Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 47 Clues

Chapter 47 Clue (Second Update)

Boom boom boom! !
As soon as his words fell, the hundreds of soldiers in the spirit transformation state scattered at this moment, and launched a storm-like offensive against Eunuch Fang and the others.

"What? It turns out that General Li and Eunuch Fang are the spies of our country?" Some soldiers were extremely shocked, but when they thought of the previous scene, they also began to doubt in their hearts.

"This Eunuch Fang is a spy, everyone catch him." I don't know who shouted, and immediately, the hearts of many soldiers were hardened, and they all rushed out.

But there were also some soldiers who stood there, a little at a loss.

But as more and more people joined the battle, they also gritted their teeth, and when their cultivation base exploded, they launched a powerful attack.

"Bastard! You are rebelling, and you want to kill the nine clans!"

"Lei Hongfeng, don't forget that your relatives are still in the capital. If you are arrested now, maybe I can ask the Holy One to help you. Otherwise, all your relatives will die with you."

Eunuch Fang shouted anxiously, and his body was even more dazzling with gold.

In the Vientiane Realm, I didn't expect that this Eunuch Fang was actually a strong man in the Vientiane Realm.

Although it is only in the early stage of Vientiane, it is still dangerous under the siege of hundreds of people who have transformed into spirits.

It can be seen that the gap between the Hualing Realm and the Vientiane Realm is basically a difference of one hundred and eight thousand kilometers.

"Hmph! I don't need you to remind me of the safety of my relatives!" General Lei snorted coldly.

Immediately, there was a bang, and a powerful breath burst from him suddenly.

Vientiane Realm, this General Lei, is also a strong Vientiane Realm.

Although it was still in the early days of Vientiane, his aura was much stronger, sharper, and violent than Eunuch Fang.

This is the reason why he kills in the battlefield all the year round.

"Lei Hongfeng, how dare you?" Eunuch Fang exclaimed, his face paled.

boom!However, General Lei didn't say much, but he launched a violent attack like thunder, which caused Eunuch Fang's face to change again and again.


At the same time, Lin Fu and Wentian asked Lin Hu and the others: "Is everything done?"

"Don't worry! We have already done what the young master told you." Lin Hu said.

When he spoke, his body couldn't help lowering his body, because when he knew that there was a strong man in the Vientiane Realm in the Lin family, he completely gave up resistance and revenge in his mind.

"Hmm! It's so good!" Wen Tiandan said.

Before long, he had ordered Lin Hu and others to arrange for General Lei's family, because he didn't want General Lei to have any worries.

He believed that as long as Lei Jiang knew that he had nowhere to go, he would definitely resist, because no bloody person would want to die with resentment.

Unless you are loyal to a Mingjun, is the current Holy Majesty really a Mingjun?

General Lei is not a stupid person, he knows what to do and what not to do.


In the land to the east of Chiyue, in General Lei's barracks, the battle is coming to an end. With General Lei's powerful strength, coupled with his many subordinates, even if Eunuch Fang and others are highly cultivated, they still cannot escape defeat. .

"Lei Hongfeng, Zhao Gang, and you guys, after I return to the capital, I will let the Holy Majesty execute your nine clans."

Eunuch Fang here is extremely weak, his hair is disheveled, his face is pale, and traces of blood ooze from the corners of his mouth.

He was not the only one who was captured, but also several late-stage powerhouses who followed him, as well as General Li.

"Brother, you let me go. I was also deceived by others. I swear to God, I have no intention of betraying you." General Li, who was captured, had the indifferent look on his face long ago, and now he is more like a bereaved dog.

"Third brother, second brother asks you, why on earth did you slander elder brother, and who instigated you?" Looking at his brother who had been with him many times, General Zhao's face was full of anger.

He never thought that the three of his brothers would turn against each other like this. Could it be that the feelings of the three of them in the past were all hypocrisy?

"Li Feng, how dare you?" However, Eunuch Fang shouted sharply.

Um?General Lei's expression froze: "Put them down first."

"Yes!" Someone answered immediately.

"Lei Hongfeng, you will become a sinner through the ages, and your entire family will also die for what you did today." Eunuch Fang, who was taken away, howled.


"Now you can talk!" Looking at General Li, General Lei's face was very gloomy, as if he contained an astonishing killing intent.

Feeling this killing intent, General Li's face was involuntarily sweating.

Immediately, as if he had made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said, "Today's matter is all on the Holy Majesty's will... He said that as long as I listen to him, he will let me take the position of the Great General of Zhendong."

Maybe he knew that he was defeated, so General Li quickly confessed the whole thing.

After hearing this, General Lei, General Zhao, and a group of soldiers all looked angry, their eyes were as fierce as beasts, and they even exuded an astonishing murderous aura.

Although they are Chi Yue's soldiers, it doesn't mean that they are willing to become the pawns of the Holy Majesty. They have their own dreams, which are to protect the country and their relatives.

But now I realize that no matter how hard I try, as long as the person sitting on the dragon chair says a word, the lives of these people are as light as ants.

They are human beings, and they also have their own dignity, with blood hidden in their bones. At this time, a resentment began to arise in their hearts.

"Damn it! He doesn't treat us as human beings at all, but as his slaves. General Lei has tried his best to protect Chiyue for more than ten years. It is really hateful to be framed like this now."

"That's right! Today is General Lei, maybe tomorrow it will be us, we must never bow our heads and give in."

"Brothers, are you willing to work for such a person? Anyway, I don't want to."

"That's right, I don't want to either."

"I don't want to either, we're against him."

"Ho Ho Ho!! Against him! Against him!"

Immediately, many soldiers became angry one after another, and their eyes shot sharp rays of light.

"I really didn't expect that ten years ago, Liu Ying would kill Brother Lin. Ten years later, I, Lei Hongfeng, would be framed by Li Feng. Is our life-and-death relationship for many years really like a decoration?" General Lei said. Full of sadness.

And the Liu Ying he was talking about was exactly one of the two fierce generals under Fengshen General Lin Yefeng ten years ago.

Back then, Lin Yefeng took Liu Ying and led [-] elite troops to rescue Lin Yeyan, the general of the Vulcan, but was ambushed by the enemy on the way.

At that time, Liu Ying suddenly became violent and attacked Lin Yefeng sneakily. Because of this, Lin Yefeng was defeated, and in the end, he was planted with poison.

It can be said that without Liu Ying's betrayal back then, Lin Yefeng would not have lost the competition, and Wentian's uncle might not have died in battle and ended up with no bones left.

"No! Today Li Feng said that it was the order of that person. Could it be that Liu Ying's rebellion ten years ago was also..."

Suddenly, an astonishing idea flashed into General Lei's mind, and once the idea came out, he couldn't get it out of his mind.

"No! I have to find out about this matter." His eyes flashed, and he shot a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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