Chapter 44
At this moment, Lin Yefeng looked ecstatic, and his heart was even more excited, and there was a long cry from his mouth, as if the depression of the past ten years was completely released at this moment.

"I, Lin Yefeng, are back!"

Such a loud howling, if there is no Wentian enchantment, it will definitely pass through the clouds and resound through half of the capital. After all, this howling sound carries a trace of the power of the Vientiane Realm invisibly.

It is no wonder that Lin Yefeng was so excited for a while. After all, he has been in a wheelchair for ten years, and during these ten years, he has to endure the poisonous devouring all the time. Crazy.

Unexpectedly, today he not only completely expelled the poison from his body, but also took this opportunity to break through to the Vientiane Realm in one fell swoop. One can imagine how excited and happy he was.

After a long time, his mood slowly recovered. Looking at the enchantment in the air, his eyes narrowed, and immediately, he looked at Wentian with that solemn gaze.

"You set up this enchantment?"

Seeing Lin Yetian slowly landed on the ground, Wentian was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Congratulations, third uncle, the poison has been eliminated, and his cultivation level has greatly increased, and he has stepped into the road of Vientiane."

Hearing this, Lin Yefeng also smiled: "Isn't this all due to your kid? By the way, you haven't answered my previous question yet."

"This enchantment was indeed arranged by me. If I hadn't done so, I'm afraid Third Uncle would have become a hotly-talked-about figure by now. This is not the result I want." Wen Tianda said deeply.

Lin Yefeng was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes flickered, as if he was deep in thought.

But at this moment, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, as if he had made a major decision in his heart, he immediately said: "Third Uncle, I want to ask you a question, I hope you can answer me seriously."

Um?Seeing Wentian's serious expression, Lin Yefeng's mood also became heavy before he knew it: "What's the problem?"

Wen Tian gritted his teeth, and said, "If one day, the Holy Majesty wants to take action against my Lin family, will Third Uncle plan to arrest him without a fight, or will he be willing to resist together with my nephew?"

Ever since Wentian was reborn, he had always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to ask his grandfather and his third uncle Lin Yefeng about this question.

It's just that his grandfather's sudden departure made it impossible for him to get the answer. Now that his third uncle has broken through to the Vientiane Realm, he must know the other party's answer.

Hearing Wentian's words, Lin Yefeng's eyes shrank immediately, and immediately, a sharp aura shot out from his body.

Sensing this aura, Wen Tian already knew the other party's thoughts in his heart, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, if there is such a day, I, Lin Yefeng, will never be slaughtered, but I am worried about my father..." At the end of the speech, Lin Yefeng's face showed a hint of worry.

"Grandpa..." Wentian murmured, in fact, this was what he had been worried about.

As far as the previous life was concerned, he did not believe that his grandfather did not find any clues when the catastrophe of the Lin family came, but until the end, his grandfather did not resist in advance. From this, it can be seen that his grandfather was not willing to go against the saint.

But he, who has experienced the previous life, must be against the saint in this life.


This is the place to the east of Chiyue thousands of miles away from the capital, and it is also the place where Chiyue and Tianyang fought. In this place, there is a military barracks mansion with a huge plaque engraved with the mansion of General Zhendong.

And the owner of this mansion is Lei Hongfeng, Chiyue's Zhendong General.

Lei Hongfeng is the main general who fought against the Tianyang Empire. He has 30 elite soldiers under him. He has the same military power as the Fengshen general Lin Yefeng and the Vulcan general Lin Yeyan ten years ago. Very high prestige.

At this moment, there was a neighing sound of a horse, and then a middle-aged man who was busy with travel and dust, stopped the horse and stopped in front of the gate of General Zhendong's mansion.

"Who is coming? This is General Lei's mansion, retreat quickly."

Before the middle-aged man came into the gate, the soldiers guarding the gate held long guns and shouted loudly, as if they would strike forcefully as long as the middle-aged man took a step closer.

"Stone Bell?" But at this moment, a happy voice came from behind the middle-aged man.

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man suddenly turned around, and immediately said with a happy expression: "Brother Zhao!"

The person who came was a big man in armor, as tall as a beast, with a full beard and thick black eyebrows.

"General Zhao, do you know this person?" The soldier guarding the gate asked with a surprised expression upon seeing this.

"Of course, this person can be regarded as your senior. Ten years ago, he fought with me through life and death, and he also blocked many swords for me." The burly General Zhao said boldly, his voice was very strong, like the voice of thunder.

"So it's General Zhao's acquaintance!" The soldier took the spear back when he heard this.

When General Zhao saw the general, he was pinching his thick black beard with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and then asked: "Shi Zhong, aren't you working as a guard in the Lin Mansion? Why are you here today?"

Shi Zhong's expression froze, and he soon returned to normal, saying: "I have something to ask General Lei, and I hope Brother Zhao can help me introduce him."

"Are you looking for my elder brother?" General Zhao asked in surprise.

Soon after, Shi Zhong entered the mansion.

In a room, a man wearing golden armor, eyes like eagles, brows erect, exuding a forceful aura invisibly, was concentrating on a map on the table.

His eyes sometimes shrink and sometimes flicker, as if he is deep in thought.

"No, it's too wrong. This place is flat and unremarkable. It's not a good place to march, but why did Tianyang's thieves choose to station in this place? Could it be a fraud?" He had a puzzled face.

"Brother, who do you think is coming?" At this moment, a rough voice came from outside the door.

"Second brother, didn't I tell you? When I'm in the study, don't bother me easily." Hearing the voice outside, the man frowned suddenly, showing strong dissatisfaction.

And this man is none other than Lei Hongfeng, Chi Yue's Zhendong General.

With a "bang", the door was pushed open roughly, and two people walked in, it was Shi Zhong and General Zhao.

"Brother, don't worry about the map or the tactics. Let's see who came to see us first?" After entering, seeing General Lei still focusing on the map on the table, General Zhao immediately yelled.

General Lei was very dissatisfied, and immediately raised his head, and yelled at General Zhao: "Second brother, you are really messing around."

However, at the next moment, his mind moved, and his eyes immediately showed ecstasy: "Stone Bell? Is it you?"

Seeing this, Shi Zhong also smiled: "Shi Zhong has seen General Lei."

"What is General Lei? I haven't seen you for ten years. You are too strange. You can just call me Brother Lei." General Lei patted Shi Zhong on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

"By the way! Are you here to visit us this time, or is there something else?" General Lei asked after regaining consciousness.

"This..." Shi Zhong seemed hesitant to speak, and looked at General Zhao with apology.

(End of this chapter)

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