Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 49 Ning Qingshan

Chapter 49 Ning Qingshan (Part [-])

Of course Uncle Zhou knew who the kid Lin Yefeng was referring to, so he didn't say any more, but shook his head lightly, his face full of sighs.

"It's true that the third uncle can't show up, but Princess Muli can't marry that Fengyunxuan either." At this moment, a firm voice came from not far away.

I saw a slender figure with a long sword on his back, lifting his footsteps as heavy as lead, step by step.

With every step he made, there was a heavy muffled sound, which made people have the illusion that a giant beast was approaching.

It was Lin Wentian who came.

Here, Broken Star was covered by a bronze-colored sword suit, and this sword suit also had half a piece of armor covering his upper body, making him look even more mighty and extraordinary, like a general.

This peculiar sword sheath was made by Master Mo of Foundry Zhuang. Its quality not only reaches the top grade Xuan level, but also reaches an astonishing weight of 2000 jin. With Broken Star, Wentian's body is full That's six thousand catties more.

When he received this sword sheath, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, his heart was ecstatic, and he couldn't help admiring Master Mo.

The weight of six thousand catties, even with his current physical body, is very strenuous. It not only makes him physically tired, but also makes his movements slower, but he remains firm.

Because he wants to become stronger!
By doing this, he can not only understand Broken Star more easily, but also strengthen his physical strength, which kills two birds with one stone.

"Master, this sword on your body...?" Uncle Zhou looked very surprised when he saw the strange sword sheath on Wentian's body and the long sword behind him.

Although Wentian had already shocked Uncle Zhou a lot during this period of time, Uncle Zhou couldn't help being shocked during this period, feeling that Wentian's behavior was getting more and more weird.

"It's nothing, it's just a sudden interest in sword repair, Uncle Zhou, you go away first! I have something to discuss with third uncle." Wentian said indifferently.

Hearing this, Uncle Zhou didn't say much, took a deep look at the sword on Wentian's body, and left.

"You kid is really unpredictable. How many secrets do you have that third uncle doesn't know?" Lin Yefeng shook his head and said.

Although he has stepped into the world of myriad phenomena, for Wentian, all he sees is the endless fog.

"I have a secret, so doesn't third uncle have a secret? Just like who put the poison on third uncle's body, didn't third uncle not tell his nephew?" Wentian looked directly at Lin Yefeng.

And when Lin Yefeng heard this, his eyes flashed suddenly, and strong hatred appeared in the depths of his pupils, and he couldn't help exuding an astonishing killing intent, causing some green leaves on the trees to flutter in succession.

After a long time, Lin Yefeng calmed down, but he still didn't answer Wentian's question directly, but just looked deeply at Wentian.

Regarding this, Wentian felt helpless for a while.

Because he understands his third uncle's character, as long as he doesn't want to say it, no one can force him. After all, everyone has his own wound in his heart.

"Third uncle, my nephew just wants to ask you, do you want Princess Muli to marry Fengyunxuan?" Wentian looked at Lin Yefeng in the wheelchair seriously.

"Of course I don't want to, but I don't know what she thinks. If she is willing, I can only bless her silently. After all, I owe her too much." Lin Yefeng's words seemed to be filled with shame, And with a hint of uncertainty.

"Okay! During this time, third uncle, go to my secret room to practice. The aura of heaven and earth there is ten times stronger than here. I believe it will be of great help to third uncle. As for Princess Muli, I will leave it to my nephew. Let's deal with it!" Wentian said calmly, with a bit of confidence in his words.

Um?Hearing this, Lin Yefeng's expression moved slightly.


The next day, Shi Zhong returned to Lin's Mansion, and that night, Wentian secretly left Lin's Mansion and walked out of the capital by himself.

Because the Ningqing Mountain where Princess Muli lives is not in the capital, but in Qingcheng of the Chiyue Empire.

There is a mountain in Qingcheng called Ningqing Mountain. The scenery of Ningqing Mountain is charming, with green leaves all the year round, flowers fragrant and birds singing, like a paradise.

And in this Ningqing Mountain, there is a Ningqing Taoist Temple, and all the women live in it.

Three days later, Wentian appeared at the foot of Ningqing Mountain. Looking at this mountain surrounded by clouds and mist with towering trees, Wentian's heart calmed down unconsciously, as if he could hear the melody of nature.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

And just three miles away from him, two big khans were holding big knives, slowly approaching a girl, to be precise, it should be a little nun.

She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with delicate features, red lips and white teeth. She was definitely a little beauty, even if she was not inferior to Meng'er, but she was wearing common clothes, which could not show her graceful figure.

However, despite this, the two sweaters in front of her showed fiery eyes, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Jie Jie! Little beauty, you should obey the two of us obediently! So as not to suffer some physical pain." One of them sweated profusely, licked his dry lips, and said with an evil smile.

"Go away, I'm a member of Ningqing Taoist Temple, my master and junior sisters are all around here, if they know, they will definitely not be able to forgive you."

The little nun pretended to be calm, but her pale face and the involuntary trembling of her body betrayed the panic in her heart.

"Little beauty, you don't need to play tricks here. The two brothers have already scouted you within a radius of ten miles. Your master and senior sister are probably still on the top of the mountain, so it's too late to come to rescue you."

Another big man showed a lewd smile on his face, and he even started to approach the little nun.

As if being pierced by the other party, the little nun's expression became more and more panicked, and her white hands grabbed the corner of her clothes tightly.

"Wuu~~ Master... Master save me." Perhaps because she was too scared, she began to cry, and she looked very pitiful, which was very pitiful.

"Haha! Don't say you are crying, even if you yell out your throat, no one will come to save you, just follow us obediently, maybe when the time comes, my village master will like you and let you be Mrs. Yazhai." The two The big man laughed loudly, his expression very arrogant.

As the words fell, one of the big men became even more frightened and stretched out his claws, intending to grab the little nun's chest.

"Don't..." Seeing this, the little nun closed her eyes in fear and screamed.

But when the big man heard this, not only did he not stop, but he even sped up a little bit, his face showed a complacent look, as if he had watched the little nun fall into his heart.

"Stop!" However, at this moment, a cold snort came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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