Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 374 The Legend of Life and Death

Chapter 374 The Legend of Life and Death
(three more)
The Terrace of Life and Death is located in the Life and Death Peak of Thunder Cloud Sect. Speaking of this Life and Death Peak, it is also full of various legends.

It is said that the original Thunder Cloud Sect did not have this peak of life and death, but later, such a peak appeared inexplicably overnight.

Some people once said that this peak of life and death was formed after an ancient strong man sat down, and some people said that this is a peerless strong man in the sect who moved this peak of life and death to Leiyun sect with the power to move mountains and seas .

At the beginning, everyone thought it was just an ordinary mountain, until one day, some disciples entered this strange mountain out of curiosity.

However, what is frightening is that since that night, these disciples have never appeared again. It is said that there are some disciples in the real one realm among them.

Not long after, someone found their wreckage at the foot of the mountain. At that time, the entire Thunder Cloud Sect was shocked.

Therefore, the high level of the Zongmen decided to send two elders to this peak to find out what happened. However, when the two elders came out, they had black blood pouring out of their bodies, and their souls were still dissipating.

Although the sect's high-level officials tried to save the two elders without hesitating to use up precious pills, they still unfortunately fell in the end.

For a while, the sect went up and down, and people began to panic. Some people even called this mountain the death peak. After that, no one dared to step into this peak for a month.

But just two months later, an old man stepped into this peak. It is said that this old man is an inner sect disciple, but due to his limited talent, he was unable to make a breakthrough, and his lifespan had come to an end.

After learning that this is a dead mountain, he felt that the appearance of this mountain might be a sign from heaven to him. He felt that this was his burial place, and he wanted to sit on this mountain before dying.

One month passed, two months passed.

Everyone thought that the old man had already sat down on the Death Peak, but on a certain day half a year later, there was a torrential rain, and a vague figure slowly stepped out of the Death Peak.

People feel creepy and incredible things happened.

I saw that the figure walking out from Death Peak was actually the old man that everyone thought was dead.

No... At that moment, he was no longer an old man who was dying, but a young man with full of vigor.

He came back alive, and broke through to the ancient realm.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect. Even the sect master who was retreating at that time, the old man Undead also broke through the closed door. Finally, he went to meet the inner disciple personally.

But it is said that this person has lost all his memories of Death Peak, and the immortal old man couldn't find out why. In the end, he decided to go to the peak to investigate in person.

And at that time, the seven major sects of Tianyun Sea were not apart from the Thunder Cloud Sect, and at most they could only be regarded as first-class sects.

On a certain day ten years later, the Immortal Old Man walked out of the Death Peak. Since the day he appeared, the entire Thunder Cloud Sect has undergone astonishing changes.

The aura of heaven and earth has become stronger than before, and the disciples' understanding of cultivation has also become much stronger, and many disciples have made breakthroughs one after another.

The Thunder Cloud Sect began to rise strongly, and in just a few hundred years, it successfully squeezed into the seven major sects, and under the leadership of the immortal old man, it rushed to the top of the seven sects in one fell swoop.

Therefore, whether it is the disciples of this sect or people from the outside world, they all began to suspect that Death Peak, they don't know what is hidden in it.

The immortal old man noticed that these people were about to move, so one day, he went to Death Peak again, and sealed the entire Death Peak with monstrous power. Finally, he named this peak as Life and Death Peak, and set up a life and death peak here. tower.

As for why he set up the stage of life and death, many peak masters asked him at that time, but he didn't seem to want to reveal anything about this matter, as if there was something hard to say.

Those who live into this peak will die, and those who die into this peak will live. After many years, there are still various legends about life and death peaks.

In the meantime, tens of thousands of disciples gathered outside the Life and Death Peak. Most of the disciples here were handyman disciples, but there were also many outer disciples, and even inner disciples could be seen faintly.

In the center, there is a huge competition platform, which is the platform of life and death.

Once you enter the stage of life and death, you will live or die, and you will be left to fate.

With a sound of "嗖", the life and death platform flickered, revealing a man.

This person looked proud, clasped his hands together, and looked like a master, looking at the many handyman disciples around him, his face was even more contemptuous.

He is one of the protagonists this time, Yu Hua.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked in a certain direction in the sky.

I saw several men standing in the void not far away, the leader was dressed in white, his expression was indifferent, and he was even more restful with his eyes closed.

But this person, unintentionally, exuded a powerful aura. When the several people around him looked at this person, their eyes were full of admiration.

Because this man is the outer disciple, Wang Feng who ranks ninth.

Yue Bin was also among them. At this time, he was no longer in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but had broken through to the Vientiane Realm, and he was not far from the Vientiane Middle Stage.

Suddenly, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Tian, ​​once you enter the stage of life and death, even the elders can't interfere in the moment of life and death, this time you will definitely die."

All the disciples of the ancient gang from the miscellaneous courtyard came.

Even some miscellaneous courtyard stewards came.

Here, almost all of them were frowning deeply, especially when they looked at Wang Feng, who was not far away and ranked ninth among the outer disciples, their eyes were full of fear.

"Last time, we indirectly offended Wang Feng for the sake of Lin Tian. It would be fine if Lin Tian won, but if he falls on the stage of life and death like this, then..." Speaking of the manager, he couldn't help but Shaking his head slightly.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. Even if Lin Tian loses, so what? Is it true that a courtyard of our Nuoda University will be afraid of an outside disciple from him? Don't forget, there is also someone who is elusive in our courtyard." Another The steward said.

"That's right! There are fierce people in our courtyard." All the stewards came back to their senses, and the worried look on their faces disappeared instantly.

And the fierce man they are talking about should be the chief steward of the miscellaneous courtyard.

"But having said that, I really hope that Lin Tian can win. After all, other geniuses don't need to go through our courtyard to enter Nine Peaks. This Lin Tian is now in the courtyard and is a member of our courtyard. "Someone said again.

At the same time, in the sky above the platform of life and death, the void was distorted for a while, and a middle-aged man stepped out.

The strange thing is that this middle-aged man stood there, and there were countless disciples in the field, but none of them could find him. He was as transparent as everyone saw.

Suddenly, he frowned.

"Junior Brother Xing, I didn't expect you to come so early. It seems that you really care about that kid!" An old voice sounded, and ripples appeared in the void, revealing an old man.

However, after the old man appeared, two more appeared, also two old men.

Looking at the three old men, the middle-aged man didn't say anything, but sat cross-legged in the void, closing his eyes and meditating.

It wasn't long before he suddenly said, "This son belongs to my Immortal Peak."

"Junior Brother Xing, don't be nervous. I don't mean to compete with you. I just came here on a whim." A hazy light appeared, and then, a figure with an unrecognizable face slowly stepped out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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