." Wentian raised a big bowl of wine and said loudly.


Immediately, the leaders of all the gangs poured the wine in the bowl into their mouths with pride.

"Not bad! Good wine!" Wen Tian said with a blushing face, his body began to emit a bit of alcohol, it seemed that he had drunk a lot.

Seeing Wentian's appearance, Qingyue on the side frowned, because he vaguely felt that the leaders of these gangs in front of him came today for their ancient gang.

As for the leader, Wentian, it would be bad if he drank it to pieces. With his own strength, he simply couldn't compete against these people in front of him.

You must know that the entire Zayuan, powerful and powerful people are all gathered here now.

At the same time, the smiling Po Lang suddenly winked at one of them.

One of the crowd suddenly stood up, then arched his hands, and said loudly: "The leader of the Jinfeng Gang, I have heard that brother Lin is very skilled, and his body is comparable to a magic weapon. Last time, I didn't have the chance to see brother Lin." I don’t know if I’m lucky enough to witness it with my own eyes today.”

"Brother Lin is unparalleled in body and can crush earth-level middle-grade weapons. He is a rare talent in the world. Why don't you take this opportunity to open our eyes." Another person said.

"That's right! I have long admired Brother Lin, and I hope that Brother Lin will show his skills. Let me see him well."

For a while, many gang leaders spoke one after another.

"Here we come!" At the same time, Qingyue's expression changed slightly, and there was a look of worry in her eyes.

Wentian's face was getting redder and redder, he seemed to be [-]% drunk and [-]% sober, his footsteps seemed a little vain, and his body swayed.

But after hearing everyone's words, he waved his hand domineeringly, and shouted loudly: "No problem, just tell me, what do you think of me?"

Someone suddenly stood up: "Brother Lin's physical body is already comparable to a strong man in the Divine Origin Realm, and even Brother Qingyue's earth-level middle-grade giant axe can be destroyed with bare hands. Brother Lin divides hair."

"By the way, doesn't Brother Polang own a ground-level high-grade vine snake whip? Why don't you use this vine snake whip to test Brother Lin's physical strength, to what extent?"

"Good idea, what do you think Brother Lin thinks?" Many people expressed their opinions one after another.

"Brother Lin, no, this rattan snake whip has reached the top grade of the earth level, which is of higher quality than my previous giant axe. The most important thing is that this rattan snake whip is from the Blade Sect. Refined, if you are accidentally trapped, it will be difficult for even some Shenyuan Realm to escape." Qingyue said eagerly, for fear that Wentian would agree impulsively.

"Brother Qingyue, what are you talking about? Do you think we want to take this opportunity to deal with Brother Lin?"

"Brother Qingyue, don't worry, Brother Lin is a heavenly genius, a mere prefecture-level top-grade weapon, how can he trap us Brother Lin." Everyone said.

Qingyue's complexion became more and more ugly. After all, he was defeated by Wentian before, and he was no longer as powerful as before. Immediately, he set his sights on Li Wen and Dagang.

Although his strength was much stronger than the two of them, he knew well that even if there were ten of them in the ancient gang, they might not be able to match the other one.

"Brother is a genius who can't be seen in a thousand years. Of course, a vine snake whip can't be difficult for my brother." Li Wen said proudly.

Although Da Gang didn't say anything, he also looked confident. This was seen by Qingyue, and he became even more puzzled.

"Could it be that the two of them can't see that this matter is fraudulent? Or do they really have such confidence in Brother Lin?" He thought to himself.

"You can rest assured, Qingyue, let alone a vine snake whip, even a vine dragon whip will not be difficult for me, Lin Tian." Wentian said domineeringly.

However, as soon as he said this, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Po Lang's mouth, and then he said: "Everyone is interested in this, Po Mou will certainly not spoil everyone's happiness."

As the words fell, a light flashed in his hand, and a one-inch-long whip appeared in his hand, but the next moment, as he muttered something, the small whip instantly magnified.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a two-foot-long green whip.

There are many talismans engraved on this whip, they are faintly shining, exuding a powerful coercion, especially at the end of the whip, which looks like a ferocious snake head, which makes people feel creepy.

"Brother Polang, what a whip!" someone said.

"I made everyone laugh." Po Lang laughed.

Then, he put his eyes on Wentian and smiled strangely: "Brother Lin, are you ready?"

"Hmph! Little whip, what else do I have to prepare, just let the horse come here." Wentian looked arrogant, and said disdainfully.

He even picked up the wine bowl again and took a deep breath. Immediately, not only his cheeks were flushed, but even his eyes were flushed.

"If that's the case, brother Lin will take over." After saying that, Po Lang flicked the long whip in his hand, and with a chirping sound, the long whip danced wildly, and with incomparably fierce power, he whipped Wentian.

Feeling the majesty of the whip, the complexions of all the people present suddenly changed. Li Wen and Da Gang, who were originally indifferent, couldn't help their eyelids jumping up.

"This guy is worthy of being the No. 1 in the courtyard. With this prestige alone, I'm afraid he won't be in the early stage of some gods." Qingyue's heart became heavy, and her eyes were full of fear.

"What rattan snake whip, let's see how I break it with one punch." Wentian shouted loudly, and then threw his fist suddenly.

With a bang, the fist wind was as violent as thunder, causing the entire compound to be in turmoil, but the cultivation bases of the people present were not weak, and their cultivation bases burst into flames in an instant.

"Brother, be careful!" Suddenly, Li Wen exclaimed.

Wen Tian's expression changed, he saw that his violent fist did not hit the vine snake whip, the other party was like a spirit snake, swishing, dodging his punch extremely sensitively.

Also in that instant, the vine snake whip unexpectedly made a sharp bend, bypassing Wentian's body, and wrapped Wentian's hands around him with lightning speed.

"Not good! Brother Lin is trapped!" Qingyue's expression changed suddenly.

But at this moment, Po Lang showed a smile of success.

(Recommend a book, Supreme Ancient Demon)
(End of this chapter)

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