Chapter 38
Since the battle between the Lin Mansion and the Black Tiger Gang, some people always chatted after meals, especially when they talked about Lin Wentian, some people couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Everyone knows that Lin Wentian is Chiyue's number one dandy, and his meridians have been destroyed, but now there are rumors that his physical body is extremely strong, and he only needs one punch against some late Yuan Lianyuan.

This is amazing news, therefore, many people are inquiring about Wentian's information.

It's just that there are many people who don't believe this, thinking that this is Lin Fu's campaign.

They don't think that a waste can be transformed into a genius comparable to a spiritual realm in a few months, unless it is a reincarnation of a god or fairy.

Three days later, Wentian was still waving the Broken Star in the secret room, and every time he swung it, there would be a muffled sound, as if his waving could cause a roar in the air.

However, his expression still showed dissatisfaction.

"Although my swing of the sword may easily kill the Lianyuan Realm, but if it is against the Shanghua Spirit Realm, it will not pose any threat at all, unless I can understand the Thunderbolt Form!"

At this moment, the blood in Wentian's whole body was boiling, his clothes were already soaked with sweat, and his perfect muscles could be vaguely seen.

Looking at the Broken Star in his hand, his eyes flickered.

Although he failed to comprehend that sword, due to the continuous swinging of the sword in recent days, he unexpectedly discovered that his physical strength had become stronger unconsciously.

He believes that now his strength may have grown from nine thousand catties to an astonishing ten thousand catties, and it is still growing.

"It seems that to realize that move, one needs not only great strength, but also an understanding of the sword." Wen Tian murmured.

Um?Suddenly, as if he remembered something, his eyes were lightly closed, and immediately, a blue figure appeared in his mind.

"Back the sword!" After saying these two words, he showed firm eyes and left the secret room.

Walking to the ground of Lin Mansion, he saw Uncle Zhou ordering some servants to do things, but he didn't see Meng'er.

"That little girl is really hardworking!" Wentian chuckled.

According to Uncle Zhou, during this time, Meng'er has been haunted and haunted. She often goes out at dawn and doesn't come back until dark.

He also asked about this matter, but Uncle Zhou said that there is no need to worry about Meng'er's safety, because someone is protecting him, so Wentian didn't pay much attention to it.

"Since Uncle Zhou said that she will be fine, then there shouldn't be any problems with her. I'm afraid there are quite a few guards around Meng'er."

Thinking of this, Wentian felt relieved, and immediately he stepped out of the Lin residence.

Walking on the street, some passers-by showed curiosity and doubts when they saw Wentian, and some even pointed at him behind his back. Regarding these, Wentian's expression was normal and natural.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and immediately, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Whoosh whoosh!At the next moment, several sharp arrows suddenly shot from all directions, aiming at him
The sharp arrow stabbed, making an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air!
After feeling these fierce attacks, the expressions of some monks changed drastically.

However, Wentian's expression was as usual, and immediately, he made a quick move in that flash.

clang clang clang! !The sharp arrow fell to the ground crisply, but the arrow that landed on the ground was a severed sharp arrow.

"What? He resisted these sharp arrows that reached Huang Ji's mouth with his flesh and blood hands, and his hands were not damaged at all?" Seeing this, the bystanders all showed surprised expressions.

Although there have been rumors recently that Lin Wentian of the Lin Mansion has an extremely powerful physical body, comparable to a monster, but that is just a legend after all, and I am still amazed when I see it with my own eyes today.

Facing the horror of others, Wentian looked as usual, looked in some direction thoughtfully, then ignored it, turned and left.

Those who attacked him, in fact, he already knew it in his heart, it was just those who wanted to test him, and now, he didn't need to hide his physical strength anymore.

After the incident just now, he believed that everyone in the capital knew that his physical body was strong. In this way, no one would think that his cultivation of Yuanli had actually reached the middle stage of Yuan Lian.

It is his style to keep a hand in everything.

In the entire Scarlet Moon Empire, if one were to say that the person with the highest level of crafting was definitely Master Mo.

Although Master Mo's cultivation is only in the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and there are many people who are stronger than him, he can refine weapons of the virtual earth level.

It is said that it is a weapon of the virtual level, which is a weapon that surpasses the mysterious level, but has not reached the ground level. Therefore, even if it is a member of the royal family, it is also courteous to him.

After all, whether it is a craftsman or an alchemist, their status is very prominent.

Zhuqi Zhuang is the residence of Master Mo. Although the manor is very large, there are not many people in the manor. In addition to Master Mo, there are only a dozen or so people.

It was this foundry that Wentian wanted to go to.

Because he remembered the sword-carrying boy in Xianfeng Pavilion before, so he also wanted to carry Broken Star on his body to realize the sword.

But the premise is that he needs a sword case.

Broken Star is an epee, with a weight of 980 jin. Therefore, some ordinary sword sets are not suitable for Broken Star, so he wants to find Master Mo to refine one for it.

"Who? Stop for me, or don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Just as Wentian came to the gate of Zhuqizhuang, several guards shouted at him suddenly and stopped him outside the gate.

Wentian's face darkened, but he recovered quickly, and said calmly: "I have something to do with Master Mo, and I hope you all get out of the way."

"Your boy didn't come in time today. Master Mo is discussing matters with the eldest prince. Please leave!" Several guards surrounded the door and blocked the door.

"Ji Baojun?" Hearing this, Wen Tian frowned.

"Bastard! How can you call the eldest prince's name directly! If you are sensible, get out, or if the eldest prince gets angry, be careful to kill you kid Jiuzu." One of the guards shouted with an arrogant look on his face. .

"Pull my nine clans?" Wentian's expression turned cold suddenly, and he couldn't help exuding a killing intent from his body.

"Boy looking for death, abolish him!"

After realizing the murderous intent on Wentian, the expressions of these people changed suddenly, but when they thought that the other party was only a young man, they were furious in their hearts and showed cruelty on their faces.

boom!One of them suddenly burst into cultivation, yellow light flickered on his body, and the elemental nature of the earth attribute blasted out. When his figure was galloping, he had already gathered his elemental power to punch Xiang Wentian.

"Huh!" Wentian looked cold, let out a cold snort, did not step back in the slightest, but went straight to meet him, bang, and threw out a punch.

boom!A figure flew out in embarrassment, slapping, slapping, slapping!After taking five steps back, his body stabilized.

The person who flew upside down was the guard, his right hand was hanging down weakly, his face was pale, and his expression showed fear.

The power of one punch can break the arm of the late Lianyuan, such a record is completely beyond the range of ordinary people.

But Wentian frowned slightly, showing dissatisfaction.

"Although they are both late Yuan Lian, the strength of these palace guards is far higher than those of the Black Tiger Gang's late Lian Yuan monks." Wen Tian murmured.

"Damn it, how dare you attack us and kill him!" After the shock, the other guards reacted, and they all had a strong murderous intent.

"Stop!" But at this juncture, a shout came from the foundry.

(End of this chapter)

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